I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 380 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

When Han Zhong heard this, he briefly pondered for a moment, then raised his head to stare at Professor Lin Yi, and said with a serious expression.

"Professor Lin Yi, so far, the total number of computers we can deploy is about 500 million, of which 200 million computers cannot be called because they need to do other work to maintain the operation of the entire China, and The peak calculation capability of these 500 million computers can reach nearly 2 billion times, which is completely comparable to the Sunway Taihu Light supercomputer!"

"This is the limit that China can do at present. If there are more, it is really impossible to assemble. After all, the operation of the entire society still requires a lot of computer calculation capabilities."

"Even so, it's a nationwide power."

Lin Yi nodded after hearing the data, and then continued to ask.

"The South Korean leader is negative. If 500 million computers are convened at the same time, and the peak calculation capacity reaches nearly 2 billion times, how much loss will China face in one day?"

Hearing this, Han Zhong was stunned again. He was a little confused. Why did Professor Lin Yi ask this question?

After all, now, the main computers that can be convened are 500 million, and there are not too many computers. Moreover, when China convenes 500 million computers for calculation, the loss it faces will be very large. This is also true. A data that is not easy to measure.

At the same time, he couldn't understand why Professor Lin Yi would ask this question. Could it be that he could still calculate how many days he needed based on the loss?

"Professor Lin Yi, I don't quite understand what you mean, do you ask what other reasons are the loss?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said.

"Lord Han, don't worry, I just want to ask, if 500 million computers are called for scientific research projects, will China's losses reach 100 billion every day?

After hearing the numbers given by Lin Yi, Han Zhong pondered for a while.

"I don't know the specific loss, but if there is no one hundred billion, it will be almost the same."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yi nodded.

"I see, Lord Han loses."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Lin Yi now has a rough figure in mind for the time required for the entire emergency plan and the time required for the completion of the entire hx-1 scientific research project.

"Professor Lin Yi, can you give me an accurate answer now? I particularly need you to give me an accurate answer now. Only in this way can I explain the situation to my superiors and finally decide whether to initiate an emergency plan."

Han Zhong asked eagerly, because he now has to know whether Professor Lin Yi is ready, or whether Professor Lin Yi can do everything he needs.

Of course, if Professor Lin Yi cannot do it, then the emergency plan will not be activated, after all, they cannot take risks.

Once the adventure is gone, there is no turning back, so they must be cautious, everything must be done to the extreme, and all plans must be formulated in advance to ensure that the subsequent process can not be interrupted.

China can not fall into a bigger crisis again. After all, everything they are doing now is to prepare for China and pave the way for China.

Lin Yi nodded after hearing this sentence.

"Lord Han loses, I already have a rough figure in my heart."

"I have roughly calculated the time required for the entire hx-1 scientific research project under the emergency plan."

"According to my calculation, I will probably complete the construction of the hx-1 frame in 8 days. The fastest case is within 8 days. Of course, if something is delayed, I will also be in 13 days. Complete the task of building the entire hx-1 frame within."

Upon hearing Lin Yi's words, Han Zhong's eyes widened, and his mouth opened wide enough to squeeze two apples.

He did not expect that Professor Lin Yi would dare to say such a big thing and complete the experiment of the entire hx-1 scientific research project in 8 days.

Who can say such a thing? You should know that the experiment of the entire hx-1 scientific research project is very huge and very cumbersome.

Even now, they have used thousands of engineers, and they are all cloud engineers, and there are thousands of engineers on site. In general, the total number of personnel in the entire scientific research project is almost tens of thousands.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to complete the task of setting up the scientific research project hx-1. Even though Professor Li Yi has gone through the simulation experiment, the simulation experiment and the normal experiment are completely different, and they are completely different. .

Under this circumstance, Professor Lin Yi dared to say that the entire hx-1 frame scientific research project can be completed within 8 days.

In Han Zhong's view, Professor Lin Yi is very bragging, but Professor Lin Yi's words have already reached this point. He can no longer refute it because it is unnecessary.

When Professor Lin Yi said this sentence, he would never take it back. After all, he was Professor Lin Yi.

"Professor Lin Yi, are you sure that the entire hx-1 frame scientific research project can be completed within 8 days?"

"Uh, I am not doubting your ability, but that we can extend the timeline a little bit later. After all, some of the 8 days are too short."

"Or 15 days or 20 days is fine, and 13 days is relatively short. I am afraid that if you really fail to complete it by then, it will have a certain impact on your reputation and your status. , I think you can appropriately extend the time later, as long as it is within 20 days, I think the superiors will agree."

Han Zhong persuaded from the bottom of his heart that he thought that Professor Lin Yi could not take the time so badly, and there was no need to worry about the time so much. He could report a longer time.

After all, it is indeed a bit too fast to be able to complete the entire hx-1 framework scientific research project in just 8 days. Even if he tells his superiors, the superiors will definitely be skeptical. It is not conducive to applying for an emergency plan.

Hearing this, Lin Yi waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Lord Han is negative, as long as I can say such things, then it shows that I have enough confidence to complete all of this, and you can say it directly when you go to explain the situation to the superiors."

"Within 8~13 days, I will complete the entire scientific research project task of the hx-1 frame, and this can also reduce China’s losses in time, which can completely minimize China’s losses and at the same time. The income from this increase is maximized.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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