I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 1006 Disgusting You Before Leaving

Fan Huang rarely worked overtime.

During the meal, Fan Huang seemed to inadvertently ask:

"Is Jing Ting talking about a big deal recently?"

Suizi glanced at Yu Jingting, who happened to be looking at her too.

Fan Huang is someone who will never say a word, every word he utters has meaning.

Suizi understood.

It seems that there is no need to tell Dad alone, he should have heard the wind.

"The director of the unit responsible for purchasing is too principled, I can't talk about it, and I'm already planning to give up."

Yu Jingting added the accent on the word "too principled", and Fan Huang twitched the corners of his mouth playfully.

"Director Qu is seriously ill and needs to be transferred. The person who takes over her is my former subordinate. Don't bully her. The price is more appropriate."

Fan Huang looked at Yu Jingting and his wife with a half-smile.

"I'm thinking that Jing Ting has been going there a lot recently, did he hear the wind?"

Yu Jingting smiled and held a chopstick elbow to his father-in-law:

"Maybe her life is more miserable."

Fan Huang sees it, but doesn't say it.

He just turned his head and boasted to Suizi who was eating sullenly:

"Jing Ting has made great progress during this time."

Suizi blinked slyly.

"It's all taught by my father."

When it comes to the art of drawing circles, among the people sitting in this room, Fan Huang is the real master.

Wang Cuihua couldn't understand this father-daughter dialogue with high emotional intelligence, and she didn't understand any of the twists and turns in it.

She understood one thing.

The woman who coveted her son's body was out of luck.

"Does this count as God's eyes? Let her have a bad heart, eat grains and return (huan) rice, and she will be punished!"

Suizi smiled and picked vegetables for her mother-in-law.

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. There is no one who is completely unfortunate in this world. We can't say that we have completely won this round, but we have not lost."

Wang Cui said with all her heart that the daughter-in-law is not as easy to communicate with as the previous two days.

Two days ago, Suizi couldn't speak.

They all express their emotions in writing, and Suizi will analyze the ins and outs for her in an orderly manner.

Now I can speak, and I can understand individual words, but I don't know what she said together.

"What the hell is going on with Director Qu? Why did he suddenly get sick?" Wang Cuihua was curious.

"When eating, don't talk about that disgusting person, it will spoil my appetite." Yu Jingting took a piece of meat for his mother.


Suizi smiled, that was the reason.

Yu Jingting really hated Director Qu, even mentioning her name was considered bad luck.

"It's disgusting to step on a pile of shit, and you have to seriously analyze whether it's human shit or dog shit?" Yu Jingting expressed his true feelings.

Except for him, all the people at the table couldn't eat it.

"Yu Tiegen! The most disgusting person in this room is you! If you talk about these things while eating, Suizi will kick you off the kang!"

Wang Cuihua picked up a scallion and smashed it on Jingting's head, and Yu Jingting grabbed a big pancake as a shield.

Fan Huang smiled, and said that his in-laws really didn't treat him as an outsider, and they didn't shy away from beating his son-in-law.

Seeing Chen Lijun clutching her stomach and looking like she couldn't eat, Fan Huang thought again, this son-in-law, just beat him up.

After a few days, Suizi asked for leave from school to accompany Chen Lijun in her prenatal checkup.

Chen Lijun is already in the third trimester of pregnancy, during which time the check-ups are very frequent.

Other pregnant women would not be like Chen Lijun even if they were older. Sui Zi and his daughter cared too much, and they would rather look for relationships and check carefully.

To be on the safe side, Suizi accompanied Chen Lijun with her mother-in-law every time she went to the hospital.

When going out, the two of them guarded each other, lest Chen Lijun accidentally hit her stomach.

Pregnant women in other people's homes have never been so troublesome.

But this is Chen Lijun, and her husband is Fan Huang.

The possibilities are endless.

So Suizi would rather tell her mother that she is a caring rant than to follow Chen Lijun without fear of trouble.

Today's Chen Lijun was very obedient, she didn't complain about her care when she saw Suizi, she followed her daughter obediently, and even took the initiative to hold Suizi's hand.

Such an abnormality, there is no trace of rebellion.

"Lijun, what's the matter with you today?" Wang Cuihua couldn't help asking.

"I heard something recently and felt a little panicked."

Chen Lijun got up in the morning and heard a gossip from a friend.

The daughter-in-law of a friend that Fan Huang knew walked alone at night and was beaten with a sack.

Although the murderer has not been caught now, it has spread all over the circle.

It is said that the lady was retaliated against because her husband acted too righteously.

"I thought about it, that's what Lao Wang does. If people like him can provoke revenge, then your father's true stubbornness must offend more people."

Chen Lijun felt that her family's old Fan was so upright, and she might offend many people outside. Since the rumors were tight, she should pay more attention.

Suozi expressed satisfaction with her mother's life-saving behavior.

Chen Lijun is doing B-ultrasound, and Suizi is waiting outside.

Gynecology has two offices, next to each other.

In addition to normal patients with gynecological diseases, there are also prenatal checkups for pregnant women, and some abortions.

Suizi sees that the door of the other consulting room has been closed, and guesses that someone inside should be having an abortion.

There will be no separate operating room for abortion, but the consulting room is connected to a separate room.

Suizi couldn't help but think of the node when she was just reborn.

Also on the operating table, time flies so fast.

After so many years, her children are all in kindergarten.

As she was thinking, the closed door opened.

A pale woman came out slowly, with loose hair and beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Go back and drink some motherwort." The doctor wearing a mask asked casually behind her.

The woman was about to turn around and say thank you to the doctor, but she was stunned when she saw the tassels beside her.

Suizi raised her hand and waved at the woman, what a coincidence~

Director Qu froze there, biting her lip. If she had a choice, she didn't want to meet Suizi in this way on this occasion.

Wang Cuihua looked at Suizi in surprise.

This is the Director Qu who was described by his son as "stepping on the cake"?

He doesn't look like a bad guy, and he looks weird and likable.

Because Director Qu is going to have an operation, he doesn't have any make-up, so he lacks the vigor of the first meeting. In addition, he is weak after the operation, and I still feel a little pitiful.

The moment she and Suizi looked at each other, Director Qu ran straight towards Suizi regardless of his weakness.

His knees softened, and he knelt on the ground and cried:

"I've already lost my child, please look at my relationship with your husband and give me a way to survive!"

"What are you talking about?! The child belongs to my son?" Wang Cuihua heard this from the side, and her hair was about to stand on end.

"Ma'am! If this was in the old days, I would be considered your son's concubine, right? You can't just ignore death!"

After all, he bowed weakly and bonelessly, the weak willow supported the wind, and was so pitiful, the patients passing by all looked at it one after another, and a few pregnant women who came for the obstetric examination with big bellies pointed at it and whispered.

Wang Cuihua was in a hurry.

"What are you doing with this mess? What about sisters and sisters, are you sick?"

Suizi was still laughing, Wang Cuihua rubbed her hands anxiously, if this angered her good daughter-in-law, Yu Tiegen would have to go back home!

"Stay away, and be careful not to let her scratch you later! This is a big psycho!" Wang Cuihua yelled.

The few pregnant women who watched the excitement immediately backed away, it was too scary to be crazy.

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