I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 961 Summer Is Coming To An End

Chapter 961 Summer is coming to an end

For the next few days, Wei Changtian was busy dealing with some "trivial matters" in the aftermath.

Of course, he was too lazy to participate in most things, and Su Qi and Li Zimu basically made up their minds.

But even so, there are still many "big things" that need to be decided by him. In addition, the Heavenly Dog army also needs to rest and reorganize, and there are still some resisting forces in various prefectures and counties, so it delays a few days of work.

In this way, the time soon came to June 25th, the great heat.

When does the red sun pass, and the breeze is nowhere to be found.

Talking about pillow books through books, melons and plums are floating and sinking.

As the last solar term in summer, the days before and after the Great Heat should be the hottest time of the year.

The scorching sun is in the sky, the sun is like countless fine needles pricking the skin, and the cicadas on the trees are so noisy that it makes people upset.

If there were a thermometer, the temperature in the city would be about 45 degrees at the moment. There were not many pedestrians on the street, and there were occasional shirtless men carrying loads in the shade of the trees, their bodies covered in sweat.

At this time, they have to come out to work hard. Most of these men are poor people who are so poor that they can't eat for a day without work.

After all, in such a hot day, if you don't pay attention to it, you will faint from heatstroke. At that time, you will not only suffer, but also spend money on medicine.

Even many people can't stand the heat sitting at home, let alone going out to do things.

Of course, the above are just the situation of ordinary people.

For rich and big families, even if there are no such items as air conditioners and fans, there is always a way to cool down.

For example, a "cool house" built underground or in the shade, for example, ice cubes and large fans can somewhat reduce the temperature.

As for such a "big man" like Wei Changtian, then this is even less of a problem.

In the Daqian Palace, his "temporary office" is completely covered by a formation called "cooling array", which continuously provides cool air to the house like a central air conditioner, so that the indoor temperature is always maintained at around 20 degrees.

This formation is not a novelty, but it also reflects some of the fun in the world of comprehension.

I think that when Wei Changtian experienced this formation for the first time in Wei Mansion, he studied it curiously for a long time, but now he is no stranger to it.

"Boom boom boom."

"Young Master Wei, Master Su and Miss Li are asking to see you."

Along with a knock on the door, the guard's voice sounded outside the door.

"Let them in."

Wei Changtian responded, and closed an ancient book that he had just searched out from the Dagan royal library in his hand.

"Young master."

"Young master."

The door was pushed open, and Su Qi and Li Zimu walked into the room one after the other, saying hello to each other.

"sit down."

Wei Changtian nodded, and a maid served tea for the two of them, and then retreated out in a sensible manner.

After the maid left, Li Zimu didn't wait for Wei Changtian to ask questions, and reported directly:

"My lord, the three members of the Jing family have been found."

"Is it?"

Wei Changtian's expression didn't change much: "Is he dead?"

"Killed two, and the other one was guarded by a master, but he failed."

Li Zimu replied truthfully: "However, we have found the trace of this person again, and this time we will definitely not miss again."


As if he didn't care about it at all, Wei Changtian just yawned indifferently: "Heh~ how are those courtiers handling it?"

"The slaves have already asked each other one by one."

Li Zimu replied softly: "According to the young master's order, all those who disobeyed Mr. Su are dead, there are about ten people."

"There were also those who pretended to surrender, but actually had other calculations in their hearts, and they were all killed. There were also more than ten people."

"That means killing almost half of them?"

Wei Changtian asked casually: "The remaining half are willing to assist Master Su?"


Li Zimu nodded: "Although it may not be considered sincere, but at least there will be no trouble in the future."

"Okay, that's enough."

Wei Changtian took a sip of tea and turned to look at Su Qi who was sitting on the other side.

Ever since the two of them came in, it was Li Zimu who had been talking, completely leaving him aside.

Although Su Qi is indeed just a puppet emperor, he still has to give him a face no matter what.

"Master Su, I don't know why you came to see me this time?"

Smiling and asking Su Qi a question, Wei Changtian thought to give the latter a chance to speak.

But Su Qi took a look at Li Zimu first after hearing the words, and seeing the latter nodded, he hurriedly took out a long book from his sleeve.

"My lord, this booklet is a roster of all the big households in various prefectures and counties in Dagan. Among them, the ones marked in red are all families related to the Jing family, and the ones marked in red circles are the families with very close ties."

"Please take a look, my lord."

While speaking, he got up and put the roster in front of Wei Changtian.

