I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 199 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

at the same time.

In the industrial sea area, where the fleet of State M is located.

The cabin command room of the main ship, Ford-class aircraft carrier.

At this time, the atmosphere in the entire command room was very cold, like a cloudy wind blowing from time to time.

Everyone tightened their necks, said nothing, and there was a little shock in their eyes-shock and disbelief.

Michelle looked at the picture on the big screen with a gloomy expression.

On the big screen in front of them, a video was playing.

The video is a bit blurry, but after careful identification, you can still see a few figures moving in the screen.

Moreover, these figures are still wearing the clothes of the regular Syrian and African battlefields, and they also wear hats. The hats are very low, and only half of their faces can be seen.

Da da da

At this moment, several gunshots suddenly appeared in the screen.

Immediately afterwards, several sounds of falling to the ground sounded.

The picture came to an abrupt end here.

At this time, Michelle, who had been dull, had a very cold tone, speaking like a wind and snow in the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month and said: "Can you contact the SEAL team in the chemical plant?"

The communication staff was excited and quickly contacted the SEAL team through the communication equipment.

After a long time, the communicator turned his head and shook his head towards Michelle.

"Fuck! Who are these China's special forces? How could it be possible to kill our SEALs quietly! Still the strongest third and fourth teams! Fuck! Fuck!"

Michelle got the answer, roared, and slapped the table with a heavy palm.

He can now be sure that none of the SEAL members sent to the Syrian-African battlefield have survived.

They should have been harvested by China's special operations forces.

But Michel couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure out, who exactly are the special forces in China?

Why can the SEAL team be wiped out by this China's special operations force when the position is not clearly exposed?

This is a bit too incredible!

Is it possible that the special forces sent by China are not humans, but gods? Know everything?

This is simply impossible!

After calming down for a moment, Michelle took a few deep breaths, and a sharp gaze flashed in his eyes: "Contact the Chief of Defense of Wales immediately. Plan B needs to be activated!"

When the words fell, the communication staff quickly got busy.

In order to successfully execute this mission, prevent China's evacuation of overseas Chinese.

Before the operation started, country M had prepared another set of plans.

The main reason was that the Navy SEALs dispatched could not complete the mission in time.

If the Chinese nationals are successfully received by the Chinese fleet, even if the fleet of country M is guarded by Gonghai, it is possible that China will escape here.

It is this consideration that made country M prepare another set of plans.

A plan that can prevent China from returning to China even if the SEAL team fails.

Not long after, the picture flashed on the big screen, and Wells appeared in it.

"Michelle, has Project A failed?" Wells was stern on the screen with a very complicated expression.

Michelle lowered his head and said with dissatisfaction: "Yes, the Chief of Defense of Wales, the SEALs sent there are probably all sacrificed."

When Wells heard the words, his face sank: "Have we found any favorable evidence that China's special operations forces entered the war zone privately?"

Upon hearing this, Michelle was speechless for a while, with a strange expression on her face.

After a while, he shook his head, gritted his teeth and said: "There is no...China's special forces, it's too cunning."

Immediately afterwards, Michelle changed his words: "But our SEAL team member shot a video before he died."

Subsequently, Michelle ordered the staff to send the video to Wells.

Soon, Wells finished watching the video, his face even more gloomy.

"This is not considered favorable evidence... but it is enough."

Then he raised his head and said in a solemn voice: "I'll take care of the next thing. You immediately notify the Sakura Country and support you! We must not let them leave the Syrian-African sea area! They must be besieged in the port of the Syrian-African sea area. !"

The next moment, Wells’ eyes appeared cold: “As long as they dare to leave, they are ready to intercept! There must be no omissions, because once we let them leave, no matter what we do afterwards, Put them to death!"

"Yes! Please rest assured, the Chief of Defense of Wales, I will stick to the sea and not let any Chinese people escape from here!" Michelle raised his hand and saluted, with a firm tone.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Then, the video was hung up.

Michel came to the side of the communication staff, picked up the communication equipment, and immediately ordered: "General Sakata, you can come here, just follow the plan we said before."

Not long after, a more wretched voice came from the communication equipment: "Please rest assured, Admiral Michel, we have been waiting for a long time. This time, China will be trapped in the port of the Syrian-African battlefield!"

After doing all this, Michelle returned to his seat, clenched fists tightly, glaring at the big screen.

After a while, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This time, I want to see what you plan to do!"


China, Guangzhou Military Region, combat command room.

The three commanders looked at the scene of the port in front of them, and they all felt much better.

Now the overseas Chinese have been picked up one after another.

Next, just say hello to the local commander on the Syrian-African battlefield, and their China fleet can leave the port and return to China.

Of course, the journey back home is not easy.

After all, in the Industrial Seas, the fleet of country M is guarding them, just to block China's fleet when they return.

However, fortunately, the Vostok is here.

As long as the Vostok is performing normally, then all this is not a problem.

