I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 399 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Therefore, in order to carefully consider these things, they must let Professor Lin Yi think of it.

In other words, we must let Professor Lin Yi consider that only after these things have been taken into consideration can we truly initiate the emergency plan, or we can use China’s efforts to complete the overall process of the hx-1 scientific research project. .

"Yes, Professor Lin Yi, we must consider things comprehensively. Professor Song is right, if once we only consider shortening the process of the entire experiment."

"That's true. As long as the emergency plan is activated, the experimental process will definitely be shortened, and it may even be reached. The research and development work of the entire scientific research project will be completed within 15 days or 10 days as you said."

"However, within these 10 days, or within 15 days, we have no control over the entire experiment, and, before that, the simulation experiment you did only gave feedback on part of the problem. Maybe in the overall experimental process of the hx-1 scientific research project, there are more problems that have not yet been revealed, or the key issues that can really hinder the overall experimental process, we don’t know now."

"It can be said that we currently have no complete control over the entire hx-1 scientific research project, and no one can predict what problems will occur at which stage, and what critical problems will occur during which process. These are unknowable, that is, unpredictable."

"We must ensure that the entire scientific research project is in progress, and the emergency plan can only be activated when there are no problems. Only in this case, the emergency plan can be activated to maximize the effect of the emergency plan. , And only in this way can we guarantee the completion of the entire scientific research project within 10 days, or 15 days, without causing too much burden on China!"

"In addition, Professor Lin Yi, we are not malicious, nor do we want to hinder you from starting the emergency plan. We just want to remind you that you must think carefully before starting the emergency plan."

"This is after all about the entire China, or in other words, the future development of hundreds of millions of people in China, and the future development of China as a whole."

"This matter is too important, and this matter must also be very well discussed. Only after we solve all the potential problems or find a solution, we can start the emergency plan. After all, This emergency plan is too important for China."

Professor Wang also expressed his thoughts at this time.

After all, this is not a trivial matter, nor is it a matter that can be solved by simply reversing, or making up for the loss of China in the later stage.

Once the emergency plan is activated, the blow will be too big for China.

And if Professor Lin Yi really did not figure out the solution.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Starting the emergency plan is tantamount to suicidal behavior. In the end, not only will the entire China be dragged down, but in the end, their hx-1 scientific research project will also be dragged down.

At that time, they will develop the hx-1 frame to develop a computer independently developed by China. This path will not work, and the efforts they have made all the time will be completely in vain.

So Professor Wang should remind Professor Lin Yi anyway.

After all, this is not a trivial matter, nor is it something that can reassure everyone.

Unless Professor Lin Yi can say a reason to make everyone feel at ease, then they will definitely not initiate an emergency plan, or in other words, they will not let the hx-1 scientific research project become more important to China. Burden.

After hearing the words of these three old professors, Professor Lin Yi was not angry, because he knew that these three old professors were all for his own good.

Moreover, these three old professors are also wholeheartedly considering China and the entire hx-1 scientific research project. Their opinions are very pertinent.

Moreover, their opinions are very reasonable, as these three old professors said.

Lin Yi currently has no way to guarantee that the entire hx-1 scientific research project will not have critical problems during the experimental process, but there is no way to ensure that the entire hx-1 project can complete the entire experiment in a very smooth process.

But the situation is not as extreme as the three old professors said.

The launch of the emergency plan is also a very important good thing for the hx-1 scientific research project.

And not only that, it is not that he did not make any preparations for the launch of the emergency plan.. .....

Han Zhong, Lin Yi has been doing corresponding preparations during the time he went to apply for the emergency plan with his superiors.

Moreover, his preparations are about to be completed now, but now he has been asked here by these three old professors.

He also had to say that this preparation can be said in advance.

After all, these three old professors would still think that it is an unwise choice for them to initiate an emergency plan if they do not speak out in advance.

In other words, launching an emergency plan is a choice that will endanger China, and Lin Yi does not tolerate this happening.

After all, their entire scientific research project team has already reached this point for the computer business in China, and it seems that the time for the entire scientific research project can be shortened.

Success is already at hand. At this time, Lin Yi absolutely cannot give up, and he also knows that if he wants to start an emergency plan, he must get these old professors, or, The emergency plan can be initiated only when all the personnel of the entire scientific research project team agree.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi didn't hesitate, looked directly at the three old professors, and said righteously.

"Professor Song, Professor Li, Professor Wang, the three of you just made suggestions are very pertinent and very reasonable. I also know that you are worried about this." 2.2

"After all, I have no way to guarantee that there will be no critical issues in the entire scientific research project, nor can I guarantee that the entire scientific research project will proceed very smoothly. I cannot guarantee all of this."

"I believe you should also know that, after all, as scientific researchers, we cannot guarantee that the entire scientific research project can proceed as scheduled."

"In the beginning, the estimated time also left a large deviation. In other words, even in the expected time, we sometimes cannot complete the scientific research work. I am very clear about this."

"But in order to start the emergency plan, I also made some corresponding preparations, but the preparations are not fully prepared yet, so I didn't plan to tell you at the beginning.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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