I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 960: Clouds Cover The Sun And Swallows Return To Their Nests (10)

Chapter 960: Clouds cover the sun and swallows return to their nests (10)

Everyone may have their own judgment on what Su Qi's three kowtows represent.

But no matter who it is, they should be able to feel the sadness in the former's heart from this kneeling.

This is not a sorrow for Jing Guoqing, nor a sorrow for Dagan.

This is sad for own.

Perhaps Su Qi will become a wiser monarch than Jing Guoqing in the future, and perhaps the common people will live a better life in the future than they do now.

But all of that no longer belonged to the former Dagan, no longer belonged to the former Su Qi.

Su Qi understood this, but couldn't change anything.

So he can only use this method to express his memory of the dying dynasty for the last time as a great leader.

Then, a branch of the rebel army rode out of the palace and ran towards the official residences in the city.

Tonight's big work is doomed to sleepless.

Although with the destruction of the imperial palace, the outcome of this war of subjugation has been settled.

But the follow-up power gathering is still a huge project.

The survivors of the former dynasty may be kept or killed, the people will be appeased, and the army will be incorporated. All of these will take at least a few days, or even months, to be properly handled.

Fortunately, Wei Changtian had already arranged for Su Qi to help, and Li Zimu would help Su Qi complete all this as soon as possible, and then establish a new dynasty named after "Han" on this land.

big man.

It's hard to say whether Wei Changtian's name for the new dynasty is mixed with "private affairs", but at least it is not important to this world.

And just as a group of rebel troops rushed into the mansions in the city and brought all the owners into the palace for "trial", another group went straight to the small courtyard where Wei Changtian lived, and the leader was Xu Quanhe. Yangliu Poetry.

"Young master! Four seniors!"

The continuous flames stretched from the gate of the courtyard to the entrance of the alley, and the expressionless black-armored soldiers stood on both sides of the alley holding torches.

In the small courtyard, Xu Quan, who was dressed in general armor, saluted Wei Changtian and Duan Fang Ping respectfully, while Yang Liushi was much more natural, and just nodded slightly to Wei Changtian.

"Well, it's been hard work."

On the other side, Wei Changtian also nodded at Yang Liushi, and his eyes fell on Xu Quanquan again.

He glanced at the blood on the latter's scales, and then asked:

"What's going on outside?"

"Young Master Su, Master Su has led the rebel army into the palace, and most of the defenders who have not surrendered have died in battle!"

Xu Quan immediately replied loudly: "There are still a small number of thieves who are still causing chaos in the city, but there is nothing to do. The clearing can be completed by tomorrow morning at the latest!"

"it is good."

Nodding his head, Wei Changtian was not surprised by the result, and the whole process was even smoother than he expected.

He thought for a while, then asked, "Where's Jing Guoqing's body?"

"It's still in the palace, Master Su has sent people to guard it strictly."

Xu Quan said in a deep voice: "There are also the corpses of the Jing family, and they are all in the hands of the rebels now."

"What about the Jing family members who are still alive?"

Wei Changtian squinted his eyes: "Have you checked it?"

"Miss Li has checked."

Xu Quan replied truthfully: "Comparing the corpses according to the Jing family tree, only three people are still alive today, all of them are juniors in the clan, and none of them are in the capital."

"Well, no matter where they are, find and kill all three of them within five days."

Wei Changtian gave an order, paused, and then added: "Then just bury all the corpses of the Jing family in the Imperial Mausoleum."



Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, but did not "destroy the bones and raise ashes", and did things too well.

This is actually not because Wei Changtian is kind, but since ancient times, unless there is some deep hatred, very few people would do such things as "digging people's ancestral graves".

Because everyone knows that no dynasty can stand forever.

Today you became the emperor and dug the tomb of the former emperor.

Hundreds of years later, when the next dynasty changes, the ruler of the new dynasty will also be able to dig your ancestral grave.

So let's do some virtue for Su Qi

"Go inside and talk."

After briefly asking about the situation outside, Wei Changtian turned around and walked back into the house, Xu Quan and others followed immediately.

After all, although the big work is over, everyone still has a lot of things to deal with, so naturally they need to discuss it carefully.

And just as they entered the room to continue discussing, in another small courtyard not far away, Tweety was leaning against the courtyard door and panting heavily.

The bright moonlight fell on her face, her expression was both dazed and frightened.

Just now, Tweety couldn't hold back her curiosity, and peeked out a few times through the crack of the door.

