I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 198 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"What's the situation with this voice? What's the matter!"

As soon as he heard this, Bran suddenly stirred his brows and frowned.

He could hear that the words appearing in the communication equipment were in the Chinese language.

But he still couldn't figure out why there are Chinese people speaking in their communication equipment?

And now, combined with the two off-road vehicles at the door, there was no one in the two off-road vehicles.

Brann quickly thought of a terrible thing.

"Switch channel!"

Brann quickly issued the first order.

Since their communication has been exposed, the original channel must be unavailable.

You must switch to another channel as soon as possible.

Soon after switching the channel, Bran asked immediately: "Report the situation, everyone!"

"The second group is in normal conditions, and no trace of China's special forces can be found."

"Three groups are normal..."

The four groups did not respond.

This time, their 16 SEALs were divided into four groups.

He is a group.

The four groups did not respond, that can only show that the special forces of the four groups are gone!

But now, he still can't figure out how China's special operations forces discovered them!

They are obviously so secretive.

At this moment.

"The second group found the target, found the target, in the southeast..."

Da da da

Da da da

Before the voice fell, the gunfire sounded.

At this time, even Bran could hear gunfire from all directions.

Because of the installation of a silencer, it is impossible to judge the direction from the gunshots.

Bran could only listen to the gunshots and the only message from the communication device.

China's special forces, in the southeast!

But what time and where in the southeast direction is unknown.


Without thinking about it, Bran immediately got up and gestured to the 460 players beside him to take the initiative to attack.

They can no longer wait and die.

They were hunters originally, waiting for the arrival of the prey.

But the current situation has completely turned them into prey, waiting for hunters to come and find them.

How does this work!

They are the SEALs, don't be shameful!

Soon, Brann took the other three team members and immediately went to the location of the Chinese expatriates.

There is one last way left.

That is the diaspora who is holding China!

There was no reason for the hijacking before. The main reason was that China's special operations forces were vigilant for fear of leaks.

But now I am not afraid.

The Chinese special forces are here, they have already found them, and they are afraid of a hammer!

The four quickly headed to the room of the Chinese.

At this moment, there was another gunshot in their ears.

Da da da

Immediately afterwards, another voice came from the communication equipment.

"Found the target, the target is 7 o'clock southwest..."

"I'm No. 8, found the target, found the target, one person, the target is in the 12 o'clock direction of true north!"

"No. 6 found the target, a total of two people, 16 o'clock southeast."

After receiving three messages once connected, Bran suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

What's the situation?

Why are there goals everywhere?

How many people have come to China?

At this moment, Brann suddenly thought of an incredible idea.

Could it be that the special forces from China are also scattered?

But their combat capabilities are too strong!

Within a few minutes, their SEAL team had already been wiped out of two groups!

Moreover, looking at this posture, the third group may have been completely wiped out.

Doesn't that mean that there are only four special soldiers left in the chemical plant?

Brann was right. There are indeed only four of them left in the chemical plant now.

At this time, Bran had no time to think, and quickly led the other three team members to the Chinese room.

When he came to the door of the room filled with Chinese people, Bran made a soft gesture.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Then, he first threw a smoke bomb into the room.


After that, he kicked the door open and quickly entered the room with his gun.

Soon, he saw this scene in front of him and was immediately stunned.

There is no one in the room.

Not to mention Chinese people, even China has no special forces.

at this time.

Bang bang bang

Several sniper rifles sounded.

The next moment, Bran only felt an object, entered his brain, and then his body fell straight to the ground uncontrollably.

Plop, plop.

Four successive sounds of falling to the ground sounded.

Bran's eyes widened, and he looked at the three members who were also down in disbelief, his face was full of astonishment.

What exactly is going on?

At this moment, several voices came from the communication device in his ear.

"I am number 8, and I have been found...Bang"

"I'm No. 6, and I was sent...bang"

Bang bang

The sound of four consecutive sniper rifles sounded.

Afterwards, the entire chemical plant fell into a dead silence.

Quietness makes people feel scared.

five minutes later.

At the door of a room on the lower floor of the room where Brann and others died.

Six soldiers dressed in regular army costumes came over. They gathered at the door and smiled at each other.

Then, he knocked on the door lightly.

Opened the door.

In the room, there are more than one hundred Chinese, that is, the Chinese nationals they are here to rescue this time.

In the room, there are also four soldiers who also wear regular army costumes.

These ten people are the special forces of the Jackal Special Forces.

At this time, the captain asked: "Are the threats resolved?"

