I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 403 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

After hearing what Professor Li said, Lin Yi's face showed a smile.

Because he knew that what Professor Li said was what he said together on behalf of the three professors.

And Professor Li's remarks deeply moved him. He knew that these three old professors would no longer oppose him to initiate the emergency plan.

In addition, these three old professors will help him persuade other people, and at the same time, they will explain the stakes with other old professors, so that Professor Lin Yi can better complete the hx-1 scientific research project. .

Lin Yi was very happy to get such an answer.

Because in his opinion, these are the three old professors, and the affirmation of his abilities is also the affirmation of him as a person.

At the same time, it is also an affirmation of the emergency plan, no matter what kind of affirmation, it is very important to Lin Yi.

For him now, it is also very hopeful that he can get it, and now he has got it, he is very satisfied.

Moreover, after obtaining the consent of these three old professors, I believe that the entire scientific research project can also proceed as scheduled.

The hx-1 scientific research project can definitely proceed smoothly, and it is still carried out in the fastest situation. This result is the best, and it is also the most satisfactory to Lin Yi.

His firm desire to start the emergency plan is also for the hx-1 scientific research project, and at the same time, for the development of China as a whole.

These three old professors can understand him and enable him to initiate an emergency plan, which is a very good thing for Lin Yi.

You know, if these three old professors are still opposed to the situation, then Lin Yi wants to implement the emergency plan, it will not be so simple.

Moreover, if he wants to rely on China's nationwide efforts to help the hx-1 scientific research project and shorten the time of the entire experimental process, this matter will not be that simple.

After all, these three old professors have the right to speak in China's scientific research community no matter what they say.

Similarly, there is also a right to speak in the hx-1 scientific research project.

Although Lin Yi is now the leader of the project and the experimental process maker of the hx-1 scientific research project, there is no doubt about it, everyone is convinced by Lin Yi.

But for Lin Yi, the attitude of these three old professors is also very important.

After all, Lin Yi is now only leading the entire hx-1 scientific research project. If these three old professors do not agree to launch the emergency plan in the end, then some people will definitely object.

As long as there is opposition, the hx-1 scientific research project cannot use the emergency plan, which is the worst thing for Lin Yi.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

At the very beginning, he had made plans. If someone really disagreed with the emergency plan, then another plan would be adopted.

After all, he thought before that many people might be reluctant to use emergency plans.

After all, the shortcomings of the emergency plan are too great, and the impact of the emergency plan on China is also huge.

Although the loss is relatively small, this will make China a very fatal drawback, which will be exposed in an instant.

At the same time, this will also affect the operation of the entire society and the foundation of China's overall construction, and may even shake the foundation of China.

You know, the destructive power of the emergency plan is indeed very huge, so in this case it is difficult for anyone to not oppose the implementation of the emergency plan.

Lin Yi is also prepared for this. He is also very clear. After all, no matter how you say it, the emergency plan has certain drawbacks for China.

Although in his eyes, the emergency plan is a means to help the hx-1 scientific research project reach its end.

But for China, the emergency plan is to pay a huge price to help a scientific research project hx-1.

Helping with the hx-1 scientific research project is also very important for China, but many people will wonder whether China paid such a high price to complete a hx-1 scientific research project.

Or does China urgently need the x-1 scientific research project to be launched?

I believe many people will struggle with this issue, and many people will oppose Lin Yi's emergency plan.

So, when I heard that these three old professors decided to support Lin Yi in launching the emergency plan.

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Lin Yi's heart is very excited, because he knows that if these three old professors are there, I believe no one will oppose Lin Yi's idea of ​​launching the emergency plan.

After all, these three old professors have already stepped up to speak. If someone still stands up against Lin Yi at this time, it is indeed a bit unreasonable.

After all, no matter how you say it, Lin Yi's original intention has always been for the hx-1 scientific research project, and it has always been for the good of China.

And this matter has also been considered again and again, and then, many of them continue to talk, continue to discuss the drawbacks and advantages, and finally come to the result.

And all this is what Professor Lin Yi has always wanted to do.

Even Lin Yi has paid a lot to start the emergency plan.

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It can be said that once the solution is launched, Professor Lin Yi’s contribution will increase geometrically. Similarly, Professor Lin Yi, for the hx-1 scientific research project, for the entire China, his contribution is very, very big.

It can be said that there are very few people who can match Professor Lin Yi's contribution to China.

Those people have been recorded in China's historical annals. They are all admired by thousands of people, and they are even known as the light of China.

Without them, there would be no China today, and so is the current Professor Lin Yi.

Without Professor Lin Yi, China would not have its current status, nor would it have the crisis China is facing today.

Of course, this crisis was not caused by Professor Lin Yi, but Professor Lin Yi brought China to a peak, and this crisis is because after China has reached the peak, other people will be jealous. Others resorted to such methods to restrict China from reaching the top.

Of course, Professor Lin Yi cannot be blamed for all this. Professor Lin Yi just contributed to China.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi bowed deeply to the three old professors and said.

"Professor Li, Professor Song, and Professor Wang, thank you three professors for your understanding and your support. I will tell everyone in the entire scientific research group about this news. I believe they will understand it too." .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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