I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 442 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

In general, now country M has fallen into a trough, and they are no longer the strongest country in the world.

They don’t even have any advantage in the military field. If they can rely on the implementation of this plan this time to accomplish what they have always wanted to do and want to return to the top of the world, then this plan is complete. meaningful.

Because at the very least, their country m will return to its peak, and their lives will be much better, and their country m will always lead the whole world, and will always lead everyone to a more glorious future.

At this time, Jackson turned his head to look at everyone in the conference room, scanned the faces of everyone present, and then said in a solemn voice.

"Do you have any other different opinions? Or do you have any questions about this plan that you don't understand, or what is incomprehensible, or if you have other things that you don't understand, you can put it forward."

"Let me talk about my views first. I am very supportive of this plan, and I also want to make this plan smoothly implemented."

"After all, in general, the implementation of this plan 440 is completely beneficial to our country m. Although our country m has to bear certain risks, we have to pay some price."

"But in general, I think that the risks we have taken and the price we have paid are worth it. After all, once we succeed, it will be a very important thing for the entire country of m, and it will also be the same. This is a very important and good thing. Our country M is now at a low point."

"It can be said that the position of our country m is not as good as before. This is not only the responsibility of each of us, it is also my responsibility, and even this is closely related to each of us."

"But in general, it is precisely because of China's strength and the rapid rise of China that our country M has fallen to this point."

"So I think in this case, after we seize an inventory point, we must do our best to complete this thing, we must seize this opportunity, and not let this opportunity pass away!"

"After all, for us now, there is only one chance. Success or failure depends on this. In any case, we must seize this opportunity to help our country m overcome this difficulty."

"Help our country m complete a great leap, and let our country m develop more quickly, only in this way can we continue to maintain our previous position and continue to develop our country m."

"Prior to this, our country M has always been the leader, but now we have ranked second, and even if we don't do anything, we may not even be able to keep the second position."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"But can we be satisfied with the second position? We have been the bosses for many years. I believe that everyone here does not want to be second, and you don't want our country M to end up like this."

"So I think it is very important and crucial for us to start this plan this time. We must seize this opportunity, and we must firmly grasp this opportunity to fulfill the dream that we have always kept in our minds and regain it. All that we have lost, only in this way can we do some things better, and can better continue the development of country m!"

When the words fell, the expressions on all the people present became a bit solemn.

After hearing Jackson's words, their hearts were shaken extremely strongly. They also knew that the current country M was in a very embarrassing position and its position was completely unstable.

It is because of the rise of China, that is, because China's development is so fast, it directly left their country m behind.

So this is also an important reason for the unstable status of their country m, although they used the patent blockade in the computer field before.

It limits their development, but even in this case, it is very difficult for Country M to win back the top spot.

After all, they want to regain the first place in just a few years. They have no such ability in country m. China has Professor Lin Yi, but they don't have Professor Lin Yi in country m.

It is even more unlikely that there will be people like Professor Lin Yi.

Even if they will appear, they don't dare to bet. After all, China has only produced a Professor Lin Yi for so many years. Then how many years will they have a person like Professor Lin Yi?

They will not pin their hopes on such people, it is too unstable and it is almost impossible to happen, so they can only pin all their hopes on themselves.

Only by placing all their hopes on themselves can they have the ability and determination to accomplish all of this, and can they regain the glory that belonged to them before.

Otherwise, if you put all your hopes on others, it is a very dangerous thing, and it is also a very unreliable thing.

All the people present are human spirits. They have lived in country m for many years, and they have seen through the laws of the world.

Even they have a good grasp of the laws of operation behind the whole world, so they can see a thing more thoroughly and understand Jackson's determination to recapture everything.

And now Jackson’s words really reveal his ambitions. Jackson’s ambitions are very big, but in this case, what Jackson reflects is exactly what Country M wants to regain. Ambition.

In this case, are they really in second place?

It was impossible, and it was something they couldn't do at all. After being the boss for so long, they retreated to second place under this circumstance.

It is conceivable that their psychological gap is very large, and it is also very difficult to accept. Therefore, in this case, they must do something to restore the current situation and break the current deadlock.

In other words, they can only use a series of means, through a series of methods, to do a series of things to redeem this situation, to help them regain everything they lost before, only in this way can they accomplish their goals.

Let country m return to the position that truly belongs to them, and only in this way can they be satisfied! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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