Su Qi just stood by and waited, while Wei Changtian glanced at Li Zimu with a smile before picking up the roster and casually flipping through it.

Obviously, when Su Qi showed himself this booklet, he undoubtedly wanted to ask how to deal with these red-marked families.

After all, although the Jing family is finished, there are still many families that have connections with the Jing family, and even relatives.

These large households may become destabilizing factors in the new dynasty in the future, and they should not be let go.

But it is undoubtedly unrealistic to kill them all, so it needs to be handled properly.

Of course, there is no standard "handling process" for this kind of thing, and each dynasty has a different way of handling it when it changes.

So Wei Changtian didn't bother to care about it, and after a few glances, he casually said:

"Master Su, I don't know much about Dagan's situation, you and Zimu can figure it out."

"Oh yes, there is a He family in Le'an Mansion who is in the business of a pawn shop and a bank. I know Junior in their family, so be careful when the time comes."

He's family in Le'an Prefecture.

Undoubtedly, Wei Changtian was referring to He Jing's family.

Although Wei Changtian felt that the size of the He family probably wouldn't make it into this booklet, he still mentioned it by the way.

Hearing that he specifically mentioned this He family, Li Zimu and Su Qi couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Neither of them knew when Wei Changtian met such a person surnamed He, but of course they didn't ask, they just kept the "He family in Le'an Prefecture" in their hearts.

"It's the son, the villain understands."

Nodding and putting away the booklet, Su Qi returned to his seat and sat down.

At this time, Wei Changtian seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly asked:

"By the way, Mr. Su, it's the end of June now, what are your plans for the imperial examination in August?"


Su Qi was taken aback for a moment, wondering why Wei Changtian suddenly mentioned the imperial examination.

Although this year is indeed the year of the imperial examination, it is natural that the imperial examination cannot be held smoothly as the new dynasty replaces the old one.

Su Qi didn't understand what Wei Changtian meant for a while, so he could only answer truthfully:

"My lord, there is only one month left until August, and the new dynasty has not yet been established. I feel that this year's imperial examinations may need to be canceled temporarily, and we can wait until three years later."

"There's no need to cancel."

Wei Changtian shook his head, and said with a smile: "Now is the time for the new dynasty to employ people, I think it is a good time to take this opportunity to select some young talents for the new dynasty."


Looking up at Wei Changtian with a blank face, Su Qi thought to himself how many of the people elected now would be willing to work for the new dynasty.

But Wei Changtian said so, and he couldn't refuse, so he could only bow his head and respond:

"Yes, the villain will order the Ministry of Officials to supervise this matter in the future, and will not delay this year's imperial examination."


Just like that, Wei Changtian did two more favors for He Jing.

After that, the three chatted in the room for a while, and then Su Qi and Li Zimu wanted to say goodbye and leave.

But Wei Changtian kept Li Zimu.

"Looks like you're keeping him pretty tight."

Standing by the window, looking at Su Qi who had walked away along the path outside, Wei Changtian smiled at Li Zimu: "He is the emperor of the new dynasty after all, you should give him some face."

"Otherwise, after you leave, he won't be able to govern the country well, right?"

"My lord, this servant just wants him not to forget his own status."

Standing beside Wei Changtian, Li Zimu's tone was very serious: "Su Qi is different from Gongsun Yan, he has a deep affection for Daqian, and I am afraid that he will do something that is not good for you over time."

"Okay, it's up to you."

Waving his hand, Wei Changtian didn't take the matter of Li Zimu "PUA" Su Qi to heart, but suddenly asked a question that was a bit out of date.

"How did that go?"

"...Back to Young Master, everything has been arranged."

The expression became serious in an instant, and Li Zimu replied in a low voice: "There should be results before we leave Dagan."

"it is good."

He squinted his eyes, and there was some cold killing intent in his eyes.

After Wei Changtian said the last word, he didn't speak again, so it is temporarily impossible to know what else he planned before.

But it's not too hard to guess.

After all, now that the goal of destroying Dagan has been accomplished, the next thing he has to do, or to say deal with, is the mysterious person who has never shown up.

Almost a quarter of an hour later.

It was still Wei Changtian's "temporary office". Unexpectedly, before Li Zimu left, Su Qi, who had just left not long before, came back again, saying that he had just found the private vault of the Jing family.

The so-called private treasury is the place where the Jing family keeps their own treasures. Since all the members of the Jing family died, they have not been found.

But now after several days of hard searching, he was finally found.

