I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 471 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

From this moment on, the eyes of these 10 researchers looked at Professor Lin Yi completely different.

Now Professor Lin Yi is completely godlike in their eyes.

At the same time, Professor Lin Yi is also very surprised by them.

After all, the abilities shown by Professor Lin Yi surpassed them too much. Even Professor Lin Yi showed that his accomplishments in the computer field, and all things, have to see farther than them, even more. It's much better than all the old professors.

You know, some old professors are already very powerful in the eyes of these researchers.

It can be said that they have to spend their entire lives in order to catch up with the pace of these old professors.

Even if they can reach the level of an old professor, then they will be at ease for the rest of their lives.

After all, if they want to achieve the level of top experts in the computer field, they can't guarantee whether they can do it, or that they can't say that they have this ability.

After all, in general they are not so confident in themselves.

Looking at the operations of Professor Lin Yi, or Professor Lin Yi's accomplishments in the computer field, their confidence in their hearts can also be said that their vision for their future has been upgraded to another level.

It can be said that what they have been thinking about before is the achievement of being able to become professors like Professor Cai, Professor Li, or Professor Wang.

Then they will have no regrets in their entire lives.

But after seeing the ability demonstrated by Professor Lin Yi, they set a new goal in their hearts.

In the decades that followed, their goal has now been replaced by the need to follow the pace of Professor Lin Yi.

At least, even if they can't be Professor Lin Yi, they must follow the pace of Professor Lin Yi.

Even if they can achieve 1/10 of the ability like Professor Lin Yi, or say, Professor Lin Yi's accomplishments in the computer field, they can have 1/10, then they will have no regrets.

However, don't underestimate the small 1/10 accomplishments. According to their assumptions, the effort and effort required to achieve this 1/10 accomplishment are unimaginable.

Although they don't know whether they can really be as good as Professor Lin Yi, they still maintain a mentality.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Or in other words, they are always firming their hearts.

It can be said now that their firm confidence is that they must learn better by Professor Lin Yi and seize this opportunity tightly.

Professor Lin Yi leads them to conduct scientific research experiments by their side. This is a very good opportunity.

Learn from Professor Lin Yi as much as possible, and learn from Professor Lin Yi as much as possible, and work with Professor Lin Yi to complete the difficult questions they now need to face, build the hx-1 frame, and make this difficult mission carry out.

After all, it is a very good thing for them to study with Professor Lin Yi, and it is also a thing that is good for them, and there is no harm at all.

For example, Professor Lin Yi's accomplishments in the computer field are no less than those of top experts, even better than Professor Cai, Professor Li, Professor Wang and other well-known professors.

They can learn by such top professors. This is an unprecedented opportunity and something that countless people want to dream of.

It can be said that many people who break their heads and spend their entire lives may not be able to encounter such an opportunity.

And they are considered to be the luckiest group of people in the entire scientific research project team. They can stay with Professor Lin Yi and learn from Professor Lin Yi, even if it is only a short 10 minutes, even if it is only a short time .

Even if it is such a little time, it is the most glorious moment in their careers for them. What they can learn in this short period of time is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

It is also unimaginable by other researchers.

Being able to learn from such a top scientific research professor can be said to be their greatest opportunity in their life.

So at this moment, all the 10 researchers cheered up and looked at each line of code written by Professor Lin Yi.

They began to think seriously. Professor Lin Yi wrote this line of code, thinking in his mind, it can also be said that they are speculating about the technology used by Professor Lin Yi to write this line of code and the way they don't know.

Or in other words, they are now accepting Professor Lin Yi's accomplishments in the computer field.

After all, being able to learn from such a master has a lot of benefits, for them there is no harm at all, only benefits.

In this invisibility, Professor Lin Yi has 10 more apprentices.

For a while, there was silence in the first laboratory. Except for the sound of Professor Lin Yi and other researchers typing on the keyboard, everyone was holding their breath and waiting for instructions from Professor Lin Yi.

And these 10 scientific researchers put out all their energy and their unprecedented potential. They are constantly learning and thinking, so that their brains can't stop for a moment, and they keep learning. Professor Lin Yi See all the knowledge imparted to them, and at the same time they are also learning what Professor Lin Yi is doing right now.

Time passed in a hurry, and soon a minute passed.

At this moment, Lin Yi's hand hitting the keyboard suddenly stopped. Then Lin Yi raised his head, turned his back and said.

"¨ 〃Professor Wang, Professor Li, Professor Cai, I have already sent you a section of the program I wrote, you just need to continue to write according to the program I wrote, and I have worked out the following framework for you. Complete all the details ¨¨."

Just when Lin Yi's voice just fell, three old professors' computers suddenly heard a beep.


A beep sounded.

Soon, a black input box flashed on the computer screens of the three old professors, with lines of code written in them.

This is the code that Lin Yi has just written, and it is a program framework written in one minute.

Don't look at the program framework that was written in just one minute, but this section of program is densely packed, and it can be said that at a glance, ordinary people will only feel dizzy.

Because there are too many, and there are too many knowledge points in it.

Even if it is a top university student in the computer field, it will be a headache to see this line of code.

Because even if you are a student, you can't understand this line of code at all. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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