I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 959: Clouds Cover The Sun, Swallows Return To Their Nests (9)

Chapter 959: Clouds Cover the Sun, Swallows Return to Their Nests (9)

At dusk, the Heavenly Dog army rushed to Dagan capital as scheduled according to Wei Changtian's order.

Since the news of Jing Guoqing's death has not been fully spread, many soldiers staying at the Sifang City Gate do not know about it, and many people think it is false information, so the Heavenly Dog army did not enter the city unimpeded. Instead, they fought fiercely with the defenders.

Immediately afterwards, the four villains lurking near the four city gates also immediately attacked, and the cooperation from inside and outside caused all the gates to be in chaos and danger.

Although there are many defenders in the capital, the number far exceeds that of the Heavenly Dog army.

But because many people rushed to the palace before, and the Heavenly Dog army came too suddenly, the generals were caught off guard, and soon fell into a hard fight to maintain.

Trapped in the shadow of swords and swords, there are overwhelming beasts in front of you, and there are roars from behind from time to time

The Dagan garrison was about to collapse several times, but in the end they all managed to hold on.

As a result, the battle fell into a stalemate for a while, and an unknown number of people died in just a quarter of an hour after the start of the battle.

In fact, in the absence of a unified command and a sneak attack, it was not easy for the defenders to survive the first few waves of the Heavenly Dog army.

Facing the menacing Heavenly Dog army, they gritted their teeth and waited for reinforcements, waiting for Jing Guoqing to stand up and stabilize the situation.

Little did they know that the situation in the capital was no better than that on the city wall.

Jing Guoqing had been killed in full view, and all the rest of the Jing family who remained in the palace were also killed by Wei Changtian's sword.

Even if the latter had already left, the imperial court would not be able to elect a person who could direct the overall situation for a while.

After all, the royal family is dead, and most of the remaining court officials have their own little calculations, and the power cannot be centralized at all.

Therefore, there is no one in the huge capital who can convince the crowd at this moment.

Taking a step back, even if there is such a character, whether he dares to stand up or not will be another matter.

After all, Wei Changtian will definitely not allow the various forces in Dagan to form a joint force again, so if anyone dares to stand up, that person must be the one Wei Changtian wants to kill.

No one would not understand such a truth, so no one would dare to show off at this time.

Most of the powerful people in their hands are now hiding, thinking to wait until the situation is clearer before taking the next step.

And since they do nothing, what can ordinary soldiers and civilians do?


"The rebels are coming! Run!!"

"The emperor is dead! The emperor is dead!!!"

"I don't want to die! Who will save me!"

"Mr. Jun, what are you doing?"

"Woooo! Woooooo!"

"Da da da! Da da da!"


Crying, shouting, hoofbeats, footsteps, all kinds of noisy and chaotic sounds soon spread to every corner of the city.

Most of the people ran home in panic, while the soldiers either turned back to the city wall to reinforce the battlefield, or ran home to find their relatives, or rushed into the shops on the street or even the palace to take the opportunity to rob, or simply took off their armor. Find a place to hide.

All the loss of control caused by the lack of power and the collapse of the system is vividly reflected at this moment. When a group facing an extreme crisis suddenly loses its unified leadership, its fate may be so vulnerable.

And the chief culprit who caused all this, Wei Changtian, was slowly walking through the chaotic crowd at this moment, with a calm expression, as if he didn't care about everything that happened around him.

He has experienced similar scenes too many times.

He has seen even more exaggerated and tragic ones.

The Yuanzhou City tragedy that killed 3 million people in one night.

The Battle of Niutoushan where 200,000 people were killed in one battle.

Immortal Pond Surprise Attack, Fengyuan Great Battle

Compared with the above, what is this?

At least not so many people died.

I don't know when it started, Wei Changtian's attitude towards "life", or "human life" has changed a lot.

Thinking back to the first time when he heard that Ning Yongnian did not hesitate to kill three million people in Fengyuan City in order to eliminate the main force, he was so angry that he even decided to support Ning Yuke to rebel.

Later, during the Niutoushan ambush, when he saw the counter-insurgency army enter the valley, and he could take hundreds of thousands of lives with just one thought, Wei Changtian also hesitated, and in the end he could only say "war is for peace" Convince yourself.

But now?

Wei Changtian suddenly realized that he would no longer have any psychological fluctuations due to similar incidents, and he no longer needed some "reasons" to get his murderous intentions.

As long as someone needs to be killed for oneself, then kill.

