I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 421 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The translation of this sentence came out of Wei Wei's mouth, and all the reporters present and all the photographers were taken aback.

They didn't know what the emergency plan was, and they didn't know what Wei Wei's emergency plan meant.

But what they know is what they said just now. As long as the emergency plan is activated, it can speed up the overall experimental process of the entire China's self-developed computer. They are still very concerned about this matter.

After all, China’s self-developed computers are something that hundreds of millions of people in China are very concerned about. After all, the lack of computers is really too much loss for China, and it has also caused a lot of impact on China. The news of computer research is definitely big news when it comes out.

However, the reporters at the scene did not ask any questions, because they knew that Wei Wei would tell the news next time, and it was not the time to ask questions, so they were all staring at Wei Wei and wanted to hear him. What is the next thing.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Wei looked at the reporters and the slightly puzzled faces of a group of photographers, and then said.

"The emergency plan is a set of plans to be used in emergencies jointly negotiated by superior leaders, a group of senior leaders in China, and the overall old professors who participated in China's self-developed computer."

"Now that the superior leaders, as well as the senior leaders of China, and the old professors who participated in China's self-developed computer, have discussed together, the best time to officially launch the emergency plan is also the best choice for launching the emergency plan. "

"And what is this emergency plan? The emergency plan is that China's current computer reserves are more than 600 million computers, and nearly 700 million computers."

"Among these 600 million computers, if the emergency plan is initiated, we will deploy 400 million computers with better performance from the private sector to jointly build a supercomputer, a supercomputer that is no less than the light of Shenwei Taihu Lake¨ ¨."

As soon as Wei Wei said what he said, the reporters present took a deep breath. They immediately widened their eyes and looked at Wei Wei incredulously, because they never thought that the emergency plan Wei Wei said was actually this.

You must know that China's current computer reserves are indeed nearly 700 million, which is exactly more than 600 million computers.

If 400 million computers are selected out of these 600 million computers to form a supercomputer that is no less than the light of Shenwei Taihu Lake, then this matter is a very important thing for China, and it is also a very big one. News.

It is necessary to know that if a supercomputer is built with 400 million computers, the overall social operation of China and some processes in China will not be able to proceed normally, and it will not be possible to minimize the losses faced as it is now.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

And there is another point. If a supercomputer is built using these 400 million computers, the losses China will face will be further expanded.

The severe blow China has suffered will also be further expanded. If this computer is only used in scientific research projects to help China's self-developed computer to indent the overall experimental process, then it is obvious that this will do more harm than good.

What's more, if you want to assemble 400 million computers, it is not an easy task for China now.

After all, this is the era of the Internet and the era of massive use of computers. If you want to mobilize 400 million computers, other fields, that is, other aspects of China, will be stagnated to varying degrees.

They will also suffer losses to varying degrees. In this way, all of China’s bets will be squeezed into the entire self-developed computer research project.

Once China’s self-developed computer science research project takes too long or the time to complete the experiment is far beyond everyone’s expectations, the loss to China will be huge.

These media workers work on the front line of the news media all year round. They know many things very well, and they can think of the rationale behind them.

So when they heard Wei Wei's introduction of the emergency plan, they immediately thought of this in their minds.

And they have even thought that once China launches an emergency plan to help China's self-developed computer scientific research projects to shorten the overall experimental process, then the consequences of this event will be very large.

Moreover, the pressure that China will have to bear will become very large, so they are a little confused now, why does China have to initiate an emergency plan under this circumstance?

After all, this emergency plan will cause huge losses to China.

What's more, the current China can no longer withstand the pressure, and cannot complete such overloaded work. Once any problems arise, their China and their motherland will face an unprecedented crisis, and they will also face it. An unprecedented change.

At this moment, a reporter raised his hand with a microphone in his hand to ask a question.

Seeing this, Wei Wei did not continue speaking, but raised his hand and pointed to the reporter.

"¨〃That reporter, please start your question."

As soon as Wei Wei's voice fell, a female reporter stood up with a microphone in her hand and stared at Wei Wei and asked.

"Under the current circumstances, how long will China have to go on the road to self-developed computers?"

"At present, China attaches great importance to the issue of self-developed computers, and it is the only way for China to break through the patent blockade. However, in this case, if an emergency plan is initiated, then the overall social operation of China will be affected. It will cause a big blow. In this case, how should China avoid causing more serious losses?"

"Or if there is a problem with a scientific research project, how will China avoid losses? How to reduce risks?"

The female reporter's question was very tricky. He immediately asked all the key points of the whole matter, and also recounted the pros and cons of the matter.

Wei Wei looked at the female reporter and nodded with a smile.

"This matter should be something that everyone is more concerned about. After all, under the current situation, China's losses are already huge, but even if it is, the superior leaders and the senior leaders of China must be resolute and resolute. To launch an emergency plan to help China’s self-developed computer scientific research project."

"I believe everyone is already very confused. Of course, if this matter is only a scientific research project that can help China's self-developed computer, it is only a trivial matter."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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