I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 413 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"That's all I want to say, and everyone, don't believe anything I say. Everything I say is the result of my rigorous calculations and my particularly rigorous thinking. "

"Moreover, completing the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame within 10-15 days is also a challenge for me."

"However, this challenge is not particularly big. Therefore, I need everyone's help and everyone's efforts. Only if we are united, and only if everyone works hard to assist me and assist a few old professors, I will definitely be able to complete hx. The overall construction task of the -1 frame is within 10-15 days!"

Lin Yi looked at the nearly 4,000 people off the court and said righteously.

When he said this, he didn't have any impatience on his face, his eyes were full of firmness, and seeing Lin Yi's expression, he didn't mean to lie at all.

Of course, Lin Yi naturally doesn't have to lie.

After all, he has already told many people about this matter, and he also has absolute confidence that he can complete the overall construction of the hx-1 scientific research project within 10-15 days.

That is, the hx-1 frame will be developed within 10-15 days. This is indeed a challenging thing for him.

But if the entire scientific research project team is united, it is definitely not a problem. For Lin Yi, it is also a very easy thing to achieve.

Of course, it all depends on whether the owners of the more than 4,000 scientific research project teams can agree with Lin Yi's own ideas.

After all, if most of the people do not agree to start the emergency plan, or they do not support Lin Yi to do so.

So everything Lin Yi is doing now is nothing but a basket of water, and even he may not be able to complete the hx-1 frame within 10-15 days.

After all, Lin Yi can't complete the hx-1 scientific research project alone. He needs more help from more people, and everyone needs to work hard.

In other words, he needs everyone to support him, everyone supports him unconditionally, and believes him unconditionally.

Only after everyone can do this, the hx-1 project can be successfully completed, or the hx-1 scientific research project can complete the entire framework within 10-15 days.

At this moment, after hearing what Professor Lin Yi said, the expressions of more than 4,000 people off the field and everyone in the entire scientific research project team turned into consternation.

Everyone's faces were filled with shock, and their eyes were filled with unbelievable expressions.

After all, this thing is so incredible for them.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

You know, what Professor Lin Yi said, the entire scientific research project was completed within 10-15 days.

That is to say, the hx-1 frame was built within 10-15 days. In such a short time, it is very difficult to complete the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame.

It was something they couldn't even think of. After all, this thing was really incredible, and it made them feel unbelievable.

At this moment, each of them had a stunned expression on their faces, because they looked at the look of Professor Lin Yi, and looked at the expression of Professor Lin Yi.

At this moment, they all felt a little at a loss.

Because, looking at Lin Yi's appearance, it does not seem to be lying, and Professor Lin Yi can actually say that, within 10-15 days, the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame can be completed.

This matter convinced them that it was a bit difficult, or that they couldn't accept such a thing for a while.

In general, they still have a clearer understanding of the hx-1 scientific research project, but just now, this knowledge has been broken by Professor Lin Yi himself.

Or in other words, they are after hearing what Professor Lin Yi said, after the time required.

Immediately the brain went blank, with a buzzing sound, standing in place with a dazed expression.

At this moment, they really wanted to ask Professor Lin Yi, does he really know what he is talking about?

Or is it true that what Professor Lin Yi said is true? Or is it lying to them?

You know, the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame they are currently doing, although it has only started for two days.

But in these two days, they fully felt how difficult it is to build the hx-1 frame.

·· ·····Find flowers····

After all, although the hx-1 framework has an experimental process, as a brand new computer framework platform, it is very difficult for them to complete it independently without any reference.

Moreover, everyone's minds are now placed in the first phase of the experiment, and they also deeply feel that even this first phase of the experiment makes them deeply feel the degree of difficulty.

After all, it is too difficult to build the hx-1 frame.

It is precisely because of this idea that they feel something is wrong with what Professor Lin Yi said.

In other words, they couldn't believe that Professor Lin Yi could complete the overall construction task of the entire hx-1 frame in 10-15 days.

.... .. ...

This is an impossible thing at all, but when they looked at Professor Lin Yi's expression, they felt that this thing could be done.

After all, Professor Lin Yi’s expression looks very confident, and Professor Lin Yi also said before that he has already reported the matter with the superior leaders and the senior leaders of China, and has received the superior leaders and the Chinese Approval by senior leaders.

You know, if this matter has been approved by the superiors and the senior leaders of China.

In other words, the superior leaders, as well as the senior leaders of China, have already completed the overall construction task of the hx-1 framework within the 10-15 days proposed by Professor Lin Yi, and made an effective In other words, they have gone through layers of discussions.

And, in the end, the most favorable judgment was made, that is, the emergency plan was initiated.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that the superiors, as well as the senior leaders of China, trust Professor Lin Yi very much.

Even, they have approved the emergency plan for Professor Lin Yi.

If this is the case, it means that the plan mentioned by Professor Lin Yi is feasible, at least in the eyes of superior leaders and all senior leaders in China.

In this case, the main reason why Professor Lin Yi said this to them is to get their approval and to let them work with Professor Lin Yi to complete the hx-1 scientific research project together. Knife.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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