I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 412 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"Of course, this is risky, that is, the operation of our society as a whole in China will be hit hard."

"After all, if we need to allocate 400 million computers in society for our use, then among these 400 million computers, there must be computers that can be used for social operations or important things."

"As long as these computers are used by us, other things will inevitably be delayed. In this way, China's overall operation will be hit hard, and China's daily losses will also increase exponentially. ."

"It can be said that the loss facing China is tens of billions every day, and as long as the emergency plan is activated, these 400 million computers will be bundled together to help our entire scientific research project team complete the hx-1 framework. If China’s construction tasks are completed, China’s losses will face hundreds of billions of dollars every day, or even higher."

"And if the timeline is dragged for a long time, then China's overall operation will also face a situation that may collapse at any time. This is the drawback of starting the emergency plan."

"Here I will tell you the shortcomings of the emergency plan in advance, so that you can have a clear understanding of 423, and let you have a clear concept."

"At least everyone should know that the emergency plan is launched, and the loss is very huge for China, and the impact on the society is also very huge. There will even be strong opposition to the launch of the emergency plan, and some will also strongly oppose it."

"After all, this is a supercomputer composed of 400 million computers. Of course, this is not the most difficult thing for us, nor is it the most important thing. What we need to do most now is to complete the hx-1 scientific research. All the progress of the project."

After hearing this sentence, more than 4,000 people in the entire scientific research project team all looked at Professor Lin Yi.

Everyone’s eyes were filled with consternation. They did not expect that Professor Lin Yi announced to them that this was the incident. He initiated an emergency plan for China’s losses and China’s social problems.

They have just got a clear understanding after just passing Professor Lin Yi's talk, and they now know what the emergency plan is.

But in their opinion, it is not a wise choice for Professor Lin Yi to launch the emergency plan now. If the emergency plan is launched now, it will be too great for China's overall social operation, or for China's current losses. Big.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Because for the time being, China faces tens of billions of losses every day, even within three months that would be trillions of losses.

But if the emergency plan is activated, China’s daily losses will reach hundreds of billions, which means that it will reach trillions in 10 days. In general, no matter how you look at the emergency plan, it is a very loss. It can also be said that starting the emergency plan has not achieved the greatest benefit for China.

It may even put a lot of pressure on China and make China bear more losses.

Of course, these 4,000 people are only looking at the superficial problems. They think that even if Professor Lin Yi initiates an emergency plan, he will only complete the overall construction of the hx-1 frame within two months.

And after all, if you only paid such a large price, then you can only shorten the entire experiment process by one month, then in their opinion, this thing is completely unnecessary, that is, it is very unnecessary. one thing.

But they did not jump to the conclusion, but they wanted to continue listening to Professor Lin Yi.

After all, Professor Lin Yi is only talking about the drawbacks, but not the benefits that China can obtain.

They knew that if Professor Lin Yi only shortened the research time by one month, then Professor Lin Yi would definitely not talk about it, and he would definitely not go to discuss negatively with the Korean master.

Because fools can see this, it seems to be a loss-making business, or even fools can know that China has paid such a large price and only gained such a small profit, then this thing cannot be done anyway. made.

So as long as they figured this out, they really want to know what Professor Lin Yi's plan is, or what the promise that Professor Lin Yi made will be.

So at this moment they all looked at Professor Lin Yi and waited for Professor Lin Yi's next answer.

At this time, Lin Yi looked at all the researchers off the field and did not refute. From their expressions, Professor Lin Yi knew that these people were waiting for what he wanted to say next.

Or maybe these people are waiting for themselves to talk about it. After all, they may also know that they just talked about the disadvantages and not the benefits of China.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi looked at everyone off the court and continued.

"Well, I just told everyone that the drawbacks of launching the emergency plan are the price China has to pay."

"Everyone knows that after launching the emergency plan, China will pay a huge price, and it can be said that the crisis China will face is also very significant."

"But in this case, I still have to initiate an emergency plan. This is also the result of my discussion with the Korean leader. The Korean leader has now reported the result to the superiors and the senior leaders of China. They We all know about this now, and the superior leaders and a group of senior leaders have also approved the launch of the emergency plan."

"Here I still want to tell you. After all, after the solution is launched, I still need everyone's cooperation. It requires the efforts of all of us and the cooperation of all of us. Only in this way can I complete the hx-1. The overall construction task of the scientific research project No.

"As for the emergency plan, my commitment to superior leaders and all senior leaders in China is to complete the overall construction of the hx-1 framework within 10-15 days."

"So in the next 10-15 days, I need everyone to devote themselves to the entire scientific research project, and I also need everyone to put in more energy and more effort to help me help China in 10-15 days. Complete the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame!"

"As long as everyone is worried about whether the hx-1 scientific research project can be completed within 10-15 days, I can assure you, and I can also assure everyone, as long as everyone can unite. , As long as everyone can work hard, as long as everyone can pay more, then the overall construction task of the hx-1 scientific research project will be completed within 10-15 days!".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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