As long as some people deserve to die from their own interests, they will die.

Human life seems to no longer have any special meaning, sometimes it is even just a number.

When Jing Guoqing was just killed, Wei Changtian didn't feel any disturbance in his heart, and he didn't feel any embarrassment or regret for the emperor.

This is undoubtedly completely different from his mentality when he killed Xiaofeng, Yunlian, and Ning Yongnian before.

So... did you become cold-blooded?

After a slight pause in his steps, Wei Changtian turned his head to look at a little girl covered in mud not far away, who was sitting on the ground crying and crying, and then continued to walk forward indifferently.

From a certain point of view, in such a feudal society with a low level of civilization, a world of comprehension where The Weak are Prey to the Strong is the lowest rule, his transformation is inevitable and necessary .

But if it is completely cold-blooded, Wei Changtian seems to be unable to do it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't let Wang Gan, Tang Chen, Chu An, or even Chu Xianping go.

In this way, it seems that he still retains a trace of "compassion" that he shouldn't have.

Wei Changtian didn't know whether this contradiction appeared because he was a time traveler, or because of human nature.

He also doesn't resent himself being too "cruel" at times and "kind" at other times.

He just can't understand own certain practices sometimes.

For example now.

Looking down at the pastry box in his hand, Wei Changtian smiled wryly, and he still doesn't understand why he really brought these three boxes of mung bean cakes back.

If it was because of Yujia, Ketuier had made it clear that she had nothing to do with Yujia.

Even Yujia was just an assassin who wanted to harm him, but was used by him instead. He had no reason to care about her life or death.

So it's just for Tweety?

But this is even more inexplicable.

What does such a maid have to do with me?


Sighing, shaking his head and forgetting all these things, Wei Changtian turned a street corner and walked into the alley.

Compared with the chaos outside, this place is much quieter. At first glance, there is no one in the alley, only a few old willows slowly shaking thousands of branches in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Stopping under one of the old willow trees, Wei Changtian raised his eyes to look at the closed courtyard door in front of him, then looked down at the blood on his body, and paused for a while with his outstretched hand.

In the end, he didn't knock on the courtyard door, but gently placed three boxes of mung bean cakes in front of the door, then turned and walked away.


And not long after he left, the courtyard door slowly opened a small crack along with a slight sound of opening the door.

Tweety looked at the figure in the distance through the crack of the door, biting her lip lightly with an extremely complicated expression.

Obviously, based on the poem Wei Changtian left yesterday and the warning this morning, even if Tweety still can't connect him with the rumored "Wei Yanluo", she can definitely tell that Wei Changtian is a rebel people over there.

Therefore, she should no longer have any more interaction with such dangerous people now.

However, after struggling for a while, she suddenly walked out of the courtyard door, and hurriedly shouted at the back:

"Wei, Mr. Wei!"


The figure in the distance paused, then slowly turned to look over, but did not speak.

Seeing the blood on Wei Changtian's body, Tweety was stunned for a moment, unable to utter a word when it came to her lips.

She stayed like this for a long time, and then she summoned up her courage and whispered in a voice that only she could hear:



It's hard to say what this "thank you" is for, but it probably wasn't the three boxes of mung bean cakes.

Facing such a thank you, Wei Changtian didn't respond, just nodded with a smile, and then returned to the own small courtyard.

Walking into the house, he took out Mother-Child Jade and sent a few messages, boiled water and made a pot of tea, then sat at the table and watched the sunset outside the window in a daze.

The setting sun is full of imperial spirit, half entering Jiangfeng and half entering the clouds.

The noise seemed to become more ethereal, Wei Changtian sat quietly, watching the twilight scene, waiting for the end of a dynasty.

That night, at the end of unitary time.

With the Heavenly Dog army attacking the city for the seventh time, the west gate of Dagan Capital was the first to break through.

The news of Jing Guoqing's death had spread all over the city at this moment, so the garrison who had lost their morale was unable to stop the counterattack, so they could only fight and retreat reluctantly, and retreated towards the city.

Countless demonic beasts appeared in front of the people for the first time, and the black Heavenly Dog flag stood on the city wall for the first time.

It's a moment.

The west city gate was broken, and the pressure on the other three city gates naturally increased.

However, because there are loyal generals leading troops to fight to the death in these three directions, and the number of Heavenly Dog troops is at a disadvantage, they did not continue to attack, but used the "air force" to carry out large-scale "air strikes".

For a time, the flames on the three walls of the city exploded continuously, countless guards died in the explosion, and the sound of the explosion was deafening and could be heard throughout the city.

