I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 133 Cultural people have many tricks

"Jing Ting, you didn't plan to go out at all, did you?"

As he just said, if he really wanted to go out and beat someone up, she couldn't stop him.

"It's not bad to beat them up, but it's better to play with them. They think we don't know, so we will do whatever we can and take the opportunity to deal with them!"

Yu Jingting's goal is very clear.

Don't let the second uncle buy cattle with his family's money, and disturb the peace of those families.

Those who are not good to his family can't let them take over for a dime.

Suizi clasped his hands together and muttered something.

"What are you mumbling about?" he asked.

"I think it's my father-in-law who appeared. Otherwise, why would they not choose so many places, and they have to pick us and talk about it?"

Those who are looking for abuse here, let them go, I'm sorry for her father-in-law's spirit.

Suizi is not interested in Fengshui, but in her previous life, there was a very superstitious Li Youcai in her company.

Li Youcai likes to tinker with Fengshui and the Five Elements, and there are quite a few such books in the office. Suizi has read a little, and knows a little bit about it.

Standing at the ancestral grave of Lao Yu's family, Suizi shook her head.

"This place is not good."

"My mother also said no."

Most of Wang Cuihua's ability to see things is relying on her mouth to fool her, but she still understands the basics of Feng Shui.

Sui Ziniang gave her a book on this topic, and Wang Cuihua read it whenever she had nothing to do, to improve her business.

"Look, this land is sunken and easy to store water. The descendants of the ancestors' graves soaked in water for a long time are prone to alcoholism, and may also suffer from wind-cold bone pain."

"Also, this place is in the shade, and the sun can't shine through, which has a great impact on luck. This area is not good—only the location of the grave is good, the sun is shining a bit, and the terrain is also high. Who is buried? "

"Our father."

"." Suizi felt that her mouth was similar to consecration, and if she couldn't get along in the future, she would tell her fortune with her mother-in-law.

The ancestral grave will be moved sooner or later, Suizi decides to choose a good place for her father-in-law at that time.

Although she doesn't believe in these things, she doesn't want to be taboo.

After worshiping the father-in-law, Suizi strolled back and forth, turned around, and saw something.

I was about to talk to Yu Jingting, but I saw him standing in front of his grandfather's grave, touching his chin, as if he was really evaluating how to dig.

Spike black thread.

"Don't disturb Grandpa, I have an easier way, look here."

Suizi dragged Nizi who was about to dig a grave to get the skull to one place and said:

"Look, here's the drain."

"On the morning of New Year's Eve, all the houses of Lao Yu's family have to send people to the grave to worship the ancestors. If you seal the drain with cement in front of the second uncle, they will definitely block it, and you don't have to follow them. Disputes, just point to their noses and say, you can control me for a while, but not for the rest of my life!"

In the north, people have to go to the grave during the Chinese New Year. When the time comes, all the men from each house will come, and they will block the drain while the crowd is full.

It doesn't matter whether it is blocked or not, the word must be given to them, let them know that Yu Jingting is a ruthless person who will attack the ancestor's grave at any time.


"The blockage of the drain in the cemetery means that the younger generation will have bladder disease. Do you remember what the second uncle said just now? Grandma has been going to the toilet frequently these days, and it still hurts when she goes to the toilet."

Suizi reads a lot of books, and collects miscellaneous learning, so she knows a little about all kinds of knowledge.

"Grandma must have had a urinary tract infection."

You have to go to a regular hospital to get medicine, and you can only get better if you take it according to the course of treatment.

"Although it is a common disease of the elderly, many people do not treat it standardizedly. They stop taking medicine after the symptoms disappear. The result is repeated. The second uncle is obviously reluctant to spend money, and the treatment will not be thorough."

Suizi was inspired by the dialogue between the old lady Yu and his wife.

"If you are sick, you need to see a doctor, but in order to save money, many people would rather push these common diseases to ghosts and gods. You said, grandma had this problem in the first place, so let's pass the news that the blockage of the drainage caused the disease to other people. Pass it to her, will she be afraid?"

Yu Jingting narrowed his eyes, considering her suggestion.

"It's not good to threaten others with a private house, but this is what they started first. If grandpa is still alive, he will agree with my approach."

After all, Suizi was only threatening to block the drain, and Yu Jingting was going to kill him.

According to Yu Jingting's method, it can also achieve the same effect as Suizi, but Suizi is still much gentler.

"Our purpose is not to disturb the ancestors, but to pass the signal to those who want to attack our father's grave, so as to restrain their future behavior."

"We have plenty of time. As long as they mess with our house, we will come and block the drain. There are other things besides the drain."

"Break through the tomb, and the descendants will be virtuous."

"Seal the grave with cement, and separate the children and grandchildren."

"The most vicious thing is that if you press grandpa's grave with stones, grandpa and grandpa will suffer a stroke, and our father is not grandpa's child. No matter how much feng shui is broken, it will not harm our family."

Therefore, she only used the slightest signal to scare the old lady Yu, and she would be honest there.

For the peace of Lao Yu's family, Suizi doesn't mind being a bad guy once.

When Suizi said something, Yu Jingting's eyebrows moved.

"Where did you hear these things?"

"I read it in the book. In fact, these are without any scientific basis. Socialist atheism is the only thing we should believe in."

Suizi shyly said:

"Although there is no scientific basis, it is enough to scare them."

Those people have ghosts in their hearts, so they will be sure if they are scared.

"You people who read books are really shameless."

Just looking at this charming little girl in his family, you can tell that there is not only a golden house in the book, but also a knife that kills people without blood!

Suozi pretended not to hear his teasing.

Mumbling to the tombs of grandpa and father-in-law.

"My superiors, I didn't intend to offend and trouble you, but for the prosperity of the family, for the unity of the children and grandchildren, and for the old Yu's family not to be torn apart in the future, I can only make this bad plan."

"Changsheng?" The cheeky Yu Jingting was amused by her.

She was the one who wanted to mess with others, so she started talking about unity?

"Well. Clean them up once, make them honest, stop thinking about those heretics, and live a down-to-earth life, isn't it prosperity?"

If she could be reasonable and influence her family with love, she wouldn't need to make such a ruthless move.

Where love can't be affected, it can only be hit with fists.

If you hit those people and recognize your father in place, you will not dare to make trouble in the future, and you can live a peaceful life in each family, so that you can live a good life in the future.

The wind wrapped the withered grass on the ground, turning and turning at the feet of Suizi, as if to say, you are beautiful, and what you said is right.

In a flash, New Year's Eve is here.

Wang Cuihua got up early and prepared tributes for Yu Jingting to go to the grave.

"Mom, this is?"

Suizi watched as Wang Cuihua took out a scroll from the box and spread it out like a treasure.

"Your father-in-law's portrait, hang it up during the Chinese New Year, it can be regarded as a family reunion."

In the early years, the conditions at home were not good, so I didn’t leave any photos, so I only asked someone to draw a portrait.

Suizi met Yu Jingting's father when she was a child, but it was so long ago that she can't remember exactly what she looked like.

Stretch your neck and look curiously.

The scroll slowly unfolded.

"Ah? This, this?!" Suizi covered her mouth.

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