I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 470 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Then, as time went on, they spent more time with Professor Lin Yi. Of course, Professor Lin Yi has always been the leader of the entire scientific research project. They just said that they can see you normally. There is no understanding at all.

And they didn't suffer. They had no chance to witness Professor Lin Yi's poems at his true professional level.

Therefore, the curiosity in their hearts has been suppressed, and at the same time they have no idea what the professional level of Professor Lin Yi is.

Or whether Professor Lin Yi is really a top expert in the computer field, they are still very skeptical.

After all, in general, Professor Lin Yi is considered a cross-border professor, even a professor who crosses several fields.

What's more, now is the most important moment for computers. If Professor Lin Yi can lead them to develop a computer, then it would be better.

However, if Professor Lin Yi does not have the ability shown in this aspect, or that Professor Lin Yi can only develop a plan, he cannot partially strengthen the experiment.

So the professional level of Professor Lin Yi is just on par with these old professors, and it is far from the status that Professor Lin Yi 25 has now.

In other words, if things are like that, then Professor Lin Yi is simply not worthy of the status he has now obtained.

But now, in their eyes, all this is completely different. What they saw as Professor Lin Yi had a strong reserve of knowledge in the computer field.

In other words, Professor Lin Yi's professional standards in the computer field are much better than them.

It can be said that 10 of them are tied together and placed in front of Professor Lin Yi. They are not enough to see.

Quite simply, they are not qualified to be compared with Professor Lin Yi. They are not qualified to enter code or build programs alone.

The degree of simplification of the code written by Professor Lin Yi, or a series of specifications set by Professor Lin Yi when he wrote the code, and how all the codes are combined, how to arrange, and even how to make the written program normal Run to reduce the amount of final bugs.

In other words, there are enough backdoors in the system, and a series of protection methods, various secret codes, keys, and so on are added to the backdoors.

Professor Lin Yi did very, very well. They knew at a glance how this program should be run.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

But even though they know that this is the back door, Professor Lin Yi wrote a piece of code, where is the key, and they also know the possible loopholes in this program.

But they have no way to crack it, because they have already tried it in their minds just now. This thing is simply impossible, and it is impossible with their ability.

We must know that if they all say that it is impossible, then very few people will be able to crack the program of Professor Lin Yi.

It can be said that these 10 researchers are not only leaders in the school, but also in the interest-free supercomputing center.

These 10 researchers were carefully selected and arranged next to Professor Lin Yi. They are always helping Professor Lin Yi, and are always ready. Professor Lin Yi needs their help, and they will immediately be on top.

It is conceivable that the professional standards of these 10 scientific researchers are so strong, it can be said that once these people are fired, or that they leave here on their own.

Going to other places, being a hacker is completely okay, even they may be ranked in the top 20 of the world's hacker list, or the top 30 is completely possible.

If it is such a person, they can't tell how to crack the program of Professor Lin Yi, then it can only show that the program written by Professor Lin Yi is indeed indestructible to a large extent, and it is also very difficult to crack.

So when I think of these 10 researchers, they are once again shocked. They now admire Professor Lin Yi from the bottom of their hearts.

We must know that the program currently written by Professor Lin Yi is just a small program to repair data. In this case, Professor Lin Yi can be so rigorous.

Or set this program so that no one will be able to crack it in the future.

So you can imagine, once Professor Lin Yi enters other programs, or he starts to write other programs, or important programs, etc., what will it look like?

At this time, each of them was wondering if Professor Lin Yi was really going to write a very confidential program, or to make a security anti-theft wall program.

It will definitely become a nightmare for hackers in the entire world, or it will become the god of all computer engineers.

After all, with a simple program to restore data, Professor Lin Yi can do so. It is conceivable that if Professor Lin Yi really makes software or programs with higher security, how much energy he will put in, and How many people will be beyond the reach of the dust behind him, it is impossible, and it is impossible to surpass him.

Suddenly, the eyes of these 10 scientific researchers suddenly appeared. They looked at the program written by Professor Lin Yi. The expressions on their faces were shocked from the beginning or 460 said they were puzzled.

Until now, the 10 scientific researchers present have not only excitement but excitement in their eyes.

The reason is simple, because they looked at the program written by Professor Lin Yi, which was simply a thing that they enjoyed very much, and it was a thing that made them very happy.

After all, when they watched Professor Lin Yi writing programs, they would have the opportunity to improve their own professional standards. After all, Professor Lin Yi's code writing standards are higher than them. The professor is really just a group of elementary school students.

And this group of researchers did not have any jealousy, or envy, either.

They are all a group of learning tyrants, and they are all people who focus on learning knowledge, so their only idea at the moment is to follow in the footsteps of Professor Lin Yi writing code.

Take a step-by-step look at how Professor Lin Yi wrote this program, or a little bit of learning the program written by Professor Lin Yi.

The method used, and how these codes should be combined, etc., they are now like a group of hungry ghosts, and the program written by Professor Lin Yi is their spiritual food.

At this moment, in their eyes, as if Professor Lin Yi has already waved a light, it can be said that Professor Lin Yi is the god in their hearts. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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