I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 469 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

At this time, the expressions on the faces of the 10 researchers next to Professor Lin Yi were already dumbfounded. Obviously, they were very surprised by what was happening in front of them, and they even couldn't believe it.

And the scene that made them a little bit unbelievable that made them dumbfounded was Professor Lin Yi next to them. They became like this after watching Professor Lin Yi's operation at this time.

At this moment, Lin Yi always puts his hands on the keyboard, his expression is focused, and he stares at the computer screen intently, as if he wants to merge with the code on the computer. At this moment, his mind is highly concentrated, and he is not affected by the outside world at all.

What shocked them the most for these 10 researchers was that Professor Lin Yi's hands on the keyboard were so fast, and the lines of code that appeared on the computer screen were almost magical.

We must know that they are also scientific researchers in the computer field. Everyone is a master or even a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher. They can only be an ordinary scientific researcher here. They have a very good understanding of the computer field and are quite proficient. of.

Before coming to the supercomputing center, they were at the top level of any school they were in, and even some of them were the top 5, or the best students in the school.

It is conceivable that their professional level, or how rich their domain knowledge is.

Although it is impossible for them to compare to the group of old professors, or to be able to compare with an associate professor, or the professor's achievements, but even so, their knowledge reserves or their professional knowledge are all Very strong.

So before that, they were very confident in themselves, after all, their degrees.

Or in other words, where the education they receive is there, they are already regarded as the pride of heaven, and they are already much better than many ordinary people and even middle-level personnel. They are already regarded as leaders.

But when they saw the line of code written by Professor Lin Yi just now on the screen, at this moment they suddenly lost their confidence in their professional level, or their confidence in the computer field.

It can be said that after they saw the code written by Professor Lin Yi, the so-called pride and recognition of their professional standards all followed the sound of Professor Lin Yi’s keyboard, which sounded quickly, and again Dissipate quickly.

We saw the code written by Professor Lin Yi. They knew every line of code, but they couldn't understand the meaning at all.

This makes them extremely unconfident about their professional knowledge. After all, they have also written code for many years and have made some small achievements.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

They naturally have their own views on programming or coding in the computer field, but after seeing Professor Lin Yi's operations, they inevitably have deep doubts about their professional knowledge.

Because they finally discovered that there are many parts in the code written by Professor Lin Yi, they know each of the codes, but they can't understand them when they are combined together.

For a while, they were shocked incomparably, as if a huge wave had been set off in their hearts.

"Lin, is Professor Lin Yi's knowledge in the computer field so solid? Why do I know every code written by Professor Lin Yi, but when combined, I can't understand the meaning..."

At this time, a scientific researcher was puzzled and asked in shock.

"No, I don’t know. I have never seen someone write code like Professor Lin Yi. His code is too simple. If you let me write it, let me say less. I need at least Professor Lin Yi to write it. This code can be written with three times the amount of code of the code..."

At this time, another scientific researcher was full of consternation, with a deep, unbelievable gaze in his eyes, looking at Professor Lin Yi's flashing computer screen.

"Wait, Professor Lin Yi's way of writing code like this seems to be a more advanced way of code input. This is not the knowledge we have learned in books, and it does not seem to be a way of writing that we can come into contact with. ..."

Soon, a scientific researcher saw something through and explained his opinion.

For a time, all the 10 scientific researchers present were taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to look at Professor Lin Yi's typing on the keyboard and the code he was writing on his computer...

At this time, they admired Professor Lin Yi from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, Professor Lin Yi is a top expert in the field of physics, chemistry, and even nuclear engineering in China. They have never been in contact before.

I also don't know much about Professor Lin Yi. They just cannot compare with the professor because of their status as a researcher.

So when Professor Lin Yi was discussing matters with other old professors, they didn't even know.

It can be said that what they know about Professor Lin Yi is only through the news, or through other people's dictation, and some things that happened in the scientific research field. In these aspects, they can learn about Professor Lin Yi.

However, I still understand under this situation. Professor Lin Yi is not the real Professor Lin Yi at all. It can be said that they don't know Professor Lin Yi very much.

At the very beginning, it was difficult for them to believe that Professor Lin Yi was a top expert in the field of physics, a top expert in the field of chemistry, and even a top expert in the field of nuclear engineering.

Now Professor Lin Yi has joined the computer research work, which surprised them very much, but at the same time it also made them a little happy. After all, they were able to meet the legendary Professor Lin Yi.

Immediately afterwards, along with the progress of the experiment 2.2, the scientific research project was promoted a little bit.

They are also full of curiosity about Professor Lin Yi, or full of puzzlement, they don't know what Professor Lin Yi's real ability is.

Or why did Professor Lin Yi come up with such a wonderful plan? He also said that Professor Lin Yi is really talented and can lead them to a broader experimental development.

So they are very curious about the professional level of Professor Lin Yi, or the amount of knowledge that Professor Lin Yi has.

As a top expert in the field of physics, engineering and chemistry, Professor Lin Yi is now in the computer field. They were very skeptical of Professor Lin Yi’s professionalism before, or that people doubted Professor Lin Yi’s professionalism. horizontal. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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