I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 467 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

At this time, Lin Yi's tone was very firm, and the expression on his face was full of seriousness.

The old professors and researchers present, after hearing what Professor Lin Yi said, combined with the expression on his face, they all know that they are not persuading them at this point in time. Lives with Professor Lin Yi.

Moreover, Professor Lin Yi seems to be able to complete the difficult task of restoring data within 10 minutes.

After all, Professor Lin Yi has done miracles before, and he has done miracles more than once.

At this time, they have no other good solutions. Apart from believing in Professor Lin Yi, there is no other solution that can be better than the solution proposed by Professor Lin Yi.

At this moment, the old professors and a group of researchers present looked at each other. Their faces were full of doubts and worries. Until now, they still dare not truly believe in Professor Lin Yi. After all, every minute and every second is precious. time.

There is no room for them to waste at all, and even they don't have any time to waste now, all the time is very tight.

All things are proceeding very tightly.

In general, if they want to allow the supercomputer to access normally, 457 is only the method mentioned by Professor Lin Yi, and they can only let Professor Lin Yi try it, and there is no other way. law.

"Professor Lin Yi, since you have stated your plan so firmly, then we choose to support you."

Professor Li stood up at this time and looked at Lin Yi, with a serious expression on his face and determination in his eyes.

Just after he and other old professors, and a group of scientific researchers looked at each other with their eyes, their hearts became firm.

They chose to believe in Professor Lin Yi at this moment. After all, Professor Lin Yi is the one who can lead them to create miracles, and Professor Lin Yi himself is also a person who can create miracles.

Now they all unanimously choose to believe in Professor Lin Yi, after all, there is no other way, and they have no other plan to recover the loss in time.

Now only if I believe that Professor Lin Yi can work hard, and at the same time, he can better hand over the connection of the supercomputer.

Hearing these words, Lin Yi nodded very firmly and said.

"Dear old professors and researchers, thank you for your trust. Now it is not too late, so let's start right away."

To be honest, Lin Yi raised his head to look at the old professors of the First Middle School and a group of researchers, and said in a solemn voice.

"You now need to draw 10 people to help."

"Professor Cai, you take three scientific researchers to perform the preparations for position 1.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Professor Li your 4 researchers went to set up the initial program."

"Professor Wang, you will bring a researcher to implement the cfh plan at the java station #4."

Lin Yi quickly ordered what he needed the researchers to do, and also explained the situation to the three old professors.

The three old professors, Professor Li, Professor Wang, and Professor Cai, who were called, immediately shook their faces and shook their bodies as soon as they heard Lin Yi's instructions, and responded in unison.

"Professor Lin Yi, don't worry, this matter is entrusted to the three of us. We must handle this matter well."

To be honest, the three professors each took several scientific researchers ordered by Lin Yi to the work station designated by him to make preparations.

Seeing this, Lin Yi continued to order.

"The 20 scientific researchers immediately began the next preparatory work, and it is estimated that I will be here in 10 minutes for the handover work!"

"All the rest, go to each station to help, and must convey what I just said to everyone in the entire scientific research project team, and tell the second laboratory, the third laboratory, everything is going on as usual. There can be no delays."

After hearing Lin Yi's instructions, all the researchers present were full of energy, and their eyes burst into light. At the same time, they immediately shouted in unison.

"Yes, Professor Lin Yi!"

Immediately after they responded, they turned around and walked where they should be.

All the people in the entire scientific research project team moved all at once. They all went to various places to execute the instructions given by Lin Yi under Lin Yi's arrangement.

At the same time, after Lin Yi gave all the instructions, he immediately walked towards the place where the three professors had gone.

Soon Lin Yi came to the main computer and was here, besides him, there were 10 scientific researchers standing beside him.

These are all researchers who will help Lin Yi for a while.

Immediately after Lin Yi arrived here, the three professors also came to the main computer.

"When can Professor Lin Yi start, we have almost prepared it there, and it takes about one minute to start."

Professor Li said seriously, the expression on his face was full of expectation.

He is now very much looking forward to Lin Yi's miracle.

After all, whatever they say, what they are facing now is a very important thing.

After all, it is to repair the lost data. How difficult it is to repair the lost data. As the top experts in the computer field, they know this very well.

And it is also conceivable that Professor Lin Yi wants to repair these data within 10 minutes.

It is very likely that in these 10 minutes, Professor Lin Yi will concentrate on some operations, continue to write programs and so on.

But even so, he believes that the probability that Professor Lin Yi can retrieve the data should not be particularly high.

After all, as an old professor in the scientific research project team, he is also a top expert in the computer field who has been cultivating for many years. He is very difficult to face such problems.

There is no certainty that this data can be repaired within ten minutes.

Even if Professor Li is asked to repair this data, the professor is likely to be able to complete this arduous task in a few hours.

So he is now very much looking forward to the miracle that Professor Lin Yi can create, and he can fix all the data in 10 minutes.

This is Professor Wang on the side also echoing the Tao.

"Professor Lin Yi, my side is also ready. It's almost the same as Professor Li's side. It will take about a minute."

"Professor Lin Yi, my side is completely ready and can start at any time." Professor Cai also echoed.

After hearing the words of the three old professors, Lin Yi nodded heavily, then looked at the main computer screen and said in a solemn voice.

"Three professors, please go back to your workstation immediately, and we will start immediately in a minute.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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