It was these few glances that made her react like she did now.

Rows of men in black armor, crackling torches, and a carriage with a black flag embroidered with a terrifying Heavenly Dog.

Tweety had only heard some rumors about Wei Changtian and the Heavenly Dog army, but she didn't know much about it, so she couldn't recognize that this was the frightening "demon army".

But she could tell that this was the army of the "rebels".

The most important thing is that when she saw the carriage, it stopped outside Wei Changtian's courtyard.

Not long after the rebels invaded the city, someone found this place, and the battle was still so big. Cui Er didn't know that Wei Changtian was a certain important figure in the rebels.

Of course, if that's the case, it's okay.


As soon as she recalled that handsome Mr. Wei, and then recalled that this important person brought back three boxes of mung bean cakes for herself just this afternoon, Tweety'er's mind became confused.

The "misplacement" of Wei Changtian's identity made her a little at a loss, and she didn't know what attitude she should use to face Wei Changtian in the future.

And she is not the only one who feels this way at the moment.


The moon was bright, behind a certain dark wooden window in the courtyard, He Jing stood by the window, looking at Tweet not far away by the moonlight, his mood was also extremely complicated.

It's even more complicated.

After all, compared to the simple Tweety, he has already guessed Wei Changtian's identity.

Then, that unavoidable question reappeared in He Jing's mind.

Wei Changtian, why do you want to help yourself?

In fact, He Jing already had the answer to this question in his heart.

Or from his point of view, he can only come up with this answer.

Whether it was the conversation between Wei Changtian and Tweety in the courtyard yesterday, or the three boxes of mung bean cakes, Tweety told him everything without hiding anything.

Therefore, from He Jing's point of view, the reason why Wei Changtian did this was undoubtedly because he took a fancy to Cui'er.

Even if he couldn't understand why the famous Wei Yanluo would fall in love with such an ordinary maid as Cui'er, he couldn't understand why Wei Changtian used this method to "capture her heart" instead of directly "robbing her by force" as rumored.

But He Jing could only come to this conclusion at the moment.

So, what should I do?

There is no doubt that He Jing undoubtedly has different feelings for Tweety.

In his heart, Tweety is no longer just a maid.

If there is no Wei Changtian, he will definitely give Tweety a title in the future.

But now. If Wei Changtian really proposes to take Tweety away, can he refuse?

Rather than saying "can and can't", this is more like a question of "dare and dare not".


He exhaled heavily, and clenched his hands tightly.

Looking at the figure in the courtyard, He Jing struggled immensely, and at the same time felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Because he knew very well that if Wei Changtian really did this, he would never dare to say "no".

He didn't dare to bet Wei Changtian with his own life, Tweety'er's life, and the entire He family's life to "show kindness".

So if there is such a day, all he can do is to send Tweety cupped hands, perhaps accompanied by a smiling face, not daring to show the slightest reluctance.

Is this heartless?

If it is placed in the Rivers and Lakes story of the storyteller, it is undoubtedly true.

He may even be scorned and ridiculed by those who stay out of the audience.

But does He Jing have a choice?

Undoubtedly, the answer is no.

Of course, from the perspective of God, it seems completely meaningless to discuss these things now.

After all, the fact is that He Jing is overthinking, Wei Changtian will not ask to take Tweet away, and he does not need to make a choice.

But He Jing's helplessness at this moment actually just solved the contradiction about Wei Changtian.

We must know that for most people, "unfeeling" is not their original intention.

Therefore, Wei Changtian was sometimes "unfeeling" and sometimes "tolerant" not because he was schizophrenic, but because he also sometimes "has no choice" and sometimes "has a choice".

And if you think about it from this angle, Wei Changtian has actually not changed.

Even if he is not as good as Xiao Feng, Xu Quan and others, he has at least done one thing from beginning to end.

That is, in the case of "some choice", he always chooses.


the next day.

When the morning mist dissipated in the chaos, the capital city, which had been noisy all night, finally returned to calm.

After last night's turmoil, all the "resistance forces" in the city have been wiped out, and the sounds of fighting that were heard from time to time have completely disappeared.

So far, the chaos has come to an end for the time being.

The Dagan garrison killed more than 80,000 people in this chaos and surrendered 300,000 people.

The overall loss of the rebel army was about 50,000, of which more than 10,000 were from the Heavenly Dog army.

More than 10,000 people were killed and the same number were injured. This is the largest casualty of the Heavenly Dog army since its founding.