"It's all done. There is no one else in this chemical plant."

The team members responded one after another.

Everyone has a joyful smile on their faces.

Their Jackal Special Forces team, once again completed the task brilliantly!

No one was injured or killed!

The captain nodded when he heard the words: "Professor Lin is still as expected. I guessed in advance that there is a possibility that a SEAL team will ambush here. Let us be more careful."

"It should not be too late. Please prepare immediately and take our compatriots away. I will report the situation to Professor Lin!"

When the words were over, the captain walked aside, turned on the communication equipment, and said to the other side in a solemn voice: "Professor Lin, the jackal has completed the mission and successfully rescued the foreigners! He is preparing to rush to the port!"

"The Eastern Fleet is already close to the port and can pick you up at any time and come back quickly!"

Lin Yi's voice soon came from the communication equipment.

"Yes! Professor Lin!"

"By the way, Professor Lin, one more thing." Captain Jackal said.

In the communication equipment, Lin Yi asked puzzledly: "Are you trying to say that you were ambushed in the chemical plant, is it possible that the enemy is the SEAL of country M?"

Captain Jackal was taken aback: "It's...Professor Lin."

"Okay, I see. The most important thing now is to send the diaspora back safely. The rest will be discussed later."

"Okay, Professor Lin."

Without thinking too much, Captain Jackal hung up the communication.

Immediately summoned all the team members to protect the more than one hundred expatriates, found a large truck, and quickly left here.

Around here, there is no longer any threat, and the SEALs of country M have been wiped out.

Therefore, the big truck can definitely leave calmly.

Next, as long as they pass through a few war zones, these diasporas will be able to reach the port smoothly.

Regarding the way to pass through the battle zone, the Jackal Special Forces also has a way.

They directly hung a China flag on the truck.

At this time, this big truck is more than just a big truck. Among them, it also represents the word China.

Soon, the big truck was driving on a main road.

Da da da

Bang bang bang

At this moment, several shots were heard not far away.

The truck came to the battle zone between the regular army and the Yellow Turban army.

But the big truck didn't mean to stop.

Just when the big truck was about to approach the war zone.

The forces on both sides that were still shooting at each other stopped the gunfire and looked at the big truck with the flag of China.

At this moment, the big truck is like a mediator blocking the battle between the two sides.

Then, the truck passed through the battle zone unscathed.

Just after the big truck left, the two sides who had just stopped, continued the rain of bullets.

It was as if the two parties had negotiated in advance, and no one had done anything to the big truck.

This is also because China is one of the five largest countries in the United States. In any country in the world, China has one vote to determine its national leader.

Therefore, even the Yellow Turbans did not dare to do anything on the bright side.

Once it is done on the bright side, even if the Yellow Turbans finally won the victory, China will not recognize its status directly, and the Yellow Turbans will be busy for nothing!

The Yellow Turban Army will never be so stupid.

The regular army will not be so stupid as to attack the Chinese on the bright side.

This is all looking for death.

Soon, the big truck used this method to pass through several battle zones one after another.

Hurry to the port.


At this time, China, the headquarters of the Guangzhou Military Region.

On the big screen, a scene of the port on the Syrian-African battlefield appeared.

The Eastern Fleet has already arrived at the port.

Dozens of Chinese soldiers in Chinese military uniforms, armed with guns, stood upright on the spot.

At the port, two people were still standing.

China’s local envoy, Han Zhenyu, and the captain of the Vostok.

The two stood at the port, waiting for the arrival of the Chinese nationals.

The expatriates in the peacekeeping force have all boarded the ships returning home.

Now only those who were rescued by the Jackal Special Forces were left, and the 100 foreigners had not yet come.

Soon, in the distance, a large truck with the flag of China drove towards the port at the fastest speed.

Immediately afterwards, when they arrived at the port, the members of the Jackal Special Forces on the truck, as well as the foreigners, quickly got out of the car.

Afterwards, boarded the ship.

Seeing this scene, the three commanders standing in front of the big screen breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Great, successfully received the diaspora!

Their mission this time is considered half completed!

As long as the Eastern Fleet can safely return to the China waters, the evacuation mission will be successfully completed!

At this moment, Zhao Bing looked at the big screen with a cold face, and muttered: "Next, it will be the performance of the Oriental ship."

When the words fell, Lin Yi and Wang Commander's faces tightened at the same time.

They all knew that the Vostok was about to usher in its first actual combat.

This time, it will also be the Vostok independently researched and developed by China, which will debut in front of the world for the first time. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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