Different from the national treasury where money is stored, there are many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures and Divine Armament treasures designated in the private treasury.

Even if there is nothing particularly good, it would be good if you can find a few treasures like Qingjue jade pendants.

At the very least, you can't just leave empty-handed after traveling this long distance.

Just like that, Wei Changtian immediately took Li Zimu to "treasure hunt" excitedly.

At the same time, on the other side, Yang Liushi and Zhang San had just finished their "treasure hunt" in Dagan capital, and they were walking in the alley where the small courtyard was with their bags.

Because they are too lazy to change places, Wei Changtian and Yang Liushi are still living in the small courtyard before, while Duan Fang Ping and the others have already moved out.

And because Wei Changtian basically stayed in the palace these few days, Yang Liushi would go out every day to take a look at the local customs and customs of Dagan when she was free and bored.

Of course, as a woman, you will definitely have to buy things when you go out for a walk.

Then Zhang San became a "porter" and was responsible for "carrying bags" behind Yang Liushi every day.

And this has made him suffer a lot these days.

After all, it's not easy to go shopping and take a car. Most of the time, he has to carry all kinds of weird objects around the streets.

The day before yesterday were two large porcelain vases fired by the unique craftsmanship here in Dagan.

Yesterday was a screen.

It was even worse today, Yang Liushi didn't know what kind of fanfare she had, but she even bought a wooden cabinet, saying that she was going to take it back to Shuzhou.

Considering that Wei Changtian's residence cannot be easily revealed, Zhang San couldn't let the store deliver the goods to his door, so he had no choice but to carry the big wooden cabinet all the way back to the alley.

Coupled with the hot weather, even middle third rank warriors are inevitably sweating profusely at this moment.

"Husband, ma'am, are you still shopping tomorrow?"

Carrying a wooden cabinet, Zhang San followed behind Yang Liushi, who was empty-handed, and asked with some trepidation: "If you still want to go shopping, can I find someone else to accompany you?"

"Tomorrow, I still want to go to the north of the city."

Yang Liushi and Zhang San have been very familiar for a long time, and have never treated the latter as a servant, so she spoke very casually at the moment: "Why? You don't want to follow?"

"Then actually is not, the key is what you want to buy, madam."

Zhang San muttered softly: "Yesterday you bought a screen, and today you bought a wooden cabinet. I'm really afraid that you'll buy something bigger tomorrow."

"Goose goose, the relationship is because of this."

Yang Liushi looked back at Zhang San, covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely not buy such a big thing tomorrow."

"That's good, huh?"

After a pause, under Yang Liushi's strange eyes, Zhang San's gaze suddenly fixed in one direction.

The latter's originally depressed expression suddenly became astonished, and he muttered subconsciously.

"Miss You?"


Frowning, Yang Liushi immediately turned her head to follow Zhang San's gaze after hearing the words, and her expression changed instantly.

Because she also saw the woman who looked exactly like You Jia.

At this time, the woman was also staring at them blankly.


At the next moment, Tweety stepped back to the courtyard door with her head down, and Tweety stretched out her hand to close the courtyard door.

Ever since she saw so many rebels looking for Wei Changtian that night, she intentionally avoided Wei Changtian, and never went out when she had nothing to do.

Therefore, Yang Liushi and Zhang San hadn't seen her in the past few days.

And just now Cui'er wanted to go out to buy some vegetables at noon when there were fewer people, but unexpectedly bumped into the two who just came back from outside.

Her heart was thumping violently, through the "secret observation" of the past few days, Tweety already knew that the man and the woman should be Wei Changtian's servant and wife respectively.

So in her opinion, both Yang Liushi and Zhang San were inextricably linked to the rebels, so she couldn't help feeling flustered at the moment, and she just wanted to avoid it quickly.

But before the courtyard door was half closed, she suddenly heard the voice of that extremely beautiful woman from outside the door.



The little hand trembled in fright, and the courtyard door could not be closed.

Seeing that the other party had discovered her, Tweety'er was afraid of offending "the wife of a certain important person in the rebel army", so she gritted her teeth and walked out again, asking in a trembling voice:

"Husband, madam, are you calling me?"


At this moment, Yang Liushi had already walked across to Tweety, and was looking at the latter carefully up and down.

Like Wei Changtian, she soon discovered some differences between Tweety and Youjia.

But because the appearances of the two are too similar, Yang Liushi probed softly after watching for a while:

"Miss You, is that you?"

(end of this chapter)

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