I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 400 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"Because in my opinion, in the case of Korean leaders who did not follow the superiors and the leaders of China, if they applied for the emergency plan and whether it was successful, I made preparations in advance. This matter is already a little worried. Up."

"And if I inform you in advance of the series of preparations I have prepared, then you will also bring tremendous pressure and have a significant impact on you."

"It may even affect your attention to the experiment, or your energy, so I didn't tell you about the preparations under consideration."

"But please rest assured that the preparation is to deal with the overall experimental process that may occur, which fails to meet expectations, or to prepare in advance to deal with sudden and critical issues."

"The preparatory work I have done is very simple, that is, I will always be on the front line of the experiment, and I will ensure that the entire experiment can proceed normally and smoothly. This is the first guarantee."

"It is also my 25 commitment to you. As long as I am here, the entire scientific research project will proceed smoothly. I have this confidence. After all, the overall construction of the hx-1 scientific research project framework was proposed by me ."

"In terms of understanding the hx-1 frame, no one of you knows the hx-1 frame better than me. I am not showing my own ability, nor am I demeaning your ability, I am just telling the truth.

"After all, this is the fact. It is what I developed and developed, so I can say this and I am fully confident that the overall construction of the hx-1 framework will proceed smoothly."

"Moreover, in order to ensure that the follow-up business can proceed normally, I also made a second set of preparations and a third set of preparations."

"The second preparatory work is that I will look at the experimental process in the next period of time while re-developing an experimental procedure. One is more detailed, and the other will not have any errors, which means that it will not A scientific research project process with any critical issues."

"In addition, I will distribute this process to everyone, and according to the scientific research project team, each person's responsibilities, and each person's position, I will correctly distribute it to their hands."

"This is the second set of plans I made, that is, the second set of preparations I made. In the end, it seems that these two sets of preparations should have almost solved most of the problems that may arise. "(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"After all, with my watching, the entire scientific research project team can feel at ease more than half. At the same time, I also prepared a third set of plans, which is to use my brain's ability to calculate and continuously conduct simulation experiments in my brain."

"While I am watching the experiment, I will continue to conduct repeated simulation experiments. Such a simulation experiment has the advantage that it can be performed anytime, anywhere.

"And every time a simulation experiment is performed, some possible problems can be found. This is a very important good thing for the entire scientific research project, and it is also a very important thing."

"Although I know that you three old professors may have heard that the preparation plans I prepared are based on me, and they are all preparations for paying the price of my body. I I also know what you want to tell me."

"What you want to tell me is that I must take care of my body. I must not collapse. I know this very well. If I fall, the entire scientific research project team will also be stagnant. You have told me about this, and I also know it."

"At this point, please rest assured that the three old professors, I will strictly follow your suggestions to ensure your health, but if the emergency plan is activated, it can be within 10 days or 15 days. If the entire hx-1 and the overall construction of the scientific research project are completed within."

"So in these 10 days, or 15 days, I can fully support it. I am very confident in my own body, and I am also very confident in the entire scientific research project team."

"I believe that the people in the entire scientific research project team are strong, and they will definitely be able to withstand this pressure, and they will definitely be able to carry this important task on their shoulders."

"I believe in them, and I also firmly believe that everyone can achieve what they expect, and China will not become riddled with defects.

"I won't let China's efforts over so many years, or the efforts made by superior leaders and a group of China's senior leaders, become a waste of water."

"I can completely guarantee this, and I can do it. Please rest assured, the three old professors. Here, my purpose of saying this is not for you to follow me to initiate a solution, nor for Let you support me unconditionally."

"I just want to tell you that I have considered these things before, and I have already considered them, and I have made preparations in advance."

"So I must start the emergency plan, and I will be very determined to start the emergency plan. Now only the emergency plan can save China, complete the hx-1 scientific research project, and complete China's independent research and development. A milestone on the road to computers."

"Three old professors, you don't have to persuade me. I know that you will want to dissuade me after listening to what I have said, but now I have decided. I must start an emergency plan."

"Only when the emergency plan is activated, will China have a 417 opportunity to give it a go. If the emergency plan is not activated, then there will be endless disturbances waiting for China, or the future facing China will be a whole lot. It's dark."

"In any case, I have to activate the emergency plan. This is the last road in China and the last road for all of us."

"We must walk this road, and we must not only walk, but also walk beautifully, but also on this road, we must walk to the dark, and we must develop the hx-1 good scientific research project."

"We must not live up to the expectations of everyone in China, because we are the last hope of China, and we are also the hope of the whole of China. We must not live up to their expectations!"

"Now China has no way. Only by us can China go further and become stronger. Therefore, even the entire scientific research project team thinks that they cannot bear this pressure, they cannot bear such a heavy burden. Responsibility."

"Even so, they have to take up this responsibility, and they have to withstand this pressure. They didn't have a choice, I didn't have a choice, none of us had an election."

"Even the superior leaders and all the senior leaders in China have no choice. We have to fight hard and only work hard to complete the great transformation of the entire China and live up to the expectations of the entire China.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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