I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 411 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Finished these words.

Lin Yi looked at everyone off the court.

Off the court, after all, is the owner of the entire scientific research project team, with more than 4,000 people.

At this moment, the 4000th person, everyone's eyes are all focused on him alone.

Moreover, more than 4,000 people are listening. He is talking about this by himself, and the expression on each person's face is different.

But they are all roughly the same. After all, when everyone hears this, they are confused and a little bit puzzled.

Because they didn't know what the purpose of Professor Lin Yi was doing, and they didn't know why Professor Lin Yi felt that the time was too long.

After all, in their opinion, completing the hx-1 scientific research project in just three months is already very, very difficult to achieve.

It is also a time point that shortens the entire scientific research project to the extreme. After all, this time is a point that is difficult to control. It can also be said that the hx-1 scientific research project can be completed within three months, which is a very difficult task. Things that are easy to do.

You know, that was only three months, and Professor Lin Yi was able to upgrade the scientific research project to three months.

That is a very good thing for China and the entire scientific research project, and it is also a very difficult thing to do.

At this moment, they are also full of admiration for Professor Lin Yi. After all, in just three months, Professor Lin Yi was able to lead the entire scientific research project team to realize the hx-1 scientific research project.

Although this is just a hypothesis, it is just a hypothesis, but in their opinion, Professor Lin Yi dared to say such a thing, it shows that Professor Lin Yi absolutely has such confidence to be able to achieve this.

After all, Professor Lin is not a person who speaks the vernacular, nor is he a braggart. In general, as long as Professor Lin Yi can say it, he will definitely be able to do it.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

But now Professor Lin Yi actually said that he thinks this time is a bit too long, and the three-month period is also very long, and the loss to China is also very significant.

So they were all waiting for Professor Lin Yi to say that after all, what Professor Lin meant should be more obvious.

In other words, what plan do you want to start again, and then once again improve the overall progress of the entire hx-1 scientific research project, or in other words, can Professor Lin Yi increase the experimental time required for the entire scientific research project to two months?

If it really only increases to two months, it is really a very big news. The hx-1 frame can be developed in two months, and this time is indeed too short.

After all, many of the people present are people who have been quietly working in the computer field for many years, and they all know how difficult it is to complete or break a technology in the computer field, especially the new frame like hx-1. A platform that they have to build by themselves.

The more difficult it is to do on such a platform.

After all, all things must be created independently by them, and they also need to find another way.

If Professor Lin Yi can shorten this time to less than two months, then Professor Lin Yi will really be a god-like figure in China's self-developed computer.

After all, if the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame can be completed within two months, then Professor Lin Yi will surely be famous.

At this moment, Lin Yi looked at everyone in the entire scientific research project team and continued with a smile.

"So, in order to help China recover unnecessary losses, and to complete the overall construction task of the hx-1 scientific research project faster, I decided to start an emergency plan after communicating with the Korean leader. ¨¨! "

"I believe that many of these people don't know what the emergency plan is, and you may not understand the intention of the emergency plan. Here I can explain it to you."

"As long as you listen to my explanation, you will definitely be able to figure out why I started the promotion plan, or as long as you listen to my explanation and understand what the emergency plan is, you will definitely choose to support me. "

"In other words, you may put forward different opinions, or you may put forward different suggestions, but in my opinion, in this case, only when the emergency plan is activated is China's best choice, and it is also China's best. So please listen to me first."

After Lin Yi said these words, the whole audience was silent. No one interrupted at this time, and no one refuted Lin Yi at this time. Everyone's eyes were still focused on himself.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi looked at the audience, everyone in the entire scientific research team took a deep breath and continued.

"¨〃The emergency plan is the responsibility of South Korea. During the implementation of China's self-developed computer platform last time, an emergency plan was formulated. This emergency plan is to help China quickly develop a self-developed computer platform. One of the solutions."

"After all, because of the limitation of patents in country m, China does not have computers to use. To be precise, there are no supercomputers to use. Therefore, there are many important data in the experiment process, or many problems in calculations. , We can no longer rely on supercomputers, more often we can only rely on ourselves, or rely on other computers to help us complete the calculation of important data.

"So because of this, the Korean leader has already considered this problem before, and with several other old professors, they discussed an emergency plan, which is to help China self-developed computers at a critical time, and make it faster. After being developed, the emergency plan came into being under such circumstances."

"The specific content of the emergency plan is that in China, our current total number of netizens is about 700 million. This data is calculated through big data."

"In China, there are about 600 million more advanced computers, that is, civilian computers or public computers."

"If 400 million of these 600 million computers are combined into a supercomputer, then its computing peak will reach 2 billion times, which is the highest peak comparable to the light of Taihu Lake."

"The content of the emergency plan is to bundle 400 million computers together to form a supercomputer, which is completely comparable to the supercomputer pseudo-supercomputer of the Sunway Taihu Light!

"As long as this supercomputer that can be comparable to the light of Shenwei Taihu Lake is put into the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame, so that our entire scientific research project can be completed very quickly.".

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