I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 420 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"In any case, I think the content of this announcement may only be announced, the corresponding experimental process of self-developed computers, in order to let the Chinese people have some expectations, or let them feel some hope. "

"If this press conference can announce the news that China's self-developed computer has actually been developed, I think it is still not accurate. After all, the time is still too short. It is still very difficult to develop a computer anyway. What's more, China currently has a long way to go to develop its own computer."

“I’m not that I don’t believe in China’s capabilities, nor do I deny China’s shortcomings or strengths in this area. I just say that it is difficult for China to develop computers at the moment, and there is still too much we need to explore on this road Up."

"Although the speed of development is fast, the timeline is very slow. Other countries have already surpassed China’s many research results in the computer field, and there are plenty of experimental time to help them complete the computer, but China does not have China in this field. It’s too short a time to develop."

Then another reporter said his thoughts. In his opinion, this matter was very reasonable.

If China can complete its self-developed computer in a very short time, then China will not be choked by country m as it is now, and will not be afraid of country m blocking computer patents.

But now because country m has blocked related patents in the computer field, China is now facing a huge crisis.

Even the social operation of China has suffered various degrees of losses, and China’s current losses are already very serious.

If the self-developed computer can be completed in a short time, then China will not be so severely affected.

Therefore, in his opinion, the content of this announcement merely shows that self-developed computers have been put on the agenda, or that a small part of the achievements have been made in the experiments of self-developed computers.

In his opinion, this is the most reasonable explanation and the safest way to announce.

After hearing his words, the reporters at the scene nodded their heads in agreement, because it seemed to them to be the same, although some people were still hopeful and were thinking about this press conference.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It may be said directly, China’s success in self-developed computers, or it may be said directly, China’s major breakthrough in the computer field.

Although it seems to them that this matter is a matter of extremely small probability, they can't help thinking about this matter in their hearts.

After all, they also want to get China out of this crisis. You must know that as Chinese people, they don’t want to see their motherland gradually decline. No one wants to see their motherland decline. Everyone wants to see themselves. The motherland of China is developing rapidly.

So even now, there is no evidence to show that China has made significant breakthroughs on this road of self-developed computers.

But they also want to believe and want to look forward to China, and they will be able to do that one day.

Even at this announcement, they wanted to really hear the news that made them extremely excited, but even so, they knew that the probability of announcing the news was extremely small, very small.

After all, this matter is still a bit difficult for China, and there is a long way to go.

Soon while talking with reporters, Wei Wei stepped into the scene of the press conference.

Immediately after him, there were two speakers behind him, who also followed Wei Wei to the site of the press conference.

Then Wei Wei and the two speakers behind him took their seats separately, and then looked at the reporters and cameras off the court. The expressions on their faces were very serious, as if to tell a very important thing.

At this moment, the reporters and cameramen present felt the cold and solemn atmosphere at the press conference, as well as the heavy aura.

At this moment, they all knew that the news brought by Wei Wei, the spokesperson, must be very important, and it was also news that could shock the entire China.

You must know that as journalists, as media people, they have always been very keen on this kind of things, and they also have their own unique opinions, so they understood the moment they saw Wei Wei, this matter must not be the case. Simple, and this matter must be very important.

Soon the time came. Sitting in his seat, Wei Wei, who was sorting out the manuscript, raised his head to look at all the reporters and cameras off the court.

"Welcome everyone to the scene of this emergency announcement. I am Wei Wei, the spokesperson of this announcement."

"The reason for China's emergency announcement meeting is to announce one thing about self-developed computers."

"Everyone knows that a month ago, country m blocked the related patents in the computer field of China without authorization, so that our supercomputers and some computers in China could not be used normally and were directly eliminated. This is for us in China. It’s a very important thing, and it’s also a very important thing."

"Because of the fall of supercomputers, many scientific research projects, and the overall social operation of 430, have been stagnated to varying degrees, or have caused varying degrees of loss. At present, China is also suffering from such a loss. , I suffer every day."

"Everyone knows about this now, and one month has passed. In this month, we in China are also investing a lot of talents in the field of self-developed computers, and we have also exhausted a lot of manpower. Material resources come from researching computers."

"Now China's self-developed computer project has been put on the agenda. As far as I know, the entire scientific research project is being completed in a hurry. I believe that China's self-developed computer will be able to meet with you and the world before too long. All my friends have met."

"The matter to be announced today is related to self-developed computers. Everyone knows that after we did not use supercomputers in China, many scientific research projects could not be completed at the previous speed, and even self-developed computers. Research work has also been stagnated to varying degrees."

"So after discussing with the scientific research team, China's superior leaders, and a group of Chinese senior leaders, it was finally decided that China will launch an emergency plan to help self-developed computer research, which can be implemented faster and faster. Meet everyone.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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