I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 440 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

After all, these two congressmen were already in the conference room. During this meeting, they made it clear that they would not support themselves, and even publicly refuted all their views, which embarrassed themselves or made him a little unable to come to Taiwan.

To know what he said in the first two sentences, it is obvious that he just wants to support the plan proposed by the mid-year general, and that is to implement this plan in order to achieve their goal of country m.

However, the appearance of these two congressmen will easily shake other people a little, and will also make many people unable to hold down their own ideas. In this way, it will be difficult for Jackson's purpose to be achieved.

It can be said that once one person refutes something, then there will be a second person to refute. Now that the first person and the second person stand up to refute, then it is very likely that more people will come forward to refute his point. Once he came, his plan, this plan would not be able to continue.

You must know that Jackson is a very bold person. He is also a very gambler. Although he has been repeatedly defeated by China before, he is very persevering.

He wants to recoup all his losses with a victory. It can be said that Jackson is now a gambler. He has lost too many times, and he can't continue to lose.

If he continues to lose, then his position as the commander-in-chief will stop doing it, and it can be said that his prestige in Country M has become very small now.

It's far less than before, so he wants to bet on this game, betting that this one can recover all the losses and then use this to prove his value and his control of the whole world situation.

He even wants to use this to re-establish his prestige and allow himself to be in that position again, so as to ensure that everything he has done is correct and that any decision he makes in the future can be supported by someone.

This is Jackson’s purpose, and Jackson’s long-standing idea. It now seems that he is approaching this idea step by step, but before this idea has started to be implemented, stumbling blocks have already appeared, which makes Jackson very Unhappy.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

At this moment, Bruce turned his head to look at Jackson. His eyes were always fixed on Jackson's eyes. He now knew that Jackson was very dissatisfied, and he knew Jackson very well.

After all, he stayed by Jackson's side for so long, and he is still in a high position now, a five-star general in country m.

Naturally, he knew very well what the lord general was thinking. As long as he saw the expression on Jackson’s face, he knew that Jackson was very upset now, and he also knew why Jackson was upset, so he stood up at this moment. Came to look at the two congressmen and said in a solemn voice.

"I choose to support this plan. I list two reasons. First, the goal we want to achieve now is to prevent the research and development process of self-developed computers, that is, to prevent the success of self-developed computers. This is our most basic purpose and also What we have always wanted to do."

"So, this thing is very easy to do now. As long as Professor Liang Zhiwei stays in country m, then we don’t have to do anything. As long as we drag on for a long time, then the self-developed computer can be put on hold for a long time. Time can achieve our goal."

"But is this really what we want to do? Or can it really recover all our previous losses in time?"

"The answer is no. If they want to complete the self-developed computer without Professor Liang Zhiwei, it may take two years, maybe 5 years, or even 10 years before they can be developed."

"But how much can we develop in these 10 years? And how much can they develop in these 10 years?"

"You must know that what we are now relying on is the outstanding performance in the computer field. It can also be said that computers in the world are led by us."

"In this case, if we do not use this advantage to further expand the overall advantage, then it can only show that the hole card in our hand is completely useless, and it will not play its due role at all. ."

"The second reason is the other thing I want to say, and that is the gap in military power. Before the military power of our country m has always been the top in the world, and it has always been the benchmark in the world. Everyone wants to surpass the military power of our country m in order to demonstrate their strength."

"But no one can do it, but this situation has changed dramatically in the past few years, and that is the emergence of Professor Lin Yi. Professor Lin Yi directly led China into a new era."

"It can be said that Professor Lin Yi, who appeared out of thin air, has completely brought China into a new military field, and even a military field that makes us feel unfamiliar. This is very bad news, and it is also a very let us A message that needs to be alert."

"Military strength, now we are no better than China, and we have fallen behind a lot. Before, we were obviously more than 40 years behind, but now, we are now 440 behind."

"Let’s think about it, in this case, we are lagging behind the military power of decades, and we want to surpass the military power of these decades, then our country m will also have such a professor, but we Can it really be done? Or can we really simply surpass the 40-year technical level?"

"So after you listened to my remarks, you will understand why you support this plan, the implementation of this plan, all these are for our country m consideration."

"All this is for our country m. If our country m does not take some measures at this time, adopt some plans and some measures, then we will always be behind, and even we will never have anything to do. There is a chance to surpass, and we have no chance to break the existing balance."

"Our country m does not have Professor Lin Yi, and it is impossible for someone like Professor Lin Yi to appear. This is a certainty and an established fact."

"So we can only rely on ourselves, only rely on our means, rely on our strategy to accomplish these things, to achieve what we want to do, only in this way can we achieve our true goals and save the present. Country m.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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