I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 468 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

After hearing these words of Professor Lin Yi, the three old professors looked solemn at the same time, and their bodies suddenly trembled.

Then, he turned around and walked towards his workstation.

As Professor Lin Yi said, he will start to repair the data in a minute, and the entire data will be repaired within 10 minutes.

This is an extremely difficult task, and it is also a very big challenge for them.

And Professor Lin Yi asked their three old professors and brought 10 other researchers to help emotionally. It was also because Professor Lin Yi wanted to be more confident and complete the restoration of the data within 10 minutes.

Of course, the main person who writes the program to repair the data is still Professor Lin Yi, and the three old professors are just aside-assisting Professor Lin Yi.

Help Professor Lin Yi complete some detailed optimizations, and find out the possible mistakes that Professor Lin Yi may make in time to avoid unexpected situations.

It can be said that the role of these three old professors at this time incarnation is to find bug personnel.

But these three old professors didn't complain, and they didn't mean to complain at all.

After all, this matter was a mistake made by a researcher, and the three old professors also felt responsible.

Because Professor Lin Yi handed over the first laboratory to them to manage, but they did not do this well. Instead, one of the researchers in the first research room entered the wrong data.

This led to the loss of the entire data, which they believed was the negligence of their old professors.

So because of this idea, they value this matter even more, and at the same time they want to help Professor Lin Yi complete this seemingly impossible task.

Even if the task is not completed in the end, they can feel better. At least they helped Professor Lin Yi to do some recovery, but in the end things backfired.

Then they had to do the preparatory work again obediently.

Of course, if this thing is done well and Professor Lin Yi successfully retrieved the data, then they will feel better in their hearts.

After all, Professor Lin Yi also retrieved the data with their assistance. Generally speaking, they couldn't communicate, and the guilt in their hearts would naturally be less.

What these three old professors also know is that even if the data is retrieved, it must be the credit of Professor Lin Yi.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After all, the three old professors are very self-aware, and they know that if they rely on them, they will not be able to retrieve the data in a short time.

Even if the three of them work hard to retrieve these data at the same time, the time required may be within an hour or even two hours.

If that's the case, then there is no need to transfer the data back, just do the preparation again, and now do the preparation again, it may only take an hour, this is certain.

It is completely unpredictable to repair the data. It can be said that it is very likely that they will not be able to repair the data in a few hours, or they may not be able to repair the data in an hour.

From a comprehensive point of view, how can I say that it is faster to reformulate the preparations.

But now that Professor Lin Yi joins, everything is disrupted. Professor Lin Yi advocates repairing the data, and the three old professors believe that Professor Lin Yi came to assist Professor Lin Yi to complete the arduous task of repairing the data. task.

Soon, these three old professors all came to their respective workstations, sitting in front of the computer, putting their hands on the keyboard at the same time, always preparing for the instructions of Professor Lin Yi.

"Professor Li, Professor Wang, Professor Cai, start now!"

At this moment, the three old professors in the laboratory heard the words of Professor Lin Yi at the same time, and all of these three old professors flashed their eyes.

Staring at the screen in front of them, the researchers sitting next to them were fully prepared at this moment, put their hands on the keyboard, and began to crackle.

The 10 scientific researchers, when Lin Yi asked the three old professors to prepare, they already knew what they were going to do.

What they did was just some basic construction. If they wanted to make the main framework of a data restoration program, then Professor Lin Yi did it.

What Professor Lin Yi did was the core part. What these three old professors did was to optimize the details within the core scope, and what these 10 researchers did was some very basic things.

·· ·····Find flowers····

The quickest way now is to have these 10 researchers build the foundation as soon as possible, and then these three old professors will work with Professor Lin Yi to complete the core part and the details around the core part.

Of course, Professor Lin Yi and the other three old professors do not conflict with the work done by these 10 researchers. They can do it at the same time, but there are other arrangements for these three old professors Lin Yi.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yi said to the three old professors again.

"Professor Li, Professor Wang, and Professor Cai, the three of you will pause for a moment. I will build the core part of the framework first. What you need to do now, I will send you a framework table later. Fill in these details, and I will do the real core part, and leave the rest to the 10 researchers."

.... ..... .......

"Okay, Professor Lin Yi."

The three old professors echoed in unison at the same time.

After hearing what Lin Yi said, they all stopped their work and stared at the computer screen intently, waiting for Professor Lin Yi to send them the core details of the framework.

At the same time, in front of the main computer of the first laboratory, Lin Yi was sitting in front of the main computer, his brows furrowed, and the expression on his face was very serious.

Putting his hands on the keyboard, his fingers kept flying, and when he said that the three old professors should start immediately, his hands hadn't stopped, and he had been cracking on the keyboard.

For a while, the sound of typing on the keyboard was suddenly remembered in the room for the first time.

And as Lin Yi kept tapping the keyboard, a code on the computer screen quickly appeared on the computer screen.

At this moment, Lin Yi seemed to be fused with the keyboard, and the code on the screen was fast, and his hands were also as fast as the incarnation of a six-finger piano demon.

For a while, the 10 researchers standing next to Lin Yi watched Professor Lin Yi, whom they admired in their hearts, act like this, and the expressions on their faces immediately changed from being serious at the beginning to being dumbfounded. Knife.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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