I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 390 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

As soon as these words came out, the three old professors all nodded.

They know their age very well, and they know their body very well.

They certainly know that their current physical condition cannot be compared with young people.

After all, there was a half-hundred difference in the middle. That would be 50 years!

With such a physical condition, they don't know how long they can last.

As for Lin Yi's words, they also listened carefully. They also knew that Lin Yi was not malicious, nor could it be malicious to them. Professor Lin Yi's words are the same as what they said to Lin Yi.

After all, both of them have the same idea.

Therefore, the old professors naturally did not think how Professor Lin Yi said. They knew that Lin Yi was also kind.

At this time, Professor Lin Yi continued: "So, when I see you here, I want to say to you professors, you must take care of your health."

"You don't have to stay in the laboratory day and night like young people. You must also pay attention to rest. I can lead the entire experimental team at 25, and you must do your own body."

"Otherwise, without you, the entire project would have stalled."

"After all, the entire scientific research project is not led by me alone. I still need your help very much."

"So, what I just want to tell you here is that we must take good care of our bodies. Only in this way can we build the hx-1 scientific research project together and be able to do our part for China.

Lin Yi said this right now. He came from the heart and sincerely hopes that the old professors can really take care of their bodies.

After all, without these old professors, the entire hx-1 scientific research project would not be able to proceed normally.

If you rely on him alone, then the entire scientific research project will be extremely difficult. In general, with the help of these old professors, the entire scientific research project can proceed so smoothly.

Therefore, Lin Yi sincerely thanked this group of old professors for their trust and also thanked this group of old professors for their help.

Without them, there would be no scientific research project No. hx-1, and the whole experiment process would not be so smooth as it is now.

If China did not have old professors like them, Lin Yi would not be able to get to where he is today.

Whether it was Professor Wu from the very beginning, Professor Li, and Professor Liang who provided him with a lot of help in plasma stealth technology.

Or in other words, Master Huang, and everyone in the research project team of the Vostok aircraft carrier, the 095g nuclear submarine that I met afterwards. ,

Without their help, their trust, and their hard work, Lin Yi would never have the current status, nor would he have the current reputation.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Of course, although he did all this by his own hard work, Lin Yi is not a person who forgets his roots, let alone a person who knows nothing about his gratitude.

He is very grateful to everyone who came along the way.

Because these people are the nobles who made him come to this point, and they are all the nobles in Lin Yi's life.

And the three old professors in front of him, Lin Yi also treated them as his own nobles.

After all, they are now helping him towards a stronger future.

"Professor Lin Yi, don’t worry, we will give priority to ensuring your physical condition. But what we want to say is Professor Lin Yi. You must ensure your physical condition. After all, if any of our old professors fall ill Yes, there are other old professors who can go up, but if you fall ill, we really don’t have a substitute, and everything depends on you."

Professor Li said sincerely, his eyes filled with worry.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I must follow the suggestions of the three of you and ensure that I am in good health."

At this moment, Han Zhong took a step and walked quickly towards Lin Yi and the three old professors.

"Professor Lin Yi, Professor Lin Yi, I have good news for you!"

Han Zhong raised his hands and rushed towards Lin Yi very happily, as if it was a great event.

Indeed, Han Zhong is very happy now.

After all, he has persuaded the superiors and the senior leaders of China to initiate the emergency plan.

This is a very important good thing for Han Zhong, for Professor Lin Yi, and for all project team members of the hx-1 scientific research project.

Han Zhong couldn't conceal his excitement at all. It could be said that he has nothing more than this that can make her happy.

Throughout the entire scientific research project, Han Zhong has completely integrated himself into the entire scientific research project.

As long as the scientific research project can proceed smoothly, then he will be happy.

If the scientific research project encounters difficulties, then he will still be unhappy, he has integrated himself with the entire project.

He has even regarded scientific research projects as being more important than his own life and career.

Lin Yi and the three old professors all turned around and looked at Han Zhong who was coming.

The faces of the three old professors were full of doubts, and they did not understand.

Why is Lord Han walking towards them so happily? Could it be that something great happened to 410?

Still, Lord Han has any good news to tell them, but according to their understanding, for now, the hx-1 scientific research project has nothing good.

Moreover, it seems that Han Zhunang doesn't care about the experimental process.

So they couldn't understand why the hero of the Koreans ran over so excitedly.

Of course Lin Yi understands this, he knows why Han Zhong is so happy.

Han Zhong's expression shows one thing, that is, the emergency plan passed by the superior.

Even an emergency plan will be launched in the near future! .

You know, this matter will be a huge good thing for the entire scientific research project.

This matter will also be a huge good thing that will change the entire scientific research project.

Even, it is an extraordinary event for China.

For Lin Yi, let alone, he has long been looking forward to launching the emergency plan, but the Korean leader has to discuss with his superiors.

Now seeing the hero Han running over very excitedly, Lin Yi also understands everything.

After all, the thing that made Han Zhong so happy was to activate the emergency plan, or that he got something better than the emergency plan. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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