I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 426 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

At the same time, all countries in the world must also let the country m who wants to use computers to overwhelm them.

Knowing that they cannot reach China, the people of China are united. Once the people of China are united, they will explode with great power and produce qualitative changes.

Even they want everyone to know that the people in China still have them. China is invincible and a very strong group of people.

So many ups and downs, the ups and downs, China has come over, facing such a crisis, in their opinion, although this is not a trivial matter, but compared to everything China has experienced before, China is facing The storm is nothing, just a small crisis.

Therefore, they believe that as long as they are united this time, as long as they survive and can continue to survive, one day they will be able to overcome this crisis, and China will return to its peak moment, and it will return to its peak. Retrieve the glorious moment that truly belongs to China.

After the news broke, all the people and all netizens were paying attention to this matter soon, but the meager hot searched No. 1 position was never let go. It was China's emergency plan.

After all, there is nothing bigger and more important than China’s self-developed computer, and nothing is more important. This matter may attract the attention of the people, and it can also attract everyone’s attention. Pay attention.

Soon in this situation, another piece of news was reported, and it was also exploded through the tone of the official media and the perspective of the official media.

"China will launch an emergency plan, and the emergency plan is to transfer 400 million computers with good performance from the private sector to contribute to China's self-developed computer experimental project!"

"The emergency plan confirms that 400 million computers with good performance will be transferred from the private sector. Can the transfer work normally and whether it can proceed smoothly? This will be a problem ¨¨!"

"The emergency plan is such a difficult task. Can China complete the necessary conditions for launching the emergency plan? Under this circumstance, once China really has to mobilize 400 million computers, the impact it will cause will have an impact on China. It’s huge, so if that’s the case, China will also start an emergency plan. What is the real reason behind this?"

"Now is the time when China needs help. China will transfer 400 million computers. Now it is time for China to complete its self-developed computers. At this time, can the 400 million computers be transferred? Is it going smoothly?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"It will affect the whole body and take out 400 million computers, which will have a huge social impact on China. However, in this case, the emergency plan is still resolutely activated. Is it good or bad?"

"After the emergency plan is launched, can it really help the country's self-developed computer take a step toward success?"

Soon a series of state media all spoke out, telling the specific content of the emergency plan, or the emergency plan, what China should do.

Of course, this is the result of joint discussions between China's superior leaders and a group of high-level leaders. The content of the emergency plan must be stated.

The 400 million computers needed for the emergency plan must be known to all people. Only in this way can it be smoothly moved forward. The 400 million computers need to be transferred.

After all, if the people don’t know about this matter, if China secretly adjusts it, it will have a certain impact on China, and once someone discovers this matter and exposes this matter, it will also cause a lot of endorsement of China. influences.

So under this circumstance, the higher-level leaders and the senior leaders of China held an urgent meeting and finally decided to immediately announce the contents of the emergency plan so that all the people would know about this matter.

Only in this way can everyone resonate, and the people in China can feel the crisis of this incident.

Only in this way can we smoothly adjust the computer, and also help China's self-developed computer to achieve a real success.

This news has been released, but it has attracted the attention of all netizens, and it has also immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After all, this matter is really too big, and the impact on China as a whole is also very huge. Even if this matter is true, it can completely detonate everyone's attention, and it is enough to make all netizens pay attention.

After all, this matter concerns each of them, the overall operation of China as a whole, and even their subsequent development, and even the lives of each of them are closely related to this matter.

At this moment, after everyone knows the content of the solution, and also knows what big moves China will do next, every netizen is unavoidably surprised, and many people are unavoidably panicked.

At this moment, they finally know that it is true that China has really reached the moment when they need their help. It is the moment when they should make a contribution.

After all, 400 million computers are being tuned. What kind of concept is that 400 million computers is a very huge volume.

It can be said that if you look at the countries in the world that can do this, only China can do it, and only China can reach such a scale.

It is impossible to start this thing in other countries, because the reason is very simple. It requires too many computers to transfer 400 million computers.

And now this news broke through the tone of these official media, enough to let all netizens, all Chinese people know how urgent it is and how urgent it is.

Generally speaking, after passing this news, they are absolutely sure that China really needs the help of all their people now, and China is now in a real crisis.

This is also the case, so China will need to initiate an emergency report, otherwise they will have to deploy 400 million computers, which will have a great impact on China.

From this point of view, China’s superior leaders and China’s first middle-level and senior leaders naturally wouldn’t be ignorant of how much impact the 400 million computers will have on China. Compared with this matter, it must be a very good thing. The final decision was made after long discussions. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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