I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 402 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Moreover, even if the emergency plan is activated, then they are not the hardest, and the hardest is Professor Lin Yi.

After all, Professor Lin Yi just told them that the preparations made by Professor Lin Yi is that he himself must always be the first line of scientific research projects.

Once a key issue arises, or if there is a problem that can cause the overall delay of the scientific research project, then Professor Lin Yi will inevitably take the brunt of this matter and bring the entire scientific research project back on track.

And once the emergency project is launched, then Professor Lin Yi will be sleepless within 10-15 days, and he may not even have time to eat or drink, but this is the price that Professor Lin Yi paid. .

Therefore, since the emergency plan is to be initiated, then Professor Lin Yi must pay the price, and the people in their entire scientific research project team also have to pay the price.

That is, they also have to carry out scientific research work endlessly. Of course, they cannot do what Professor Lin Yi does. There is only one Professor Lin Yi. They know this well.

These three old professors 420 also knew this, so they were always thinking about how to tell this news to the entire scientific research team.

Or how to encourage people in the entire scientific research project team to work with Professor Lin Yi to complete the overall current work of the hx-1 scientific research project.

And within 10-15 days, after all, this is the promise of Professor Lin Yi to his superiors and senior leaders of China.

In this matter, they can't let Professor Lin Yi shoulder this important responsibility alone, nor can they let Professor Lin Yi shoulder this responsibility alone.

After all, they are carrying on the entire hx-1 scientific research project, and they are also cooperating with the work of Professor Lin Yi.

This is their job and their responsibility, so each of them has to take up the heavy responsibility on Professor Lin Yi's shoulders, and help Professor Lin Yi share it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for such a heavy responsibility and pressure to fall on Professor Lin Yi alone. Professor Lin Yi will definitely be crushed.

What's more, Professor Lin Yi is a human being. He is not a god. If Professor Lin Yi is a god, then everything is easy to say. As long as Professor Lin Yi waved his hand, he could complete the overall construction of the hx-1 scientific research project. .(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

But Professor Lin Yi is not a god, he is just a person. Although Professor Lin Yi is very capable, Professor Lin Yi is just a person, so they have to share more on behalf of Professor Lin Yi.

Thinking of this, these three old professors all cast admiration glances at Professor Lin Yi, because if this happened to them, they would not be able to do like Professor Lin Yi, and put most of the important tasks, most of the tasks. The responsibilities are all on their shoulders.

They are not afraid of anything, nor are they trying to avoid anything. Rather, they know that they cannot carry such a heavy responsibility, nor can they bear such a large pressure. They know that they cannot catch up with Lin Yi at this point. professor.

Therefore, their three old professors have a deeper admiration for Professor Lin. At the same time, they are very commendable and admire the spirit of Professor Lin Yi.

At this moment, the three of them, the leading figures in China's scientific research circles, all admire Professor Lin Yi very much.

In fact, they have already admired the five bodies that Professor Lin Yi admired in their hearts.

After all, Professor Lin Yi is able to take the initiative to take on such a large responsibility and pressure to do all this for China. This alone deserves the admiration of many people.

Professor Lin Yi is also worthy of more people's appreciation. It can be said that Professor Lin Yi is the hope of China's entire scientific research community, and it is China's hope.

If he can do this, it means that he really regards China's affairs as his own. It is difficult for anyone to do this alone.

In other words, it can be said that only a small number of people can do this, so Professor Lin Yi is more worthy of admiration and admiration.

Even though the three of them are leading figures in China's scientific research field, they also appreciate Professor Lin Yi in their hearts.

Even, they have already regarded Professor Lin Yi as their predecessor.

This is not to pursue Professor Lin Yi, nor is it to praise Professor Lin Yi, but Professor Lin Yi is worthy of them, and he is completely worthy of their admiration.

"Professor Lin Yi, I already understand what you mean, and I also know what you think in your heart. I'm sorry, how offended you were before, and what I said to you before was a bit extreme. Please forgive me."

"However, I still have the same sentence. It is important to complete scientific research projects, but please take care of yourself, because as long as you are there, the hx-1 frame will be able to be built one day. If you are not there, then hx-1 The scientific research project No. No. will be disbanded on the spot, because even if we develop the No. hx-1 framework, we still need you for the follow-up development work."

"After all, the hx-1 frame is your masterpiece, and you have planned it by yourself. No one knows the hx-1 frame better than you, and no one knows better than you, what should be done in the subsequent experimental process, So for the sake of the three of us, please take care of your body and stick to it. The entire scientific research project team depends on you."

"I don't want to say too much. After all, you have made up your mind now to start an emergency plan. I also very much agree with this."

"After listening to what you just said, I also figured it out. As long as the hx-1 frame can be completed and completed within 10-15 days, it will be a huge good thing for China, and for our entire scientific research project. It is also a very important good thing."

"Professor Lin Yi, everything you do will be seen in our eyes and will be remembered by future generations."

"Professor Lin Yi, please rest assured. The three of us just had a brief exchange. We all agreed to launch the emergency plan. We will also discuss this matter with other old professors. Let us tell other old professors. Tell people in the entire scientific research project team to start an emergency plan!"

"Let's work together, let us all of the hx-1 frame scientific research project, help China together, and help the entire scientific research project team tide over this difficulty."

"Let everyone work harder, share the responsibility for you, and share this sense of responsibility for you. We will all be your back, Professor Lin Yi, then I will invite you to lead the entire scientific research project process. Come on!".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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