I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 439 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

When Jackson said this, everyone present was shocked, because they didn't expect Jackson to implement the plan proposed by the lieutenant general.

You must know that this plan is very risky, and it completely plunges Country M into it.

It can be said that once this plan is implemented, country m will suffer a big blow. In this case, country m will definitely suffer a big blow if it fails.

And not only that, even if it is successful, then they will definitely be able to achieve their goals, but for their ultimate goals, country m will pay a lot, or country m. The risks to be endured and the price to be paid are also extremely high.

No matter how you look at this matter, it is a loss-making business, or to say that this matter is that their country m is too greedy.

According to their past experience, if they are too greedy, the final result is likely to be unsatisfactory.

Or, the final result may not be as smooth as they thought.

After all, if they are greedy, it will lead to the failure of the entire plan, or they will change the plan due to another, more greedy approach during the plan.

Therefore, at this moment, they all think that in this situation, they absolutely cannot be greedy, and they must accept it when they see it well.

In other words, it must be done with certainty before proceeding with what is to be done next, otherwise it is very likely to cause serious consequences, or it may also cause very unfavorable consequences.

So at this moment, another congressman stood up and preached in a solemn voice.

"Master Jackson, I think this matter still has a business purpose. After all, the price we paid for this matter is too risky. We can't use the national transportation of M country to do this. "

"Since China dared to do it, and if they dare to initiate an emergency plan, it can only show that China is truly a matter of life and death. If they do not initiate an emergency plan in China, their self-developed computer will not be able to complete it.

"But there is no such situation here in our country m. The current situation is that even if we don't attack the escort team, we simply leave Professor Liang Zhiwei in country m temporarily, so that our goal will be achieved. It has reached all our thoughts all along."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"But once the plan of the lieutenant general is implemented, all our plans will be disrupted, or we will all have to reformulate."

"Moreover, we have to face greater risks. If this plan fails, our country m will fall into a situation where it will be impossible to recover, and even our country m may repeat the mistakes of China."

"Even now China may be our future country m, so I think we cannot act rashly in this case. We must fight steadily, and give priority to maintaining our status as country m, or to keep our country m in priority. collapse."

"This is the safest way, and it's the one thing we need to do most now."

Just after this congressman spoke out, at the same time another congressman also stood up immediately.

"Master Jackson, I also think that's the case. After all, the risks we are currently facing in Country M are facing very large losses."

"And once the lieutenant general's plan fails, then we will not only bear our economic losses, but also possibly, we will also bear the possibility of our military strength being greatly weakened.

"There are also the consequences of the weakening of military forces such as the cherry blossom country and the lamp country. I think that if this matter is added, we will not be able to carry out this plan."

"We are absolutely not able to adopt this kind of plan. Once this kind of plan is adopted, our country m will be pushed to the cusp of the storm. I don't think this method is a good way, and I don't think this method is a good way. good idea."

"I very much agree with the plan of steady and steady fight. Only in this way can we maintain our own interests while accomplishing our own goals and achieving what we have always wanted."

"Only in this way can we achieve our goals more quickly, and at least do what we want to do while ensuring that we have not suffered a great loss..."

After the two congressmen spoke out, Jackson frowned and turned to look at the two congressmen with dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Jackson’s idea was simple. He just wanted to rely on the Lieutenant General’s plan to get in place in one step and directly prepare to kill two birds with one stone. This would not only prevent the completion of China’s self-developed computer, but also indirectly cause China’s military power to be lost.

In this way, it is completely possible to achieve their goal of country m while further accomplishing what they have in mind.

In this way, the risks they have undertaken and the losses they endure can bring huge benefits, just like the current emergency plan in China.

Now China has also taken huge risks and suffered huge losses. Similarly, if the self-developed computer can be completed, then China will definitely gain huge benefits.

And China can definitely soar into the sky, completely surpassing their current status.

Jackson also wanted to take a gamble. He wanted to take a gamble. Country M would never be able to become the current China.

And he is confident enough to accomplish all of this. After all, if some measures are not taken now, then no measures will be taken in the future, and there will be no chance to allow him to take measures in the future.

These are all very critical things, and 2.2 is also what Jackson has been thinking about. No matter how you say it, what Jackson has to do is to protect the interests of country m to a great extent and achieve them at the same time. The goal of the country, or more perfect to achieve the goal of their country m.

This is the best solution, and it is the solution Jackson has always wanted.

But it was this solution, which Jackson thought was very good and a very wise choice, but the two congressmen stood up and publicly refuted the implementation of the plan, which made Jackson very upset.

At the same time, it made Jackson feel that this group of people was refuting his own point of view, just trying to embarrass himself.

At the same time, the idea of ​​letting these two congressmen go out came into his mind. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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