I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 378 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Lin Yi also knew that if he didn't persuade Lord Han to lose.

He will definitely not report to his superiors to initiate an emergency plan.

After all, now only Han Zhong can request the higher-level leaders to initiate the emergency plan. If he himself went to ask the higher-level leaders for instructions, it would only put the Korean leader into a crisis, or he would be sorry for the Korean leader.

Therefore, all hopes are now pinned on the Lord's defeat. As long as Lord Han is defeated, he can agree to request the higher-level leaders to initiate the emergency plan.

Then everything will enter Lin Yi's expectations, and everything will enter the process he arranged.

It's just that now it still depends on whether the Korean leader will agree, if the Korean leader disagrees -.

Then all this will fall into an endless loop again, and China will fall into a crisis again, but this crisis is not fatal.

Han Zhong doesn't know this. He also knows that what China needs most now is to speed up the process and complete the construction of the hx-1 scientific research project.

He also knows that China urgently needs the birth of computers, but as the leader of scientific research projects and the initiator of emergency plans, he must make the most adequate plans and must also make the most comprehensive considerations. were able. Ask the superior for the emergency plan.

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Han Zhong felt some fluctuations in his heart, and he had already thought about it now.

If it can really be like what Professor Lin Yi said, then it is okay to take the risk this time.

After all, everything has risks and benefits, and the decision that Professor Lin Yi said is definitely the biggest gain, and it is also the biggest gain for China.

The risks are also huge. Once there are any problems, China will never have a chance to stand up, and there will be no chance to escape this crisis.

It can be said that Han Zhong also wanted to take a gamble this time, betting that Professor Lin Yi is really capable.

Let the progress of the hx-1 scientific research project shorten that time.

Of course, he is also betting on China's national luck, betting on China, he can really survive this problem.

He hopes that Professor Lin Yi can live up to everyone's hopes and be able to accomplish things that everyone seems unable to do.

As long as all of this can be achieved, then China's future will be extremely bright, and it will be highly anticipated.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After all, China has achieved such a point, and Professor Lin Yi can also achieve such a point. Nothing can be stopped by China, and it cannot be an obstacle to China. It will even become a ladder for China's progress. Will become an opportunity for China's rise.

Han Zhong believes that as long as Professor Lin Yi can do this, then there is no problem at all.

Believe in Professor Lin Yi, or in other words, he now has to believe that Professor Lin Yi can do such a thing, as long as Professor Lin Yi can do such a thing, if it is really like this, it is really great Up.

Thinking of this, Han Zhong looked at Professor Lin Yi and said.

"Professor Lin Yi, let me tell you how the emergency plan works. Anyway, you probably guessed it. It doesn't matter what you tell you now."

Lin Yi immediately pricked his ears when he heard this.

He wanted to verify whether the emergency plan Han Zhong said was the same as what he thought.

If it is the same as what he thought, then this plan is indeed feasible, and he will definitely be able to complete all the progress of the entire hx-1 scientific research project within 13 days.

Lin Yi didn't speak, just stared at Han Zhong.

Han Zhong glanced, Professor Lin Yi continued.

"Professor Lin Yi, you are also quite knowledgeable in the computer field, and you should also know how large the base of Internet users in China is."

"Moreover, China is also a big computer country, and electronic products will be replaced every few years, so there are still many very advanced computers in China, and their calculation capabilities are also extraordinary."

"Of course, if you compare it with a supercomputer, it is very different, and it is impossible to reach the level of a supercomputer."

"But the point is precisely here. Although these computers do not have the performance of supercomputers, their number is really too much. If the base number is large, if all the computers are assembled and then bundled together, Then you can imagine how huge their calculation speed will be."

"You can understand what I mean, and we have done research on this. If all 200 million computers are bundled together and used for scientific research, then its peak value may reach one billion billion times!"

"Of course, if 400 million computers can be bundled together for scientific research, then its peak value may reach 1.8 billion billion times!"

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"This data is very scary, and it is also very exciting for us. Let’s not say whether we can bundle together 400 million state-of-the-art computers. If this thing can really happen, then we can temporarily form A supercomputer no less than the light of Shenwei Taihu Lake!"

"Of course this is just a simple idea. This idea was what I thought of when I started the scientific research project, and I also communicated with all the old professors and talked to the superiors."

"In our view at the time, this plan, if we really want to bundle these 400 million computers together to carry out scientific research projects, to build a supercomputer that really belongs to China, then it will be faced by China as a whole. The loss will be at least 5 times what it is now!"

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"Because these 400 million computers must all be used for the calculation of scientific research projects and cannot be used for ordinary work."

"Professor Lin Yi, you know, if 400 million computers are put into the calculation of scientific research projects at the same time, then it will be a very significant impact for the entire society."

"Furthermore, all social operating rules will be stagnated, and within a few days we don't know, the problems we face will be very big."

"In the beginning, the reason why we did not use this emergency plan is also very simple, because we cannot estimate how long it will take these 400 million computers to work. It may be half a year or a year. If that is the case, then There is no need at all."

"Because, if all 4 computers are invested in scientific research projects, in half a year or even a year, then the entire China may cease to exist after one year."

"Because the entire social system of China will completely collapse, and it won't hurt to study computers at that time."

"So after hearing you say that within a month and a half or even 10 days, I can have the opportunity to complete the overall construction of the hx-1 frame. I took the risk to speak out this emergency plan. If it is only 10 days, then this The emergency plan is fully usable."

"Of course, the premise of everything is to achieve the overall process of completing the entire hx-1 scientific research project within 15 days as you said!" Dao.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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