
Temporary command of S.H.I.E.L.D.

A huge helicarrier floats in the sky.

It is a ship equipped with four huge turbine engines.

And has the world's most advanced anti-gravity engine high-tech products.

Inside the space carrier.

A large group of S.H.I.E.L.D. staff are busy.

A tall, bald, one-eyed black man in a black cape.

Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury, standing in front of the glass window of the mothership.

said with a heavy face, "Captain, we need you!"

Looking at the strange world outside the glass window, the American team who had just woken up from the ice was a little dazed.

"Is the world like this? It's very different from the world I know so well!"

"I know you're having a hard time accepting it, but please force yourself to accept it as soon as possible."

"Now the world is facing a threat, you used to be the best, and you still are, we all need you!" I

have to say that in terms of boiling chicken soup, Fury admits second, and no one dares to admit first.

In an instant, the eyes of the American team became firm.

At this moment, the widow sister walked over from the bridge.

"Director, Dr. Banner has determined the direction of the energy fluctuations. So

, everyone hurried to the laboratory.

Dr. Banner algorithmically detected the approximate location of gamma rays.

Later, the staff locked down the specific location of Loki through the satellite.

"Found it, in Germany.

Loki's image instantly appeared on the screen.

Looking at the picture on the screen, Fury said with a serious face.

"Now, please go and get this guy back!" Team

America and Sister Widow nodded without hesitation, "Yes!" and

Dr. Banner had a confused expression.

Finally, he said, "I'm sorry, I can provide technical support, but this kind of thing, I think it's better to forget it, if I don't do it, I will cause you more trouble."

Fury pondered for a moment and nodded.

Then the American team and the widow sister began to fly to Germany.




A bustling city at night.

Lights illuminate the city.

Loki stood atop a tall building with the Psychic Scepter in hand.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, revealing a confident smile.

"I, Loki, the god of trickery, will be your

king!" "All of you will be prostrate at my feet

!" "Odin, Thor, I will prove to you that I am the true king!"

"Is there really any antiproton metal I want?"

"Yes, it's in the prom venue." Hawkeye Barton replied with a blank face.

"Alright, you guys continue to get your preparations, and I'll get the antiproton metal. With that

, Loki, dressed in a handsome suit, appeared at the ball.

And then the next plot is the same as the original book.

Loki successfully took down the antiproton metal.

And then I plan to continue pretending.

drove the crowd outside.

Looking at the crowd in front of him.

Loki can't wait to experience what it's like to be king in advance.

So he took the scepter in his hand and pointed at the people in front of him.

"Everyone, kneel down for me!" At

first, some people knelt down out of fear.

Then the others hesitated and knelt down.

In the end, the black pressed down and knelt down a large piece.

That made Loki very happy.

A happy smile on his face.

And began to laugh uncontrollably.

"You're all going to surrender to me, hahaha!"

just as Loki was pretending to be sour.

Suddenly, a white-haired old man stood up tremblingly.

"We may be afraid of you, but we will never surrender to someone like you!"

the old man's eyes gradually changed from trembling at the beginning.

Loki was upset that someone had come forward to interrupt his pretending skills.

I saw the corners of his mouth twitching, and he looked at the old man with a sneer.

"You're right, then, do you know what happens if you don't surrender to me?"

After speaking, he raised his scepter, and a ray of blue energy was about to shoot towards the old man.

"The end is death!" the

old man subconsciously raised his arm.

Then prepare for death.

But at this very moment.

A figure fell from the sky.


The blue ley of energy strikes a shield.

Instantly countered the energy.

Directly lifted Loki to the ground.

The old man opened his eyes.

I saw a man in a blue, red and white uniform suddenly appear in front of me.

What a familiar figure.

The old man burst into tears instantly.

Because he remembers, in his time.

It is this figure in front of them that brings them hope and a future.

The U.S. team slowly stood up.

Facing Loki.

"I remember the last time I came to Germany, there was also a man who put himself above 10,000 people, and he was killed!" Loki

looked at the American team with contempt.

"It turned out to be a GI, hahaha, just an outdated person. The

U.S. team also went back without being stunned.

"It's not me who is outdated!" After

speaking, he smashed it directly with a flying shield.

Then, the two began to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

But the most incredible thing is.

The American team one serves as a melee tank.

was actually defeated by a mage from Loki.

It's incredible.

Fortunately, at the critical time, Iron Man Tony arrived.

Several energy cannons bombarded it.

Instantly knocked Loki off the ground.

Of course, Loki just pretended to be unable to surrender and be captured.

Everything continues according to the direction of the plot.

As Loki is escorted back to S.H.I.E.L.D. command.

Just in time Thor, too, arrived.

I saw a flash of lightning and thunder.

Thor appears on the plane.

And then don't say a word.

Pulled Loki up and flew out.

The brothers then turned on the mouth escape mode on one of the grounds.

The two sides sprayed back and forth.

Until Iron Man flew and knocked Thor out directly.

Iron Man asks Thor to hand over Loki.

Naturally, Thor refused.

Indicates that Loki is the one of Asgard.

If he wants to be judged, he should also bring it back to Asgard for trial.

Then the two sides did it without saying a word.

all the way from heaven to earth.

and then from the earth to heaven.

Loki, on the other hand, watched with relish from the sidelines.

Until the end, Saul took the initiative to stop Tony.

"Hey man, that's the end of it, for Alan's sake, I can give Loki to you, but you can't hurt him!"

The whole person froze.

"You... Seen Alan?"

"Yes man, he's on his way back right now.


?" "Really, I promise you

!" "Great, this guy really isn't dead!" "

Your name is Tony?"

"Yes. "

He said you're his friend, and I'm his friend, so maybe we can sit down and talk. "


just as the two came to an agreement.

Suddenly, a figure fell from the sky.

It smashed directly on Thor.

And shouted, "Tony, I'm here to help you!" That's

right, it's Team Steve.

I saw Tony cover his face directly.

"Captain, we've all agreed, you're coming?"

on the other side.

in the universe.

Harmony spaceship.

"Oh shit, Alan, you bastard, you stop

!" "We've done five space jumps in a row, and if we don't stop, our bodies won't be able to stand it!" "

It's too late, guys, get ready, and next, let's move on to the sixth space jump..."


Amid the screams of the crowd, Alan controlled the spaceship and quickly disappeared into the universe.


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