I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 428 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

"If you say that I am brainless and patriotic, then I have no way to refute it. After all, I think that China has really reached a very critical point and that everyone should extend their helping hands to help. China has weathered this difficult time."

"The more this is the case, the more we must respect China's choice, and the more we must unite as one to overcome the difficulties at this moment."

"So I think we should all make our own choices in this situation. I think the most correct choice is to contribute our own strength, that is, to help China contribute our own computers. This is the only way for us. Only when China has a ray of life, we have a chance to save everything, and we can break this crisis and overcome this difficulty."

Netizens have different opinions, and they have expressed their opinions one after another, and they have also expressed their own opinions one after another.

Everyone has their own opinions on this matter, and everyone has their own opinions, but each of them has a good starting point. They are all thinking about China, and they are all thinking about China's future. miss you.

At this moment, everyone is thinking about China and expressing what they think is best for China.

At this moment, no one commented, whether the matter was right or wrong, and no one paid attention to the true meaning behind this matter.

After all, they don't know how important and helpful to China and the hx-1 scientific research project led by Lin Yi to start the solution under the current circumstances.

They don’t know this, and these netizens can’t access this information, so they can only rely on the information they can only obtain to make the right choice and make the most correct choice. s Choice.

However, many people are in this situation, they do not know how to make a choice, and they do not know whether to help China or choose not to help China in this situation.

In other words, they don't know whether they should contribute their own computers now.

After all, once they contribute their own computers, their lives and the operation of the whole society will suffer a very serious blow.

In other words, once they contributed their own computers, China successfully mobilized 400 million calculators to help the self-developed computer research project proceed faster.

They don't know what the outcome will be, and they can't foresee the consequences that China will face once such a choice is made. They don't know these things, and they don't see them in advance.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

So it is for this reason that many of them are unable to make their own choices, nor do they know what to do.

For a time, after all the official media released this news, not only netizens were shocked, but also experts in various aspects of China.

For example, economic experts, sociology experts, and experts in various fields in China have all stood up and expressed their views on this matter.

At the same time, they also made a more rational analysis, and whether China really needs to contribute this computer to help the self-developed computer successfully come out, this matter made a huge sacrifice.

Soon, China's well-known economics expert, Expert Zhang, said publicly.

"After launching the emergency plan for China, 400 million computers need to be transferred from the private sector to help China's self-developed computers in the overall experimental process."

"I think in this case, if China launches an emergency plan and allocates 400 million civilian computers to help the experiment process, although it may seem like a good thing on the surface, there is actually a huge crisis behind it. "

"If the transfer of these 400 million computers is a very good thing for the experimental process, it can bring huge returns, and even far outweigh the losses China faces, then this thing will be a great thing. Very good thing."

"But once the losses we face in China are not proportional to the gains we get, or the gains we get are far lower than the losses we have to pay."

"Then this incident will cause a huge blow to China. At present, China's economy is on the verge of collapse. Although the losses that China is facing now are completely bearable, a series of economic problems are in progress. It is constantly being exposed, and it is constantly being exposed to the surface."

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"This is not a good thing for China, so I think we can start the emergency plan a little bit later, or we can start the emergency plan only after specific discussions. Only in this way can we ensure that we can get huge benefits. Under the circumstance, it can reduce the losses China faces as much as possible."

Immediately after expert Zhang expressed his views, China's well-known sociology expert, expert Wang also published a long article on the platform to issue his own opinions on the matter.

"Everyone knows that if an emergency plan is launched at this time, it will have a huge impact on the overall social operation of China."

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"After all, it was a sampling of 400 million computers. I believe everyone has a corresponding concept for 400 million computers. Here I want to add one more point to everyone."

"Once 400 million computers are taken out, then our overall social operation will be stagnant for a period of time."

"It's not that I am scaring everyone, nor is it bluffing you. These 400 million computers still have a huge impact on the overall social operation of China."

"Once the society enters a stagnation, then a series of problems we will face will completely erupt. In this case, what we can do or what China needs to do is to make up for this loss in a timely manner."

"At the same time, we have to do a series of preventive work. After all, once the economic plan is launched, the social problems that have been stable in China before will burst out in a short period of time."

"Under such circumstances, can we actually resist this situation? Or can China really do well and prepare to face such social problems?"

"To sum up, I am not a person who opposes the economic plan. I just think that if China can do a good job in defending against a series of problems, then it is understandable to initiate the emergency plan, and even the emergency plan will be a problem. Good thing for China." Knife.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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