I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 374 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Then, he said to Lin Yi.

"Okay, Professor Lin Yi, you go to eat and drink, and then take a break, half an hour, half an hour later you will pick up my place."

"Don't worry, for this half an hour, I still have confidence in me. After all, I have done this experiment with you, and I know how to proceed. If you continue like this, your body will definitely not work. You must now Go to eat and drink immediately, otherwise my old man will turn his face on you."

To tell the truth, Professor Cai ignored Lin Yi and went directly to the experimental work.

At this time, several other old professors and researchers in the first laboratory also spoke to Professor Lin Yi.

"Yeah, leave it to us, Professor Lin Yi, you should go to eat something and take a break. You have not eaten or drank water for a day. If you continue like this, your body will really be exhausted."

"On the contrary, we are not too tired under your guidance. The most tired is you. You can't be tired. If you are tired, then even if we go to the hospital to shake you up, then we will also shake it!"

"Yes, Professor Lin Yi, if you don't want you to be woken up in the hospital bed after you passed out, then go eat a meal right now, just take a short rest, it only takes half an hour, and you will take over after half an hour. Can we?"

"Go ahead, go ahead, Professor Lin Yi has us here, don't you worry about it?"

"Moreover, the experiment at this stage is not that difficult. The experiment procedure you gave us is very clearly marked. We just need to follow the experiment procedure."

"Now that the calculation staff are all in place, and important data are also calculated by them, you can take a break for the time being."

"But you can rest assured that the entire scientific research project is still led by you, so we will not grab your position. Besides, if we grab your position, we won't be able to bring such a team."

"Yeah, Professor Lin Yi, so what are you afraid of? Go eat and take a short rest."

Hearing this, Lin Yi was very moved. He looked at the lovely group of scientific researchers in the laboratory, and his heart suddenly warmed.


Immediately after this group of old professors and researchers said.

Lin Yi's belly also screamed. After all, he hadn't eaten or drank water for a day, and he didn't even have a good rest. Now the body is indeed a little tired, a little tired, and even a little hungry.

"In this case, I'll leave it to you for the time being. After I have a meal, I will have a rest, and I will come back immediately."

Lin Yi smiled helplessly, carrying rice and water, then turned and walked out of the laboratory.

Bringing a bowl of water to the dining table in the hall, Lin Yi ate the meal bit by bit, very quickly.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It can be said that he basically does not need to chew when he eats, and if he chokes, he will just drink his saliva and swallow.

Because in Lin Yi's opinion, he doesn't have much time.

And when he is engaged in scientific research, eating is just a way to replenish his physical strength. After eating and drinking water, he simply rests, and then he will continue to experiment.

He doesn't have much time to delay, so he can deal with things like eating now. He can eat as fast as he can, as long as he enters the laboratory without any problems with his stomach.

Of course, there is no problem with his body. After all, he is a body that has been tempered with the Qi and Blood Power Strengthening Medicine, and there is no problem for this kind of thing.

While Lin Yi was eating, Han Zhong stepped to Lin Yi's table and said.

"Professor Lin Yi, can I sit here?"

Lin Yi looked up, Han Zhong said with a smile.

"Yes, Lord Han sits casually, I'm eating, I'm not too embarrassed to greet you."

"It's okay, Professor Lin Yi can just eat, I just came over to talk to you."

Han Zhong waved his hand quickly, and then took advantage of the situation to be opposite Lin Yi.

"Professor Lin Yi, how is the progress of the entire scientific research project now? Is it going well?"

After sitting down, Han Zhong looked at the busy old professors and researchers in the first laboratory and asked.

At this time, Lin Yi quickly finished the meal in front of him, drank a large sip of water, wiped his mouth after swallowing.

"Now everything is going well, I believe it will not be long before the first phase of the hx-1 frame, the overall test will be over..."

Upon hearing this, Han Zhong's eyes suddenly brightened, his eyes were full of excitement, and his face was full of joy.

He did not expect that this was the first day of the experiment. Professor Lin Yi could only say this to believe that the first phase of the experiment would be completed soon, which is very important for the research and development of the hx-1 frame.

And at this moment, he also believes in Professor Lin Yi's judgment very much. As long as Professor Lin Yi says that the research and development of the hx-1 frame can be completed in the next period of time, it will definitely be completed.

Because he believes in Lin Yi just as he believes in Professor Lin Yi's scientific research plan is the same.

"Professor Lin Yi, you have been working hard during this period of time. If you need help with anything, you can find me immediately and I will give you instructions."

Han Zhong looked at Lin Yi very excitedly, as if the hx-1 frame was about to be developed.

Lin Yi nodded and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Lord Han is down. As long as there is a problem on my side, I will contact you immediately, but from now on, I haven't found any other problems temporarily."

Han Zhong frowned when he heard this and asked.

"For the time being, no other problems have been found. Have you found any problems? Professor Lin Yi."

Lin Yi was taken aback when he heard the words, nodded and said.

"Han is the main loser. Now the first phase of the experiment has indeed encountered problems, but the problem 2.2 is not derived from the experimental process, but from one aspect of the data calculation."

After Han Zhong heard this, his expression was startled, and he continued to ask.

"From the aspect of data calculation, what is the specific reason? Professor Lin Yi."

Lin Yi turned his head to look at the busy researchers in the first laboratory and sighed and said.

"Now everyone in the entire scientific research team is working hard, but the personnel is still far from enough."

"Although the old professors have found a large number of people who can calculate important data, they are still not enough to calculate important data in this regard. This is obviously a bit slow."

"If you can improve this important data, the overall experimental process will double again!".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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