I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 155 Are You Looking For Inspiration With Me?

"Suizi, are you overusing your brain?"

Wang Cuihua sat beside the tassels and patted her daughter-in-law's hand sympathetically.

Look, it's hard for the child, this little face is sallow!

Suiko smiled awkwardly but politely.

She is indeed overused, but not her head.

Two days in a row, huh.

Suizi firmly believes that if the village doctor Yu Jingting hadn't said something in front of him, he would not have let himself go so much last night.

A reversal of the restraint of the day before yesterday.

The root of all this comes from that evil bacon burrito.

If she doesn't make her stomach hurt, he won't make a fuss and ask the doctor to come over.

If it wasn't for what the doctor said to Jie Liuzi, how could she have fallen into such a difficult situation that she couldn't get off the kang.

This thing can't be said, so I can only lie on the bed and pretend to be a patient.

Pretending to be sick in front of mother-in-law is like holding back farts in front of Yu Jingting, it is a very embarrassing experience.

However, the mother-in-law is still a warm-hearted person, sitting on the kang and asking for warmth.

Trying to use the ancestral massage technique to pinch Suizi's head to relieve the "headache".

This is a big embarrassment.

Suizi tried her best to change the subject and make noises.

After a lot of difficulty, I dispelled the idea of ​​my mother-in-law wanting to give me a massage.

Yu Jingting rushed back before lunch.

Seeing that Suizi's small face was aggrieved, she came over to rub her hair.

"What's wrong?"

"I have a headache, you came back just in time, give Suizi a good massage."

Wang Cuihua remembered her son again.

Suizi raised her forehead, and the massage stalk was too much to pass.

Yu Jingting raised his eyebrows, his expression instantly became evil.

Suizi looked at him so badly, so she raised her vigilance, thinking that this guy would not say anything good.

"She has this 'problem', massage is not good, she needs an injection, and I will give her two injections later."

It had to be the needle he was born with, nothing else would work.


Suizi's face turned red, and while her mother-in-law was not paying attention, she twisted his waist hard. When will this problem of running the train all over the mouth be corrected.

Wang Cuihua was still puzzled.

"How can pregnant women get injections casually?"

"So, this is not an ordinary 'needle'." He raised his eyebrows at her wickedly.

"Jing Ting, how are your affairs going?"

Suozi changed the subject, her face was about to smoke.

She is not as thick-skinned as him.

If she continues to discuss this topic, she will really explode.

Yu Jingting accepted it as soon as he saw it, and changed the topic to the right place.

He took out two pieces of paper from his pocket and opened them. They were the two IOUs written by him.

But these two copies are not originals, they were rubbed down by him with carbon paper.

"The two hundred and five, I heard that it was profitable, but I didn't notice that I got a carbon paper, so I obediently bit the hook."

With these two copies, as long as the two uncles use their brains to revise the IOU written by Yu Jingting, Yu Jingting can seize the opportunity.

Now I'm waiting for the eighth day of the eighth day to draw lots.

"Okay, you two can discuss it. I'll cook. Tiegen, you don't care if it's an injection or a massage. Hurry up and fix the tassels. It's hard for this child."

Wang Cuihua walked out while muttering.

Suizi collapsed, why did the topic return to injections!

"Jing Ting, I suddenly thought of something, about the household lottery for dividing the land." Trying to get the topic down to something serious.


Yu Jingting dragged her to sit on his lap, Suizi struggled, and he patted her effortlessly.

"Be honest, the wild boar spirit always hooks up with people! Are you in a hurry to get an injection? Then you have to wait until dark!"

What a principled person he is, how can he let the little wild boar unscrupulously squeeze him dry?

"???" I really want to bite him!

Yu Jingting moved his hands to another place. Now he is "by order" to massage, and he is taking advantage of it in a fair and honest manner.

Suizi couldn't compete with him, so she gave up on herself and tried hard secretly, trying to use weight to make the villain retreat.

"Still hooking up!" Yu Jingting patted again, his tone already had a hint of warning.

"Whether I'm doing something, in your eyes, it's all, it's all—" Suizi was embarrassed to say those two words.

"Yes!" He was unreasonable and strong.

Suizi rolled her eyes and muttered softly:

"If you don't mind being overwhelmed, just hug me, I... I'm fat again!"

It was so cruel to give him a supercilious look.

In Jing Ting's eyes, it looked like spring water in his eyes, probably because he was afraid that his mother-in-law would hear, she suppressed her voice, with a breathy voice, making him feel like he had been electrocuted, his voice was hoarse.

Yu Jingting adjusted his sitting posture and realized that he could no longer let this little wild boar tease him, so he continued to ask her about the topic just now.

"What's wrong with the lottery from the farm to household?"

"There are so many lands in the village, it's impossible for every piece of land to be fertile land, right?"


According to the geology, the land is divided into first-class land, second-class land, and sandy land.

First-class land is the best, with high yields, and second-class land may catch up with grave mounds and haystacks in the field, which will reduce production.

The sandy land is the worst, and no one wants it.

Everyone wants to divide the land, but there are more wolves and less meat.

In order to make up for the gap, the village has made a fuss about the area. Those who are assigned to second-class land and sandy land can give more area.

But everyone still likes first-class land, which requires less effort and more output, and who would not want it.

Absolute fairness can never exist, and there is no way to convince everyone. The wisdom left by the ancestors will work.

This wisdom is drawing lots.

If you catch a good land, you will be blessed by your ancestors. If you catch it badly, you will blame yourself for your bad fate. Don’t say anything, just accept your fate.

"The farm tools of the production team are distributed by lottery, and the land is the largest property, which is reserved for the finale."

"Then the second uncle will bribe the captain? They even want to do things like pumping cows. I don't believe they can't afford such a big deal."

Yu Jingting patted her belly intently, wondering if he listened.

Suiko continued:

"I guess they might use the same method as pumping cows to glue the first class to the lottery box."

Not only did they tamper with the lottery, but they must be the first to draw.

That way no one will discover their plot.

When the second uncle conspired with the old lady of the Yu family to make a signing, Suizi and Yu Jingting listened carefully in the secret base.

Suizi thinks about this matter when she finds time these days.

I thought of a few ways to tidy up several rooms in my house.

Take this opportunity to discuss with Yu Jingting.

"I think, as a human being, don't take action lightly. If you take action, it's best to protect your own interests and not harm others. If you encounter someone who has a problem with me and you are forced to harm others' interests, then you have to benefit yourself. You must never harm others and benefit yourself. The teacher comes from no name. "

If Wang Cuihua were here, she would definitely sigh a long time when she heard what her daughter-in-law said.

Hey, her daughter-in-law is really a real person. Those families have bullied us so much, and they don't want to fight back.

Listen to what Suizi said, we can't do things that harm others and benefit ourselves.

Is there a better girl than this?

It's a pity that Yu Jingting is not Wang Cuihua, so he can hear Suizi's overtones.

"Little girl, what are you doing, are you looking for inspiration for the essay with me?"

Thank you for the 588 of Xun-Xun Lianxia, ​​and thank you book friends 854 tail number 261, Zhao Yeqing, and where to find your rewards. Today is still a day to add more, but as an author who is out of low-level tastes, I absolutely Not the kind of author who needs a monthly ticket, a comment, a recommendation ticket, etc., well, this sentence, I pretend, then the message and the monthly ticket will kill me!

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