"When we arrive, there is the star field where Asgard is located. The

rocket pointed to a large spiraling nebula in front of him.

After almost two months of flying.

Finally back in Asgard.

Of course, at the level of rockets it does not take so long.

But it's mostly for the sake of training Alan.

So, fly a little slowly.

Let Alan practice at every opportunity.

Although Allen is not yet fully qualified for space flight.

But the victory lies in the intelligence of the Harmony spacecraft.

So, at Allen's current level.

I can barely go out and wave on my own.

I have to say that Allen still has a little talent for spicy in this regard.

Besides, there are two old drivers, Ghosn and Rocket, by his side.

It's hard to think of an accident.

Look ahead as a huge island stands in the middle of the nebula.

It glows with a faint golden glow.

Such a sassy appearance.

Needless to say, it was Asgard.

"Haha, Lao Tzu is finally back!" Alan

danced with joy when he saw Asgard.

After all, drifting in the universe for a long time, that feeling is not so pleasant.

"Guys, when we arrive in Asgard, I'll give you a drink, and I'll introduce you to my friends.

"Yo, you can't see you have any friends in Asgard?" Rocket looked incredulous.

"Hey, that's what I'm saying, I'm a good person, and I have friends wherever I go.

"And my friend is not easy. "

Oh, why is it not a simple method?"

"It's a local tyrant." Alan said with a smug expression.

"What tyrant?"

As soon as he talked about the tyrant, the rocket instantly became interested.

"The prince of Asgard, is he a tyrant?"

Hearing that it was the prince of Asgard, everyone's eyes widened.

"Damn, people like you still have such local tyrant friends

!" "It's so unreasonable!" There

is no doubt that with Sol's status in Asgard, it properly belongs to the local tyrant among the local tyrants.

It's the happiest thing to be friends with a local tyrant or something!

Soon, the spaceship drove into the Asgard Star Field.

and docked in a starport to the south.

Alan took Rocket and the others to the Lightning Palace happily.

Prepare to find Thor.

Thor heard that he was back.

Immediately rushed out of the Lightning Palace.

"Hey, Alan, my friend, you're finally back!"

After saying that, he gave Alan a big hug.

"Thor, long time no see, how are you doing?"

saw Thor smile bitterly, "To be honest, it's been a bad time. "

Oh, what do you say?"

"Since the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed by Loki, the Divine Realm has not been able to teleport soldiers through the Rainbow Bridge, and the forces everywhere have begun to move, and I often have to run to quell the rebellion. "

That's a lot of hard work, by the way, introduce you to the new friends I made during my travels." Then

he pointed to Rocket and the others, and introduced Thor one by one.

"This is a rocket. "

This is Groot. "

This is Ghosn. "

Thor is a very bold man, the kind of person who makes friends easily.

Except for the occasional bit of two.

There are basically no drawbacks.

I saw him say with a heroic face, "My name is Thor, it's nice to meet you, and Allen's friend is my friend." Rocket

and Ghosn also laughed back, "We're honored to know you, Prince Thor.

As for Groot, as always, it was the same sentence, "I'm Groot!"

just as everyone was discussing going to the bar to have a good time.

Suddenly, a soldier came looking for Thor.

"Prince Thor, the God-King asked me to invite you and this Alan warrior to the Hall of Courage together.

"Hmm, Father asked me and Eren to go to the Hall of Courage?"

"Yes, Prince Thor.

Alan was also confused at this time, and he couldn't figure out why Odin wanted to see him.

After exchanging glances with Thor.

So he nodded and said, "Then let's go together."

After speaking, he said to the rocket and the others, "You wait for me here first, and I'll come when I go." "

Hmm. Rocket nodded.

Then, together with Thor, Alan arrives in the Hall of Courage.

The Hall of Courage is resplendent and looks tall.

I thought there would be a lot of people here.

After the results came here.

The entire hall was found empty with only Odin and Heimdall.

Although Alan has never seen Odin's true face.

But at this time the one was holding Gungnir.

Sit on a golden throne.

The old guy who continues to exude a faint aura of coercion.

Presumably, there is no one else but Odin.

This old man is not very tall, though.

It's even a bit of a fortune.

But that majestic momentum is really not something that ordinary pretenders can have.

It is precisely because of this old man's town.

In order to ensure the long-term stability of the Nine Realms.

If Odin hadn't hung up later, the purple sweet potato essence might not have dared to cause trouble.

And, of course, there is an Ancient One Mage.

The two of them are bright and dark, just to deter those forces in the multiverse who are about to move.

After seeing Odin, Alan didn't dare to pretend to be forced, and greeted him very respectfully.

"Dear God King Odin, is there anything I can do for you?"

Odin nodded and said, "I asked you to come this time because something happened that happened to be related to you. "

What does it have to do with me?"

Odin turned to look at Heimdall, "Heimdall, tell them what you saw." "


Heimdall nodded and continued, "Just now, I saw the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube burst. As

soon as these words came out, Alan instantly felt something.

Don't...... Sure

enough, Heimdall continued, "Then I checked and found out that it was Loki who did it in Midgard, and he has now formed an alliance with the Zetarians and is ready to open the portal in Midgard and bring in the Zetarians. "

What?" Thor immediately shouted.

Then he said excitedly, "No, we have to

stop him!" Odin stretched out his palm and pressed it weakly, "It's to be ready to stop him, that's why I called you two over." "

Warrior Allen, you are a Midgard, and you should be responsible.

The corners of Allen's mouth twitched, old man, you have gone too far.

But he didn't dare to complain, so he could only nod and say, "Don't worry, Midgard is my hometown, and I will definitely protect it." Odin

nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, that's good.

Then he added, "It's a pity that the Rainbow Bridge has been destroyed, and we can't send troops for the time being."

"Now, it's up to Thor to go to Midgard with you to find a way to stop Loki's actions and bring back the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"Only by bringing back the Cosmic Rubik's Cube can the Rainbow Bridge be restored, otherwise in the long run, the Nine Realms will be chaotic." "

Yes, Father!"

"Well, now I'll start teleporting you to Midgard.

At this moment, Alan suddenly interjected, "Wait a minute, God King, can you teleport my spaceship with my companions?"

After listening to this, Odin couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

"Alan Warrior, I have used all the energy to teleport the two of you, and it is very likely that after the teleportation, you will fall into a deep sleep again, and it is impossible to add your spaceship and partners. "

I see.

Alan pondered for a moment and then said.

"In that case, then please teleport Thor over first, and my companions and I will drive the spaceship over by ourselves, do you think this will work?"

As soon as I heard this plan, I nodded without thinking about it.

"Without further ado, I'm going to my buddies.

After saying that, Alan ran out of the Hall of Courage directly.

Odin, on the other hand, began to exert his divine powers, preparing to teleport Thor to Earth.

But at the last moment of teleportation.

Odin couldn't help but explain.

"Thor, although Loki made a big mistake this time, if you can, bring him back safely!" When

Odin said this, it was obvious that the whole person had aged a little in an instant.

"Father, Loki is my brother, don't worry, I'll bring him home safely!"


, a flash of light flashed.

Thor vanished in place.

And Odin, silently sitting on the golden throne.

His eyes were lonely, and he stared blankly into the distance.

Like a lost old dog....

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