I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 379 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"Professor Lin Yi, you now know why I am so cautious."

"After all, if the emergency plan is activated and the expected results are not achieved, then China will no longer be a supercomputer problem at all."

"It is very likely that China will face the day when it will never turn back, and even China will never recover."

"Moreover, all your previous efforts, in the field of military scientific research, and contributions to China will be in vain, and even the fate of hundreds of millions of people in China will be changed."

"The country we have finally won will also be handed over to others, so I must be careful and ask again and again whether you can complete the plan as expected, I hope you can understand."

Han Zhong said very distressed.

He didn't want this either.

But after all, this matter is really too important. This is a bet on China's national fortune.

Even if they want to bet on something they don't know the result, and once they want to bet, then all hopes must be placed on Professor Lin Yi.

As long as Professor Lin Yi can fulfill their expectations, as long as Lin Yi can do what he said, then everything will be realized.

On the contrary, if Professor Lin Yi can't do it, then the fate of hundreds of millions of people in China will really change.

And China has finally reached the point it is today, and it will all be replicated and will no longer exist.

Moreover, if other countries take this opportunity to do something to China, then China is likely to decline and never turn back.

Lin Yi nodded and said with a solemn expression when he heard this.

"Lord Han is negative, I understand your feelings, and I also understand what you said all because of, of course I fully understand the reason you did this."

"I also know that if the emergency plan fails to meet expectations, none of us can bear the consequences, and even China cannot bear the consequences."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"But the most important problem now is that if we can't complete the computer development work in a short time, then the losses China faces will be further expanded."

"At that time, if China wants to fight for these losses again, it will not be able to do it overnight."

"Moreover, not only this, China's credibility, but also China's national strength will be further lost. I must seize the time to stop all of this, and I must do my best to help China reverse the situation this time, so please Believe me, I will be able to complete the task of building the hx-1 frame within the time I said!"

"Of course, the stipulated time I said is within 15 days, and it is guaranteed to be completed. Within 10 days, I am not confident to say such a big thing, but within 15 days I can completely, even if I fight my life. , I will also fulfill the promise I have said, and there will be no delay!"

At this moment, Lin Yi strengthened his heart. He must complete the construction of the hx-1 frame within 15 days, as long as the emergency plan is activated.

Moreover, the premise of all this is that he will fight continuously within 15 days.

When Han Zhong heard this, he waved his hand to stop him.

"Professor Lin Yi, it is naturally best to complete the construction of the hx-1 frame within 15 days, but it does not have to be 15 days. According to the results of our discussion of the emergency plan, it can be delayed up to 25 days. , As long as the entire calculation task is completed within 25 days, the loss to China will be very small, and the benefits will be huge."

"Of course, once more than 25 days, then China will not be able to bear it, and it will have to pay tens of billions of losses every day."

"So, Professor Lin Yi is now your decision is crucial, not my decision. If you can really do this, then I hope you tell me again, you can do it, After I hear your words, I will immediately report the matter to my superiors, and then urgently activate the emergency plan and deploy it immediately."

At this moment, Han Zhong also made up his mind. As long as Professor Lin Yi dared to speak out, he could complete the task of building hx as the No. 1 framework within 25 days.

Then the emergency plan will be launched, and he will lobby the superiors to launch the emergency plan to assist Professor Lin Yi in completing the task of setting up the hx-1 frame...

Even if China’s national strength is paid, even if it is the power of the whole country, it must complete the hx-1 framework construction task, and must also help Professor Lin Yi complete this scientific research project, because this scientific research project is too important for the present The stage of China is also significant.

When the words fell, Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, looked at Han Zhong, and stopped talking.

It was like that he couldn't guarantee it, and he was very nervous when he saw Han Zhong.

"Professor Lin Yi, I'm all here, but you can't guarantee it?"

Lin Yi shook his head and looked at what Han Zhong said.

"Lord Han is negative, it's not that I dare not say what I just said, but I want to ask you one more sentence at the end."

Han Zhong was taken aback, then said.

"Professor Lin Yi, if you have any questions, just ask me. I must know that I can talk without saying anything. I will tell you everything, as long as you want to know, and I know exactly."

Lin Yi nodded, then asked.

"Lord Han is negative. The main thing I want to ask is how many computers can be deployed in the emergency plan to perform calculation tasks. That is to say, how many computers can be deployed in the case of maximum efficiency, and how many peaks can it reach?"

"I only need an estimated number. I will use this number to calculate how long it will take for 2.2. Then I will tell you the exact time. In this case, when you go to show your attitude with your superiors , And more sure."

Upon hearing this, Han Zhong was stunned at first, and then looked at Professor Lin Yi in amazement. He did not expect Professor Lin Yi to think so carefully.

At the very beginning, he only thought that as long as he could persuade his superiors to initiate an emergency plan, then the entire scientific research project would be no problem.

But he just ignored whether he could persuade his superiors. After all, this matter is very important. Whether the superiors agree or not is still the same thing. But Han Zhong didn't think of this at first, and now Professor Lin Yi just thought of it. This point reminded Han Zhong instead. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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