I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 1007 Can't escape the net

Director Qu knelt there to show her acting skills, thinking that this act would disgust Suizi severely, she was sure that Suizi was a "dumb" who couldn't speak, black and white, didn't it all depend on her opening her mouth?

Even if it can't change anything, as long as it makes Chen Hansui sick, that's good.

Suizi was not disgusted.

But Wang Cuihua really responded.

Without waiting for Suizi to respond, Wang Cuihua went to push her.

Although Wang Cuihua is a rich and noble flower in the world now, but in the early years, she carried the whole family by herself, and she was full of vigor as a farmer.

With a straight push, Director Qu fell to the side, and his head hit the wall.

Suizi pressed her mother-in-law's hand, signaling her not to be impulsive.

Director Qu felt a burst of gold stars in front of his eyes. He was weak just after the operation, and he didn't heal after a long time delay.

Just listen to a soft voice next to my ear:

"Stop acting. I know your real intentions."

"You, aren't you dumb?!"

Director Qu was frightened by Suizi's soft sentence, breaking out in a cold sweat.

It was already scary for the mute to speak.

What is even more frightening is what Suizi said.

Chen Hansui's voice was so gentle, but the words he said were worth a thousand pieces of gold, and they hit Director Qu's heart all at once.

She looked directly at Suizi, as if she wanted to find clues from Suizi's expression, to see if Suizi was bluffing.

"Uncle Wang's wife, you sent someone to beat him, right? If he knew that his 'goddaughter' had dealt such a cruel blow before leaving, would you still be able to escape unscathed?"

Suizi finished speaking in a volume that only the two of them could hear, straightened up, patted her on the shoulder and said:

"I think a woman with a high IQ should save some dignity for herself, and you won't be able to disgust me."

The translation of this sentence means that my wife is much smarter than you.

Perhaps if Yu Jingting was around, he would have said it more bluntly: I will know what kind of dung ball you are pulling when you poke your butt.

"How do you know?" Director Qu stood up from the ground, Suizi looked at her, and even reached out to support her.

Director Qu looked at her more and more strangely, and Wang Cuihua also felt that her daughter-in-law was very kind-to deal with this kind of vixen, one should take off her shoes and slap her in the face.

With a big mouth, first up and down, then left and right, slapping her with a bruised nose and swollen face, teaching this kind of bad woman who covets other men's men to be a man!

"Mom, you go to see my mother first, and leave it to me."

"Can it work?" Wang Cuihua looked at Director Qu anxiously. If she left, Suizi would be fine with this woman alone, right?

"It's okay." Suizi didn't think that a person who had just had an abortion could do anything to her.

Wang Cuihua turned her head three times and walked away.

Director Qu looked at Suizi with the eyes of a monster, and his eyes were full of horror and suspicion.

She still doesn't quite believe that her seamless plan was actually seen through by the little girl in front of her.

"Even if it's death, you let me die clearly." Director Qu said.

At this moment, she is not as pretentious as before, but appears calm.

"You are too confident in your IQ. I admit that you have insight into the darkness of human nature, and you are also very good at using these darkness to profit for yourself, but how should I say it?"

Suizi compared her temples with her hands.

"You are too confident. Our family is not in your stereotype, so your series of serial schemes will not work for us. Maybe you will be more likely to succeed if you change your family."

It can only be said that from the very beginning, Director Chu picked the wrong target.

She should not have chosen Jingting.

She thought that a man of Yu Jingting's age was young and his career was on the rise, so how could he refuse the profits and beauties that came to his door.

But Yu Jingting just looked down on her.

Even if Director Qu claims that ninety-nine percent of the men in the world will fall in love with her, Yu Jingting is also that one percent.

"Do you think that if my man gets in touch with you, you can take the opportunity to use him to get rid of your godfather. If you can provoke our two families to fight each other, it would be even better for you to make some profit from it. Even if you don't get any benefits , you can also disturb a pool of water by yourself, and slip away while taking the opportunity."

When Director Qu heard her say "take the opportunity to slip away", his heart sank.

She knew that she was a soft-spoken person, like the rootless duckweed on the river, where the gods fought, and a random spark could burn her whole family to death without a place to bury them.

That's why I thought of getting out in this way.

She thought that this secret would be brought into the coffin by herself, and when Suizi told it in such a way, Director Qu's forehead was covered with sweat.

I don't know if it was because of qi deficiency and night sweats after the operation, or because I was scared by Suizi.

Suizi took her hand, and the two of them sat side by side on the lounge chair, speaking in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"You shouldn't be emotionally fluctuating now. I didn't mean to harm you, otherwise I wouldn't sit here and tell you these things."

Director Qu was shocked by her open-mindedness, how could this woman treat herself like this?

Her palm still retains the warmth of the tassel after holding it. When she was most empty and uncomfortable, the only warmth she felt was from her opponent.

"How do you know?" Director Qu had never met an opponent like Suizi.

Even her godfather didn't know about her thoughts.

"I will know because I respect each of my opponents. I will carefully count all the opponents who appear on our poker table. When it is logically favorable, I will start investigating you."

"However, why do you think it's illogical that I have a crush on your husband?" Director Qu was still puzzled.

Suizi looked at her without contempt, and sighed:

"I respect you as an opponent and know everything about you, but you don't even have a complete grasp of the basic situation of my family. I'm not dumb. You don't know such obvious information. If you don't lose, who loses?"

"However, whether you can speak or not has any influence on this matter?" Director Qu still didn't understand.

Suizi smiled.

"It seems to have no effect, but it also exposes your arrogance. You are too confident in your charm and IQ. You are so confident that you don't even want to check the basic situation of my family."

"My family's business is a husband-and-wife store. I'm not very good at opening up territory, so my husband came forward to do these things. I provide strategic deployment in the rear. If you want to make a perfect plan, you have to use known conditions to speculate on the future. Various variables, which involves a key word, logic."


"Yes, you can compare reality to a net. You, me, Boss Yu, your godfather, we are all on this net. This is logic. Once your behavior exceeds this net, this is Illogical.

Let me give you a simple example, you met me in the hospital by chance.

After you saw me, you wanted to hate me, so you knelt down for me and your mother-in-law. Although it didn't do you any good, as long as you could disgust me, you would feel happy. This is in line with your distorted personality. "

The corner of Director Qu's mouth twitched. She really couldn't refute these words, because she herself felt that she was quite distorted now.

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