After getting along with Suizi for a long time, I didn't learn anything else, so I understood the call to action.

Almost every time Suizi makes a big move, he has to "call out" the whole form.

The pre-war proclamation invigorates our prestige and exposes the chaos of the enemy.

What is needed is a famous teacher.

You can't let people leave a message to scold her if you cheat people, and even help count the money after being sold by her.

Suizi told him all this because she wanted Yu Jingting to find a rationale for her next "harmful" behavior.

"Do you know why the second uncle is targeting our family so much?" Yu Jingting asked himself and answered, "Because he has a wound on the root of his thigh. The wound has been around for ten years and is related to our family."

Suizi covered her mouth, and looked at Yu Jingting's thin lips with beautiful eyes in surprise. Besides, why did you think about biting there? !

Yu Jingting was disgusted by her.

"Little wild boar! What are you thinking! Do you think I'm like you, biting people at every turn?"

The mark of being bitten by her on his nose just disappeared!

"Hehe, you don't bite?" Suizi's little hand brushed across the calf, waist, and finally stopped on the heart.

To tell the truth, if it wasn't for not pulling the curtains, she would be able to take off her clothes now. This man who gnaws wherever he is caught has left too many "evidence"!

Yu Jingting coughed twice.

"I only gnaw on my own little girls, the kind of rough-skinned and thick-skinned old men, I don't gnaw on them."

Just the kind of old man who doesn't pay attention to hygiene, maybe he can eat two catties with one mouthful, yue!

"Then why do you say that the injury on the second uncle's leg is related to our family?"

"When our father passed away, there were always people who wanted to climb over the wall and come in. Our mother raised two big geese, the discus and the iron ball."

Goose's ability to guard the home is very powerful.

Bitten a lot of people.

"Emma! You mean--!!!"

Suizi had goosebumps all over her body, disgusting.

She knew that the second uncle was not a good person, but she never thought that he would want to do such a thing back then.

The second elder brother turned over the yard of her husband's sister-in-law to death in the middle of the night, why? !

After Suizi felt sick, she was frightened again, and her fleshy body trembled unconsciously.

Surprised by the evil of human nature.

Never pry into the bottom line of people's hearts, because in the depths of the invisible night, some people's evil cannot be overcome by the Buddha.

The second uncle was sure of Wang Cuihua's orphan and widow, even if he took advantage of him, he didn't dare to speak out.

With the notoriety of hooking up with the second elder brother, the three of them will not be able to live in Yangtun.

No one will know who he is when he climbs over the wall in the middle of the night. As long as he takes advantage of it, Wang Cuihua will be in his pocket in the future, and he can play with it however he wants.

But the second uncle underestimated Wang Cuihua's combat effectiveness.

As soon as it turned in, it was chased and bitten by the discus iron ball.

Yu Jingting, who was only ten years old at that time, heard the voice.

I saw a man wearing big underpants with his face covered, running with his butt covered, and there was blood on the flat mouth of the discus.

Although his face was covered, but from his figure and the color of his underpants, Yu Jingting guessed that it might be the second uncle.

The next day, he deliberately went to the second uncle's house, and as expected, he saw peck marks on the bottom of his leg.

"I have a question!" Suozi raised her hand.

Yu Jingting was deep, heh, little girl, have you finally found out that your man is a pure man who can guard the family?

"Well, how did you see the wound on his leg? Did you take off his pants?"

Seeing the essence through the pants.

"Can I do that tasteless thing?" Yu Jingting sneered, this little girl, her thinking is very dangerous.

First, he said that he gnawed on the crack on the old man's leg.

He also slandered him for using such a low method to pick up the old man's pants.

"So, what the hell did you do?"

"I told the second aunt that he was bitten by Li Youcai's goose because he watched Li Youcai's mother take a bath."

"!!!" There is actually Li Youcai's family in the scene!

"Then, the second aunt took off his trousers, and I just said, I don't know how to do such tasteless things."

"." So, this is why you sow discord and let others pick it up for you?

Wang Cuihua didn't see who it was, and she has been kept in the dark for so many years.

Yu Jingting knew what was going on, but he kept silent.

It's just that after so many years, if you find an opportunity, you will disgust the two uncles.

Although the uncle didn't climb over the wall, he did a lot of disgusting things, and he remembered them all.

It's hard for Suizi to think differently.

If she and her mother-in-law were switched, what would she do if a weak woman like her met such a bad guy with a rotten heart?

She doesn't know how to raise big geese, and she is even a little afraid of big geese!

Jiaojiao is feeding the discus and iron balls at home, and the tassels are walking around.

She is so timid, she will definitely not be able to do as well as her mother-in-law in raising big geese.

She probably can only get some iron fences, turn on the electricity at night, sprinkle some glass shards on the walls, and put a row of mouse traps inside the walls

Suizi made up a topographical map in her mind, thought for a while, and sighed.

"Compared with my mother, I'm far behind."

A problem that can be solved by raising two big geese, but she has to do so much, which is troublesome and expensive.

It's a terrible thing to be timid.

Yu Jingting could tell just by looking at her secretly rubbing expression that this little girl was holding back her water again.

The second uncle's crimes have added another layer.

Suizi didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt anymore.

"During the lottery, you should be ahead of the two of them, and take away the first-class one that is stuck on the box." Suizi said to Jingting.

He didn't answer, just looked at her in a daze.

"Did I make you feel a bit bad?" Suizi brushed her hair nervously.

In front of her sweetheart, she hopes to maintain a perfect image all the time.

Yu Jingting looked at her for a long time, then reached out to ruffle her hair.

"Silly girl, my mother calculated for me that I can live to be over ninety years old."

"What?" What does this nonsensical sentence mean?

"I won't let you be like our mother back then, living in fear every day. No one can bully you when I'm here for a day."

Suizi didn't expect that what he said was this, her nose was sour, tears came down.

This scoundrel, how could he say such life-threatening words in front of a pregnant woman, Suizi hugged him and wiped his tears on the front of his sweater.

"So, you little wild boar spirit, just eat your burritos boldly, no matter how fat you are, you won't overwhelm brother to death—hey, speaking of overpowering, next time you come up?"

It's time to show off his super ability to withstand pressure.

He can do heavy homework!

Suizi couldn't cry anymore.

"Don't call me little wild boar spirit!"

"Oh, wild boar?"

"Little tassel of wild boar?"

"Taiko little wild boar?"

The man who owed his son paid a heavy price again.

The day of the field meeting.

The villagers gathered densely in front of the production team yard, and each family sent a representative to draw lots in the yard.

The rest of the people were watching outside.

The most conspicuous thing is the teeth marks on the face of the boss sitting in the front row.

"Tiegen, what's wrong with your face? Knowing that today is a certain day of life and death, I want your wife to take a bite for good luck?"

The second uncle sat beside Yu Jingting.

His eyes were full of gloating.

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