It's three o'clock in Xu time.

After a round of bombing, the Heavenly Dog army continued to attack the city in an all-round way, and captured the north and south gates one after another within two quarters of an hour.

Three of the four city gates have been broken, and the city's destruction is a foregone conclusion, but the only remaining east city gate is still fighting fiercely, and all the soldiers on it are fighting bloody battles, but they have not yet collapsed.

At the beginning of Haishi.

An hour earlier than expected, most of the 300,000 rebels arrived at the Dongchengmen battlefield.

Although they marched continuously for several days, the army was already exhausted, but at this moment, the defenders of Dagan were out of ammunition and food, so they were finally defeated after half an hour and retreated into the city.

It's a quarter of a hour.

The gates of the city were broken in all directions, and the offensive and defensive battles turned into street fighting. The rebels surrounded and suppressed from the outside to the inside. The places they passed were full of corpses, and many of them were ordinary people who were killed by mistake.

Up to now, among the great generals and soldiers who still have the will to fight, none of them survive, and there are countless survivors and escapers.

It's five quarters.

After more than an hour of street fighting, all the soldiers and civilians in Dagan capital who were determined to fight to the death were forced to retreat to the palace, only about 30,000 remained.

Among them, there are only two masters on the third rank, and both of them are third rank.

The rest of the masters are all missing.

Ugly moment.

The Dagan Imperial Palace was destroyed, most of the 30,000 generals died under the knife of the righteous army, and the remaining people retreated to the Jinluan Palace.

Two moments of ugly time.

The rebel army invaded the Golden Luan Hall, and all the War Practitioners died. The last one shouted "sorry" three times before dying.

Ugly at three quarters.

Under the guard of the rebel army, Su Qi, the leader of the rebel army, walked into the Golden Temple.

"Congratulations, my lord!"

"The faint king is dead! A new dynasty will be established! May your lord have a prosperous dynasty!"

The Golden Luan Hall was crowded with people, and the corpses and blood all over the place could not stop the excitement of the crowd.

Although these rebels were big-hearted people, they didn't want to participate in this "uprising" at all at first, but they were forced to do nothing by Wei Changtian.

Even most people have made up their minds long ago, thinking that they will "betray" as soon as they start beating themselves, and they will never do such things as brother-in-law killing each other.

But when they rushed to the battlefield, they never expected such a situation.

Jing Guoqing passed away, the Heavenly Dog army has broken through three city gates, the defeat of Dagan is a foregone conclusion

This is simply a leak!

No one is a fool, of course everyone can see how to choose in this situation.

So after that, no one thought about the "rebellion" any more, and one by one really "rebelled", and mercilessly raised their knives to kill the "compatriots".

Since Dagan is doomed to perish, it is better to set up a vote as soon as possible.

In this way, when Su Qi really sits on the dragon chair, not only will he not be liquidated, but he will still be a "founding hero" for sure.

But now, that dream is within reach.

"Congratulations, my lord!"

"Master Su, I don't know what I am going to do now?"


The generals of the rebel army crowded around Su Qi with excited faces, thinking about their future prosperity, while congratulating and flattering Su Qi.

They only cared about showing their faces in front of the man who was destined to become the new emperor, but they didn't notice Su Qi's expression and eyes at the moment.

Mouth opened, eyes fell on the blood-stained "Guotai Minan" gold plaque directly in front of him, Su Qi couldn't say a word.

He can stand here today, and he will sit on that dragon chair in the future, in fact, it has almost nothing to do with himself.

In other words, Wei Changtian just needed someone to fill this position, without him, it would be the same to just find someone else.

This is not only Su Qi, everyone present is also very clear.

But others don't care about that.

After all, Su Qi is the emperor of the new dynasty in name, and they are the founding generals of the new dynasty, and they must enjoy endless prosperity and wealth in the future.

As for how the emperor came, it doesn't matter.

In fact, Su Qi knew that he should think the same way.

Because only in this way can I save my life and not spend the rest of my life in guilt and self-blame.


Slowly closing his eyes, two lines of old tears ran across the corners of his eyes, and the tears fell drop by drop into the pool of blood on the ground.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Su Qi slowly knelt on the bloodstain and kowtowed three times towards the empty dragon chair.

It took a long time for him to knock for the last time, and the noise in the hall gradually died down in the whimpering cold wind.

At this point, it's been four moments of ugliness.

Daqian perish.

(end of this chapter)

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