I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 373 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Soon after experiencing the episode just now, Professor Lin Yi and a group of old professors have also fallen into the busy experiment.

Although the old professor was always inconsistent with Professor Lin Yi, we finally decided to give most of the important information to Professor Lin Yi's brain calculation ability.

But the old professors still kept some important data that needed to be calculated.

And some important data that is more acceptable than Professor Lin Yi without going through a lot of calculations are given to Professor Lin Yi for calculation.

Only in this way can it be ensured that Professor Lin Yi will not be overworked, which will cause Professor Lin Yi to become unconscious.

After all, they all know in their hearts that if Professor Lin Yi really falls ill, the entire hx-1 framework scientific research project will be interrupted.

Because none of them can lead the entire scientific research team to develop the hx-1 framework like Professor Lin Yi.

Even Professor Cai, his current ability cannot guarantee that he can be like Professor Lin Yi.

After all, Professor Cai has only participated in a simulation experiment with Professor Lin Yi.

But the real leader is Professor Lin Yi.

It is precisely because of Professor Lin Yi.

That's why their simulation experiment and the current experiment can go so smoothly.

So even if any old professor suddenly falls ill or leaves the field, it will have no effect on the entire experimental project, but Professor Lin Yi is different.

Once something happens to Professor Lin Yi, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the entire scientific research project, so they are now very concerned about Professor Lin Yi's body.

Lin Yi himself knows what these old professors are thinking.

Because he also knew that once he really fell ill like the old professors said.

If you overuse your brain's ability to calculate important data again and faint, then the entire scientific research project will be unsuccessful.

It's not that he is arrogant, but that it is.

If that time is really reached, then this group of old professors will also be stagnant.

Or the speed of progress will become very slow.

This is not what he wants to see, nor is it what all old professors want to see, nor is it what China’s superior leaders want to see.

Now the whole China is preparing for this, even if he had previously heard that he would go to country m to negotiate, and then take Professor Liang Zhiwei back to China.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It is precisely because China's computer field is now suffering from such a crisis.

The importance of Liang Zhiwei's professor is obviously less important than that of Professor Lin Yi.

After all, Professor Lin Yi is the leader of the entire framework project, and Professor Liang Zhiwei's command brings professional knowledge in the computer field of country m, and there is still a certain conflict with China's computer-related knowledge.

In other words, the professional knowledge brought back by Professor Liang Zhiwei may not necessarily be applicable to the development of the hx-1 frame.

But this is not to say that Professor Liang Zhiwei's return to China is useless.

In general, Professor Liang Zhiwei, as the top computer expert in country m, will definitely help China with some things in his mind, and it will be a great help to the scientific research team of the interest-free supercomputing center.

Even in the later development of lithography machine technology, Professor Liang Zhiwei will definitely be able to help.

Therefore, for the time being, whether Professor Liang Zhiwei returns to China is not particularly important to them.

But after all, it is still very important for China.

As long as Professor Liang Zhiwei can return to China to join the entire research team after the research team led by Professor Lin Yi has developed the hx-1 frame.

In that case, it will be a great help to the entire scientific research team and the computer field of China.

So during this period of time, Lin Yi's idea is to seize the time to complete the research and development of the hx-1 frame.

Only after completing the development of the framework, he was able to focus on the development of the lithography machine and the improvement of the computer field.

At that time, he will join hands with Professor Liang Zhiwei to build an exclusive computer for China.

As long as that time comes, China will no longer be controlled by others, and it will certainly not suffer another severe blow in the computer field.

Even Lin Yi is confident that as long as Professor Liang Zhiwei can successfully return to China and join a scientific research project, he must be confident that China's computer field will surpass the world.

So now Lin Yi must seize all the time to complete the research and development of the hx-1 frame and cannot continue to delay. The crisis facing China is too great. He cannot wait, and China cannot wait either.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately began to devote himself to his busy R&D work. Even this morning, including noon, he did not drink a sip of water or eat any food.

·· ·····Find flowers····

But he didn't feel hungry, he just felt like he had inexhaustible strength.

Under the leadership of Professor Lin Yi, many researchers and old professors also paid tribute to him.

Just occasionally go to drink water or to say that I am too hungry, eat a bite of rice, and then abandon all the time to enter into the research of the entire hx-1 scientific research project.


Time passed in the blink of an eye, and the whole afternoon passed quickly, the setting sun went down, the night fell, and the night enveloped the entire sky.

And in the research project laboratory of the hx-1 frame of the interest-free supercomputing center.

The lights are brightly lit, and all the research staff and old professors have not rested, and have been busy developing the framework.

.... 0 0

And Lin Yi is also conducting guidance work in the first laboratory at this time.

This is Professor Cai coming to Lin Yi with a meal.

"Professor Lin Yi, let's eat a meal first. You have not eaten for a day, and you haven't even drank saliva for a day. If you continue like this, your body will definitely not work.

Professor Cai said earnestly and earnestly: "The laboratory is going to go on, but if you really get tired of your body, or if your body has a problem, that's the most important thing."

"So eat food and drink saliva first, take a break, and leave it to me here. Although I am not as good as you, it is relatively simple to control the experiment process. After all, I have experienced simulation experiments with you. Please don't worry about this."

When Lin Yi heard this, he raised his head, looked at Professor Cai, and said with a smile.

"It's okay, Professor Cai, this experiment will be completed soon. As long as I finish this phase of the experiment, I will go to rest immediately."

After that, Lin Yi seemed to be afraid that Professor Cai would not believe it, and continued to add: "Don't worry, I see my body more importantly than myself. I will not be willful in this regard."

"Furthermore, after your previous persuasion, I also want to understand that scientific research projects must be carried out, but the body is my own. I will definitely pay attention to rest and not be too tired. Please rest assured."

Professor Cai didn't listen to Lin Yi's rhetoric. He dragged him over and gave the lunch box water to Lin Yi. Then he came to Lin Yi's original station to start the experiment. Knife.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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