I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 427 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

So after hearing this news, all netizens were shocked, because they did not expect that the emergency plan would actually be like this, or that they did not expect that the emergency plan was to allocate 400 million computers from the private sector.

For a while, all the online names have launched a very fierce hot discussion, and even the first place on the hot search lists of major platforms has firmly locked this news.

This news soon reached the top of all the lists after it was released, and it also let more netizens know the purpose of China's emergency report, and also know what the emergency plan is.

Soon netizens started a fierce discussion, and a comment was quickly ranked first.

"The emergency plan is actually to transfer 400 million computers from the private sector. If you know that it is 400 million, what is the concept? It can be said that once these 400 million computers are removed, then the overall social operation of China will be affected. It will have a huge impact."

"Moreover, our lives will also face a huge impact. Generally speaking, if an emergency plan is initiated at this critical moment and 400 million computers are transferred, is this a good thing or a bad thing, or how much it will cause China? What about the impact? How much benefit will it bring to China?"

Then another netizen put forward his own opinion.

"I think these 433 things should be considered a good thing. After all, the upper-level leaders have already agreed. To start the emergency plan, they must have been deliberated and even discussed very rigorously before reaching this result."

"It is conceivable that when they made this decision, they must have also thought of the huge impact on China, and also thought that our lives would suffer an unprecedented blow. But under this circumstance, China still held The announcement meeting stated that the emergency plan should be launched."

"So I think that in this case, we should extend our helping hands to help China tide over this difficulty. I totally agree to transfer 400 million computers, and I will actively cooperate with this matter."

Then a netizen issued his own comment, expressing his own views on the matter.

"But that's not what I said. Once this incident can't bring huge benefits at all, it will increase China's losses. If China is further into the abyss, then this incident is a bad thing."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"It is completely a bad thing that does no good to China. If this is the case, then our purpose of launching the emergency plan is wrong, and even we will do a thankless thing. It is very likely that we It will also become a pusher, the pusher that completely pushes China into the abyss."

Suddenly, more netizens left messages under this message, expressing their own opinions one after another, and also expressing their own opinions one after another.

"I think so too. Although China does need our help now, our help cannot be brainless. Although we do support China unconditionally, what we need to do now should be the overall situation. ."

"In the case of China's self-developed computers and the overall collapse of China, I think we still have to look at this matter rationally. Does China really need to initiate an emergency plan to complete the self-developed computers?"

"This is still a thing that cannot be achieved, and it is also a result that we cannot predict. I think that once the emergency plan is launched, then China will face a very serious blow."

"I don't think so. I think China has reached a very crisis time and it is also a time when we all need to help. I just reviewed the video of the press conference again. The publisher has clearly stated that, as long as it starts. Emergency plan, then it will be very helpful to the experiment process of self-developed computer."

"And what we need most in China now is the advent of self-developed computers. If it can really provide China with a huge help, then I am willing to contribute my computer to help China complete the process of self-developed computers."

"It is true. I think that under the current situation, the upper-level leaders really stated that the emergency plan should be launched, which is a very urgent plan. This shows that China has really reached the moment of need for help."

"At this time, we must unite as one, and we must also help China tide over this difficulty, so I am willing to contribute my own strength, and I will resolutely dedicate my computer to it. Help China complete the overall experimental process of self-developed computers to help China’s self-developed computers come out faster."

"Those who are unwilling to dedicate their computers to help China, what are you thinking?"

"After all, China has reached the time when we need help. What we have to do now is to help China unconditionally, and unconditionally extend a helping hand to help our homeland. In this case, you actually think more about your own life. Will be greatly affected, don’t you feel bad about it?"

"Upstairs, if you say this, then things are completely different. If you look closely at what they say, you will find that many people are standing in a position that is for the sake of China. They are all considering the overall social operation of China."

"After all, if the emergency plan is initiated in this situation, it will definitely cause huge losses to China. After all, that is 400 million computers. You may not have much idea about 400 million computers."

"It can be said that all of our computer reserves in China now are less than 700 million. If 400 million computers are allocated, it would be equivalent to removing 3/5 of the computers."

"If you think about it in the age of the Internet, if these computers are tuned for use, how much impact will it have on China? When considering things, you must consider the overall situation instead of being patriotic. This situation is not called a brainless patriotism. patriotic."

"It is true that we should consider this matter from a more rational perspective. If China really needs our help, then I will contribute my own strength without hesitation."

"But in this case, I can't contribute my own strength. After all, we can't see any results now, and we can't predict how things will change in the future."

"Once there is a slight crisis, it will be a huge blow to China, and our home will be further destroyed. Under such circumstances, I don't think we will have any chance of recovery. ".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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