Even the Heavenly Dog army didn't die so many during the Fengyuan decisive battle.

But Wei Changtian couldn't help it. After all, compared to those so-called rebels who were distracted, he had to let the Heavenly Dog army take the lead in order to be safe.

Fortunately, the current organizational structure of the Heavenly Dog Army has expanded to a scale of 50,000 people. These losses will not be too severe, and they will be recovered soon.

"Sir, where are you going first today?"

In the small courtyard, after taking a short rest before dawn, Wei Changtian got up quickly.

While helping him to dress, Yang Liushi asked:

"Should I go to the Heavenly Dog army first, or go to the palace to meet Su Qi first?"

".Let's go to the palace first."

Wei Changtian thought for a while: "Let Xu Quan keep an eye on the Heavenly Dog army for the time being, and then discuss the merits and rewards when we return to Dashu."

"Well, the slave's family is going to ask someone to prepare a car."

Nodding, Yang Liushi quickly turned around and walked out of the room.

Wei Changtian tidied his clothes, and then glanced at the "battle report" on the table.

Those rows of figures are not large, but they represent tens of thousands of lives.

But just like Wei Changtian said to Su Qi before.

That's a small number for a war that toppled a dynasty

After a stick of incense.

Walk out of the courtyard and get into the carriage with Yang Liushi.

Zhang San swung his whip on the horse's buttocks, and the car moved slowly towards the entrance of the alley.

"Sir, tell me what happened yesterday!"

In the sedan chair, Yang Liushi, who had been suffocating all night, finally took the opportunity to ask what happened in the palace yesterday.

After all, spies from all sides dared not enter the palace at that time, and the rebel army's secret operations were the same. No one knew how Wei Changtian chased and killed Jing Guoqing at that time, and what kind of resistance the latter made, and he was able to persist for more than an hour.

And now Jing Guoqing is dead again, so Wei Changtian is undoubtedly the only one who knows the whole process.

Yang Liushi was obviously very curious about this question, so she asked questions as soon as she got in the car.

However, she waited for a long time but did not see Wei Changtian's answer, and when she looked carefully, she found that the latter was looking out the car window, wondering what he was thinking.

"Sir, what are you looking at?"

He followed Wei Changtian's line of sight with a puzzled expression, but there was only a closed courtyard door in his line of sight.

Yang Liushi couldn't help wondering: "Master, what's the matter?"

"Ah, nothing."

Withdrawing his gaze, Wei Changtian came back to his senses: "What did you just ask?"

"The servant just asked what happened in the palace yesterday."

Yang Liushi gave Wei Changtian a weird look, and muttered in a low voice, "It's fine if Mr. Xiang doesn't want to say it, why pretend he doesn't hear you."

"Hahaha, I really didn't hear that."

Wei Changtian laughed twice, and reached out to close the car curtain: "I was thinking about something just now."

"Oh, has Mr. Xiang heard it now?"

Yang Liushi obviously didn't believe his words, but she didn't ask any more, just gave him a blank look: "You can say it."

"I heard it."

Wei Changtian responded with a smile, and after a pause, he said slowly under Yang Liushi's expectant eyes:

"Yesterday, I followed Jing Guoqing into the palace."

"Then he ran and I ran after him."

"In the end he was caught up by me, and I killed him."


There were three sentences in total, and Wei Changtian finished speaking in less than five seconds.

Then five seconds later, Yang Liushi's belated shout sounded in the car:

"Sister! You, you know how to make fun of the slave family!"

"What difference does it make if you say it or not!"

"What do you mean he ran and I chased him! I don't believe that Jing Guoqing can still run for a full hour!"

"Hmph! I don't want to talk to you!"

"Hahaha, are you angry?"

"The slave family is not angry!"

"Huh? Didn't you stop talking to me?"

"Msister! You, that servant, will not speak from now on!"

"Okay, okay, just teasing you, you just want to hear me tell you."

"Huh? Really?"

"You didn't say it"

"Sanggong!! I, I'm really angry!"

"Ha ha ha ha."


Amid Yang Liushi's yelling and Wei Changtian's laughter, the carriage slowly drove out of the alley.

Zhang San was already familiar with Wei Changtian and Yang Liushi's "flirting and scolding" from time to time, and now he didn't even turn his head, but drove the car seriously towards the palace.

The morning breeze blows over the weeds on the roadside, a drop of dew falls, and a round of morning sun rises.

The old ends, the new begins.

(end of this chapter)

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