I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 389 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"Professor Lin Yi in general, we all support you, and we all support the overall progress of the hx-1 scientific research project."

Professor Li said earnestly, the expression on his face was very worried, and his eyes looked at Lin Yi with deep regret.

During this time, Professor Lin Yi's efforts, the spirit of Professor Lin Yi, and the ability demonstrated by Professor Lin Yi.

Professor Li saw his eyes hurt in his heart, and what Professor Lin Yi had done deeply moved him.

After all, Professor Lin Yi is working hard for the overall progress of the hx-1 scientific research project for the whole of China, and he has put his body behind, and he can even stay awake.

It is not good to devote yourself to the entire scientific research project.

After all, Professor Lin Yi is a human being, he is not a god, no matter what, he must ensure his physical condition to complete the next scientific research project.

After all, once Professor Lin Yi falls, there will be no more Professor Lin Yi standing up, and there is only one such Professor Lin Yi in China.

"It's just that in our opinion, if you are really exhausted, it is really worthless, and don't put all the pressure on yourself."

Professor Song has the same idea, he really can't see Professor Lin Yi so hard.

Nor can I see that Professor Lin Yi put himself in for the entire scientific research project.

If anything happens to Professor Lin Yi, it will be a heavy blow to them, and it will be a fatal blow to the entire hx-1 scientific research project.

Therefore, Professor Song also reminded him that he wanted to use this to allow Professor Lin Yi to pay attention to his physical condition.

"Yes, Professor Lin Yi, you still have us, you and the entire scientific research team project team, we can help you complete, all of which can also help you do something more, in general we can become Your backing can also be your weapon. We are a tame and a team, and you can rest assured to give us your back."

Professor Wang also echoed the Tao.

The expression on Professor Wang's face was very excited, but he was neither angry nor angry. He just wanted to kindly remind Professor Lin Yi.

After all, there are them behind Professor Lin Yi.

And they are a team, a whole.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

He is the owner of the entire hx-1 scientific research project.

And Professor Lin Yi can't just think about him to complete all the experiments, it is impossible.

But it must rely on the help of the old professors, and it must also rely on the help of the entire scientific research project team.

Moreover, their relationship is not the same. Their relationship is with Professor Lin Yi as the owner of the entire scientific research team.

As well as their old professors, they jointly completed the overall construction process of the hx-1 scientific research project.

And they, these old professors, are equivalent to helping Lin Yi, but once Professor Lin Yi falls, it will be completely finished.

Because no one can take his place, Professor Wang also expressed his opinions at this time. After all, he can’t look at Professor Lin Yi and really hurt himself like that.

The three old professors put out their own suggestions.

After Lin Yi heard the suggestions of these three old professors, he felt warm in his heart.

After all, there are several old professors by his side, and they are more concerned about their physical condition than themselves.

This is a very good thing no matter how you say it, and it is also a very moving thing.

Lin Yi also felt from the heart at this time that these three old professors really did it for their own good.

I also sincerely want to advise myself not to be too stressed and not to put too much burden on the body.

"Professor Song, Professor Li, and Professor Wang, please rest assured, the three of you, as well as the entire scientific research team. I will take care of my physical condition, and I will follow your suggestions, and complete the hx-1 scientific research. The overall construction of the project."

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched, and his eyes were almost narrowed. He is really happy now, happy from the bottom of his heart.

In any case, someone cares about themselves, that is a very fortunate thing, but also a thing that makes him very happy...

Although these three old professors are still aiming at scientific research projects, they can say such words, which is enough to make Lin Yi very happy.

Then, Lin Yi continued: "But please rest assured, I understand my own body, I also know that you are all kind, I also understand your mood, I will definitely follow your suggestions and ensure that my body At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the normal operation of the entire scientific research team."

But after that, Lin Yi's conversation turned and the smile on his face eased a lot, but his tone did not change, and he still maintained the humility when talking to his elders.

He regards those who are older than himself and those who are more senior than himself in the entire scientific research team as seniors.

The three old professors standing in front of him have reached an ancient age. This age, this age, is the age of enjoying their old age at home and playing with their children.

But now there is an accident in China, and China is facing a crisis.

They gave up their good life and resolutely devoted themselves to the entire scientific research.

For this, Lin Yi still admires them very much.

After all, at this age, they can still make such a decision. This shows how loyal they are to China.

Or how much they want to do their part and make a huge contribution to China.

It can also be explained that 2.2 they love scientific research very much and have made a decision to contribute their whole life to scientific research

At this time, Lin Yi said: "But here I also want to remind you old professors that you may not like to hear what I say next, but this matter is also very important in my opinion."

"Because I am relatively young, my body can bear it, but as for the old professors, your age is also relatively high, and your physical condition must be incomparable with young people.

"I don’t think that you are old, nor that you are useless. I ask the three old professors to understand me. I really think that you old professors, in terms of physical function, cannot be able to do the same with young people. The same, you guys say yes.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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