Thinking of this, the three commanders smiled at each other.

"It will be over soon, those overseas Chinese have suffered." Commander Wang looked at the overseas Chinese who were boarding ships one after another in the port, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Zhao Bing sighed, and then smiled bitterly: "Yes, places like the Syrian-Fair battlefield are always full of dangers. People living here are always in fear."

Lin Yi sighed after hearing the words, "Sure enough, it is China's domestic security. There are no such disputes and there are not so many battles."

This time, Lin Yi witnessed the terrible severity of the Syrian-African battlefield with his own eyes.

That kind of scene can no longer be described in words.

There were gunshots everywhere, and there was a rain of bullets everywhere.

The ground is not grass, nor is it an asphalt road.

But the dead, and blood.

As long as you really feel the sense of despair that this kind of battle brings to people, you can realize how wonderful it is to live in a country where there is no fighting and no disputes.

"Now that it has reached this point, it can be regarded as the regime on the Syrian-African battlefield, and it has taken the blame." Zhao Bingyou sneered.

When the words fell, neither of them refuted, and they agreed with his point of view.

Zhao Bing was right.

The Syrian-African battlefield has developed into the land it is now, and it is mainly because they take the blame.

Regardless of the political power, crime rates everywhere are increasing day by day. In addition, ordinary people are lazy and want to get something for nothing.

Moreover, there is no unification, and power disputes in various regions are extremely serious.

This scene is like the scene when princes from all over the world rise up in ancient China.

But unlike the princes everywhere, this situation was caused by the entire Syrian-African battlefield, from the regime to ordinary people.

0 ··········Find flowers··········

The combination of these factors also exacerbated the Syrian-African battlefield to what it is now.

"Contact the captain of the Vostok, when will our fleet depart." Zhao Bingyou ordered.

The staff immediately started to operate.

Not long after, the staff responded: "It will take half an hour, Commander Zhao, is currently communicating with Syrian and African battlefields because their communication has been extensively damaged, and there is a slight delay in communication."

The evacuation operation does not mean that you can leave directly after receiving the nationals. It is due to the regulations set by the United States and the agreements that countries abide by.

Must go through the procedures again.

But this procedure is generally very fast.

It's just that at the moment, there are many wars on the Syrian-African battlefield, and the government forces have suffered miserably. Therefore, it will be more troublesome to deal with, and it will take a little longer to wait.

When Zhao Bing heard this, he nodded.

"In this case, we can use this half an hour to check the situation of the Vostok to ensure that there will be no problems with the Vostok in the upcoming battle."

At this time, Lin Yi suggested.

...... ........ .......

Zhao Bingyou and Commander Wang agreed with Lin Yi's statement.

Order immediately, check the Vostok’s situation from beginning to end immediately, and there must be no errors, and the Vostok must not lose the chain at this most critical time.

In this way, the three commanders looked at the big screen and quietly waited for the passage of time.


Soon, half an hour came.

During this period, Zhao Bing asked twice again about when he could leave.

But the answer is all, it will take some time, communication is blocked.

Just now, Zhao Bingyou asked again whether he could set off.

Unsurprisingly, the news that the captain of the Vostok received did not get news from the Syrian and African battlefields, and he could not set off immediately.

At this time, everyone was waiting anxiously.

The longer you stay in the port, the greater the danger China faces.

This has been waiting for half an hour. The overseas Chinese have boarded the ship ten minutes ago and are all settled.

But now, they still haven't been able to leave the port.

At this moment, Lin Yi, who was standing on the side, suddenly sank: "Commander Zhao, there is something wrong with this!"

Zhao Bingyou and Commander Wang are also aware of this, there must be something wrong.

Otherwise, it would not be so long, and they would still be inseparable from the port.

"Can't wait any longer. If you wait any longer, it is very likely to show up. Please inform the Eastern Fleet immediately and leave the port. Let's go home first, Commander Zhao!" Lin Yi reminded again.

After all, Zhao Bing and Commander Wang also felt that this was the best way.

If we continue to wait, the Eastern Fleet may really be in danger.

"Don't wait, I am the headquarters, call the Eastern Fleet, leave the port immediately, and set off!"

Zhao Bing gave an order if he hesitated.

Soon, the voice of the captain of the Vostok Vostok came from the communication equipment: "Receive the command from the command center, the Eastern Fleet will set off immediately! The Eastern Fleet will set off immediately!"

Immediately afterwards, a sound of the ship's whistle sounded.

The ships of the Eastern Fleet docked in the harbor slowly left the harbor and headed towards the sea.

As soon as the Eastern Fleet left the port, the communicators immediately turned their heads.

"Commander Zhao, Commander Wang, Professor Lin, the big thing is not good, the Syrian-African battlefield reported to the United States that China secretly dispatched special forces to the United States and went to the war zone of the Syrian-African battlefield without permission! Violated relevant regulations and ordered our fleet to dock. At the port, waiting for review!" Taxi.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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