I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 134 What the hell is this!

Suizi saw Yu Jingting's father when she was a child, and vaguely remembered that she was tall, and Yu Jingting's tall and tall was just like his father.

I don't remember if I look good or not, but I remember being fierce.

She has been timid since she was a child, and when she saw such a fierce man, she always took a detour.

So when the mother-in-law spread out the scroll, Suizi immediately turned into Xiaodouyan after seeing the person in the portrait.

"This, this is the father-in-law?"

Traditional Chinese painting pays attention to artistic conception. Unlike Western painting, it does not rely on anatomy, and most of the paintings are not realistic.

I can understand the imbalance of proportions.

However, no matter how out of balance, there must be a personality.

The painting Wang Cuihua took out has a big lump of ink on the head.

From a distance, it looks like the big-headed son who came through the crew of the big-headed son and the small-headed father.

From a closer look, it looks like a big potato has become fine.

Not to mention whether it looks like or not, it is not vivid.

At the very least, it has to look like a human being!

What the hell is this!

"I asked Wu Laoer, who is the best painter in the village, to help me draw this. The picture of Zhong Kui catching ghosts painted by Wu Laoer sold very well in the market."

Suizi raised her forehead when she heard the words.

Zhong Kui catches ghosts is a freehand painting, no wonder he painted his father-in-law like a little ghost.

So, Lao Yu's family offers a "Big Potato Seed Essence" every year during the New Year?

No wonder the potatoes at home are better than other people’s noodles. Potato seeds are blessed by the essence, so they are delicious!

"Mother, who does my father-in-law look like? Can you tell me about it?" Suizi asked.

"It's a bit like his dead grandfather, but it's better looking than his grandfather—how about you go to your second uncle's house and see the portrait of your grandfather offered by his house?"

"...when I didn't ask."

It is estimated that the second uncle's family provided such a portrait that was so abstract that even relatives could not recognize it.

Is it interesting to draw potato essence according to sweet potato essence?

"Among the living people, is there anyone who resembles the father-in-law? It's not limited to our family." Suizi asked.

"The face shape is the same as your man's, the mouth is a bit thicker than Jiaojiao, and I can't tell whose eyes it looks like - why are you asking?"

"I want to draw. Although my drawing skills are not very professional, but—" Suizi glanced at the "Picture of Mr. Big-headed Potato", "It must be better than this."

"Huh? You can still draw? Why didn't I hear your mother say that? By the way, I remembered that your mother learned to draw. Unfortunately, I don't know why she closed her pen."

Wang Cuihua also asked Sui Ziniang to help paint the portrait before, but Chen Lijun said that she would never touch a paintbrush in her life, so she found someone else.

"Your mother taught you?"

"Hmm." Suizi was vague, but it wasn't.

Chen Lijun has never touched a paintbrush since she married in Yangtun, so how could she teach Suizi how to paint.

It is amazing to inherit this thing. Suizi has liked painting since she was a child.

Every painting was suppressed by Chen Lijun. Chen Lijun was very resistant to her touching these paintings, and even tore the paintings of Suizi.

Later, Suizi left her hometown and turned against her own bones. She doodled and played when she had nothing to do.

Subconsciously, she wants to completely break with her original family. The more her mother forbids her to do it, the more she will do it.

She also worshiped a very powerful master, who praised her for her talent.

"The dishes are all done. Just make dumplings for lunch. There's nothing else to do now. You can go to the Westinghouse Kang to draw and play."

Wang Cuihua did not hold out much hope.

Before the holiday, Suizi asked someone to buy supplementary textbooks, workbooks and drawing tools in the city, and Jiaojiao had already been followed by Suizi.

From the moment Jiaojiao scribbled on the textbook, Suizi could tell that the girl liked to draw.

There will be no remedial classes, if there are, Suizi can report all the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to my sister-in-law in one go.

If there are conditions, we must cultivate them. If there are no conditions, we must cultivate them.

Just when Yu Jingting came back, he smelled of firecrackers and burnt paper money from the cemetery.

"Stay there and don't move." Suizi held up the paintbrush and compared it to his head.

"You little bitch use a pen to make gestures, what's the way to open the altar?"

Yu Jingting also wanted to tell her about the interesting things in the cemetery.

He made the two uncles very angry today.

Especially the second uncle, watching him jump up and down in anger after blocking the drain with cement, is more interesting than his mother's dancing master.

"Save Potatoes"

Suizi thought about what her mother-in-law said, her father-in-law's face shape was the same as Yu Jingting's.

With a handsome and angular face, he can control any hairstyle, including his now vicious little hairy bun.

"You will grow your hair a little longer in the future, and medium-length hair with well-defined layers and slight curls will suit you very well."

"Why do you have long hair, old man?!"

Suizi didn't lift her head, and the pen swished across the paper.

"When fighting, you can tie up half and leave the other half—it's also handsome." Suizi recalled the scene, her face burning a little.

This guy is really a president, and he is handsome in any order.

Bow your head and paint to cover up your clamoring thoughts.

Yu Jingting narrowed his eyes and leaned over to look at her masterpiece.

Suizi has already drawn out the outline of the three courts and five eyes.

When Yu Jingting saw it, he was furious, it was not him!

"Which wild man did you draw! So ugly!"

Tell him who it is, and go to a duel now with a firestick in your hand.

"Our father."


Yu Jingting decided to take back the phrase "wild man".

"I can't say it doesn't look like it, I can only say that it's not a person at all."

He pointed out a few places to Suizi.

Suizi changed it according to what he said, and it was a bit similar, but still a lot worse.

There is no real object, only relying on other people's dictation, no matter how you draw it, it will not look right.

It is not easy to have such a similarity, it is much better than the big potato essence.

Suizi regretted writing, and put the drawing board on the kang casually.

I thought she could draw a decent one and replace the potato essence one.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Yu Jingting's straight eyes made Suizi baffled.

"How many more things do you have that I don't know?"

When he married her, he knew that she was versatile, but only after getting along with him did he realize that she knew more than he imagined.

Suizi usually can't keep up with his mouth, but today, for some reason, hearing him ask this question, he replied without thinking:

"I'll give you a lifetime to read and understand everything about me."

This sentence ignited the fuse and blasted his reason into the sky.

Yu Jingting pressed the back of her head and was about to chew.

"Am I still there?" Jiaojiao protested.

Is this for minors?

The protest disappeared into her brother's clasped palm.

Yu Jingting pressed the back of his daughter-in-law's head with one hand to make it easier for him to gnaw, and the other hand seemed to have eyes, and it precisely covered Jiaojiao's eyes.

Without any warning, the little girl Jiaojiao was stunned by the dog food that fell from the sky.

It means that Jing Ting had eaten enough and let go of his hand, Jiao Jiao covered her eyes and jumped around in the room.

"Smelly brother! You've blurred my eyes!"

It's thirty today, and we're going to make dumplings at noon.

Yu Jingting went out to play mahjong, Xiaopang stood at the door of Lao Yu's house and called Jiaojiao to go out to play.

Jiaojiao jumped and ran out, took two steps, and turned back.

While Suizi was making dumplings in the east room, she ran to the west room and secretly stuffed the semi-finished painting of Suizi out in her padded jacket.

Children are a bit vain, Jiaojiao wants to show her sister-in-law's miraculous paintings to her friends, and take them back when she's done.

Unexpectedly, this move caused a turbulent sea in the back.

The section of braiding is a tribute to the author’s favorite hot-blooded high school Genji Takizawa. I really like the clip of braiding hair and fighting in groups in the rain. Have you seen it?

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