I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 476 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

People like Professor Lin Yi are the most inspiring, and he is also the best able to make them, researchers, and old professors feel very gratified.

You must know that Professor Lin Yi is now in his early 20s. If we put it in terms of time, Professor Lin Yi has just graduated.

Now, it is very difficult for young people in society to find a good job just after they graduated. It can be said that they are already at the school's top school level, or even a leader.

But Professor Lin Yi, with his powerful ability, extraordinary brain, and even rich scientific research knowledge, participated in the supercomputing center, leading them, this group of scientific research scholars, and this group of old professors, to jointly complete China's self-research The computer is a very difficult road.

This is a very difficult task, but also a suffocating task.

After all, China's self-developed computer road is bound to be extremely difficult for them, and they will definitely be hindered for various reasons.

They don't need to think deeply about this path. Just looking at it from a distance can see the obstacles ahead and how difficult they are going to face.

This is something they can all foresee, and it is also what they can think of.

Therefore, before this, their pressure was very great, and their pessimism was also very great.

After all, if you want to truly realize the path of China's self-developed computer, then they will have to put in effort and time.

Even the manpower, material resources, and other resources to be consumed are endless.

It can be said that the self-developed computer is a bottomless pit. They must complete the self-developed computer in a very short time. Otherwise, China will face huge problems.

It can be said that before the arrival of Professor Lin Yi, they had a headache when they saw the path of self-developed computers, because it was so dark that they could not see any hope at all.

I don't even know how long this road will come to an end, how long it will take, how hard it will take them, and how much sweat it will take them.

These are not clear, and they are not sure about it.

After all, this path is very difficult for them, and they can't predict what will happen next. These are unknown and they can't imagine.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It is precisely because of this, and with the arrival of Professor Lin Yi, it has brought hope to them and brought unprecedented light to the entire scientific research project team.

Professor Lin Yi is like a god descending from the sky, and he is also a god descending with light.

The bringing of Professor Lin Yi completely broke their pessimism and gave them strong hope.

It also generated very strong expectations.

After all, Professor Lin Yi brought them a very rich gift as soon as he came, and it was the specific implementation plan of the hx-1 frame.

One of the most difficult roads on China's self-developed computer road is the construction of the framework. The construction of the framework is the original form of self-developed computers. It can also be said to be the first step on the road to self-developed computers.

And if you want to follow the path of self-developed computers, you must get the framework, or it must lay a good foundation for the framework.

If the foundation is not well laid down, then everything is nonsense, and if the framework is not studied, even the self-developed computer will be a complete joke.

Because the framework is too important for self-developed computers.

So after the arrival of Professor Lin Yi, everyone was very excited and very excited.

Because Professor Lin Yi gave them hope, let them see the hope that this thing can succeed, and let them see that China's self-developed computer will one day be born in this world.

They will also follow in the footsteps of Professor Lin Yi and continue the difficult road of China’s self-developed computer. Professor Lin Yi will definitely be their leader, breaking down barriers and breaking any thoughts To thwart their voice of success, or any difficulties and obstacles.

These, Professor Lin Yi will break one by one.

In the end, Professor Lin Yi will definitely lead them to complete all scientific research projects and do what they have always wanted to do.

What the top leaders of China, as well as all the people in China, are looking forward to is the true birth of self-developed computers.

After that, Professor Lin Yi applied for an emergency plan to his superiors, or in other words, for the path of self-developed computer, in order to build the hx-1 frame faster, he took the initiative to apply for the start of the superior. Emergency plan.

Convene 400 million computers to form a supercomputer to make calculations for the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame.

This is of course a huge good thing for scientific research projects.

But for China's social operation, or for China's endorsement, etc., it is a huge test.

And if this project fails, all of them, including Professor Lin Yi, or the upper-level leaders of China, will fall into a matter of the collapse of credit endorsement.

In other words, if Professor Lin Yi fails to lead all of them to develop the hx-1 framework in accordance with the stipulated time, then their trust problem will be very huge.

It can also be said that they lost the trust of the Chinese people. They messed up this matter, invested so much energy, invested so much money, paid so much sweat, and convened so much. Computers have not achieved the purpose they have been expecting in their hearts, nor have they accomplished what the Chinese people have been expecting. The consequences of this event are very terrible, and no one can afford it.

Therefore, they were very worried about Professor Lin Yi at that moment, because Professor Lin Yi brought them hope and expectations, and Professor Lin Yi brought light to them.

However, if the emergency plan is initiated, the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame cannot be completed within the specified time.

Then Professor Lin Yi will collapse, and his image will plummet in the hearts of the people, or in the hearts of their researchers.

But this does not prevent researchers from admiring Professor Lin Yi. In their eyes, Professor Lin Yi is really a, very, very great person. He can give all of his own for China and the people of China. , Struggling for everyone. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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