I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 443 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

As soon as I said this, all the senior officials of country m who were present were silent.

Because they know that since Jackson has said such things, it means that Jackson must start this plan.

And they also have to make their own decision, although Jackson's words do not clearly indicate that they are allowed to make a decision, and make them immediately determined whether to start this plan.

But Jackson’s words were full of this meaning, and they also understood that Jackson wanted them to immediately make up their minds to start this plan and make this choice that made them feel a little difficult.

But they also knew that all of what Jackson said was completely okay, and they were all very unjustifiable.

After all, this is the case. There is nothing wrong with what Jackson said, and even everything Jackson said is very important to country m.

It can be said that everything Jackson is talking about now, all his plans and all his plans are for the consideration of country m and for their future development. There is no doubt about this.

Similarly, this is what Jackson has been doing all the time, and it is also the concept that Jackson has always upheld.

But for starting this plan, their opinions still want to continue to think about it. After all, this is a very big thing, and it is also a thing that they are not easy to manipulate.

In general, the place they can manipulate for this matter is actually very small, and the variables are very large.

Take China’s newly developed Fighter A, although it can be said that the Fighter A has no substantive combat effect after their research, and it is far from reaching the point where it threatens the military field of their country m.

But this fighter A is a variable that gives them a headache, and it is also a point that makes them feel a little difficult to deal with.

Once their previous conclusions are not true facts, that is to say, the power and combat capabilities that he can display in terms of fighter A are far beyond their imagination.

Then everything will be completely out of the minds of all of them. It can be said that if China's combat mechas can really threaten their military field, then their implementation of this plan will be the biggest failure.

The same fighter A is also the biggest variable. In general, the emergence of fighter A has had a certain impact on all the combat areas and combat plans of their country m.

In other words, fighter aircraft is a matter that country m must focus on now, and in any case, it is impossible for combat aircraft to really exert their true strength.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

They must now consider how their plan should be implemented once China has really come up with combat mechas.

After all, in general, the combat mecha is a very headache for them, and it is also a very uncertain factor, which is likely to directly lead to the collapse of the entire plan.

It may also directly cause their next series of wrong decisions to occur, and it may even push all of them into the abyss, leaving them completely without a chance to comeback.

So the first thing these high-level people think of is how to get the combat mecha a thing, and how to deceive the negotiation team.

To be able to make the fake Professor Liang Zhiwei successfully board the escort team, they consider these things, the same thing they have to consider is the future of country m, and whether each step of the decision they make can have a huge impact .

Or whether the next risky move they are going to take can achieve the desired effect, so that they can maximize their benefits and minimize their losses.

This is the most important thing, and it is what they care about most.

At this moment, Jackson looked at everyone present, scanned the faces of everyone present, and said.

"Do you have any different opinions? Or you can say that you have some of your own opinions on this plan."

"The main purpose of this meeting is to decide whether we want to start this plan, or whether we will make this difficult decision, or whether we will take a gamble with me."

Up to now, Jackson has just said the words. He is completely gambling. As he said, he has not deceived these senior executives at all. He is gambling again that their plan can succeed and that China can be fooled. .

·· ·····Find flowers····

As long as the plan can be implemented smoothly, as long as all their plans can proceed smoothly as they envisioned, then their country m will win the bet.

And they not only win the bet, but they will also reap huge benefits, although these benefits are not available right away.

But from another level, the benefits that their country m has gained are very huge. It can be said that as long as the plan can proceed smoothly, their country m will definitely return to the top and become the most powerful country in the world. There is no one. .

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At that time, the laws of operation of the entire world will still be controlled by their country m, and the entire world will also be controlled by their country m to determine the pace of everyone.

This is what they have always wanted to do and what they have been doing.

It is just because of the sudden emergence of China that the military strength has developed too fast, and they have not been able to react for a while, which has caused the current situation.

But Jackson has made up his mind now, he must complete all this again in a short period of time, so that Country M can reach the top of the world again.

Let the world be greatly affected by country m again, and country m can influence the world again. This is what Jackson has been doing all the time, and it is also his unswerving plan to make this kind of adventure. main reason.

In this case you cannot say that Jackson is wrong, nor can you say that Jackson is too greedy.

After all, he led country m to that step before, and he is now very confident that he can lead country m to that step again, and can help country m return to its peak again.

At this time, after listening to Jackson's words, everyone present raised their heads and looked at Jackson in unison. Everyone had indescribable emotions in their eyes, and the expressions on their faces were also very complicated.

At this moment, they all seemed to be making a difficult decision, and they all seemed to cheer for themselves. Knife.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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