I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 477 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Time passed by minute by minute.

At this time, the entire first laboratory was completely busy. Apart from the sound of everyone typing on the keyboard, no one was whispering, and no one was talking at this time.

Everyone only looked at the computer screen in front of them. Lines of code appeared on the computer screen, and their hands were constantly tapping on the keyboard.

As their hands tapped the keyboard, the codes on the computer screen appeared one by one, constantly emerging on the computer screen.

And these codes are all the knowledge they have gathered in their brains, and under the leadership of Professor Lin Yi and three old professors, they have been inputting according to the setting of the program and the setting of the framework.

At this moment, they don't seem to see the end, they don't know when they can stop their knocking hands, and they don't know when this line of code can be officially completed. These codes seem to be endless.

At this moment, everyone's faces are full of seriousness, their brows are frowning, their eyes are full of solemnity, and there is no smile at the corners of their mouths.

At this moment, they have only one idea in their minds, and that is to build the repair program for 460 as soon as possible, and repair all the data they lost before.

And repair all the data of the preparation work, let the preparation work, and let the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame go on smoothly. This is their current task and the task they have always wanted to complete.

Therefore, in this case, no one will be distracted to do other things, and no one will pay attention to other things.

Their focus is only one, and that is to complete the construction task as soon as possible, repair the data as soon as possible, and allow the supercomputer to successfully connect to the scientific research project as soon as possible.

Let the overall construction task of the hx-1 frame go on smoothly. This is what they have been doing and what they have always wanted to do.

At this moment, in addition to the professors and scientific researchers, besides the sound of typing on the keyboard, the clock on the wall is ticking, as if the clock is telling, the passing of time, one minute and one second , Bit by bit, passing by.

The sound of clocks and watches fell in the ears of scientific researchers and a group of old professors, like a reminder.

They must complete all the programming tasks as soon as possible, and repair them as soon as possible. The data they lost before, and in terms of time, they have very little time, and they can only do their best to quickly build , Go to set the repair program.

But fortunately, they have Professor Lin Yi. Professor Lin Yi has completely set the general framework, as long as these old professors enrich the details a little.

After that, the other parts of the details are re-divided to other researchers, so that these researchers can further enrich the details.

In this way, the speed is faster, and they can also save so much effort.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After all, Professor Lin Yi has already paved the way forward, and they only need to follow the path that Professor Lin Yi has paved and continue to walk down.

In general, the big stone that has been pressing on their hearts now and has kept them out of breath is that they cannot guarantee that they will be able to complete all the work within 10 minutes.

After all, this workload is still very large. To repair all the data, the effort and energy they have to pay is unimaginable.

If Professor Lin Yi is not there, they will not be able to accomplish this at all, but even if Professor Lin Yi is directing them by their side and leading them in front of them, they feel very tired.

After all, the workload is too much, and it is a bit beyond their imagination.

At this moment, Lin Yi, who was still concentrating on writing the code, suddenly raised his head, looked at everyone present, and scanned everyone's work station with serious eyes.

Then he said in a solemn voice.

"Everyone, keep working hard. I have completed all the framework settings and all the details. I now send every piece of code you need to each of you."

"Next, as long as you continue to enrich it in accordance with the framework I set, then the entire repair process can be completed."

"Everyone, work harder. We still have 6 minutes. Within 5 minutes, I need to see all of you and send me all the data and codes."

As soon as the words came out, everyone present was shocked, and the expressions on their faces were shocked.

All the researchers and the three old professors present did not expect Professor Lin Yi to be so fast.

He actually set up all the program frameworks and detailed settings. This was very surprising to all of them, and it was also unexpected to all of them.

You know, this speed is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and even all the old professors present cannot achieve it.

To know the speed of Professor Lin Yi, it can be said that no one in China can match it. Even if you look at the whole world, no one can surpass it.

You know, now it's only 4 minutes. The framework of the entire program and the details are set up within 4 minutes. This is a completely impossible thing to do.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is something that is simply impossible to accomplish.

And even in the eyes of these old professors and all scientific researchers, they couldn't do it at all.

This is hardly a thing that can be achieved by humans. It is necessary to know that the workload required for this repair procedure is very large.

In terms of entering codes, there were nearly fifty or sixty people present. Without Professor Lin Yi, it would take more than half an hour for them to type these codes.

After all, this workload is simply not what they can imagine.

Moreover, they also need to think about the settings, as well as details and other aspects, which need to be completed by themselves.

It is conceivable that this kind of workload is so huge, and how unimaginable it is.

But in this case, Professor Lin Yi took only 4 minutes to complete the framework and the details of the settings. This speed made them jaw-dropping.

This is not at all the speed that an ordinary person can achieve.

At this moment, they also clearly realized that Professor Lin Yi is really not a person, he is simply a god, a god that they can't even imagine.

It's too strong, and it's too much more than them. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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