I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 755: 10,000 vs 250+ Spicy Duck Heads

If the gun hadn't been dug up during the day, Suizi wouldn't have panicked.

During the period when Jing Ting came back, many scary pictures flashed in her mind.

There were those who fell in a pool of blood, and those whose children were kidnapped, but they never thought about being kidnapped by criminals.

In her subconscious, what is more terrifying than her own death is seeing her closest people encounter uncontrollable dangers.

That's why Suizi let Yu Jingting take the child away.

After hearing her tell him to leave, Yu Jingting finally understood what the "fear" she said when she threw herself into his arms.

She was worried that something would happen to him and the child.

"It's just two lunatics. They haven't the ability to do anything to us. If you put your heart back in your stomach, my child and I will be fine. As long as you don't think about it, our whole family will be fine."

"But they might have guns."

When Suizi thought of someone in the dark, aiming at him and the children with a gun, his head throbbed with pain.

She wished she could find an air-raid shelter and lock him and the children in it, not daring to think about the consequences of losing them.

"There are so many guns, do they know how to use them? I stand in front of them and let them aim. Can I shoot accurately? If they can shoot accurately casually, why do the police have to train every day?"

Yu Jingting's words were like a shot in the arm, calming Suizi's flustered emotions and calming her restless heart a little.

"You stay with me steadfastly, don't think about anything, my mother has done the calculations for us, and said that we will grow old forever, and I still hold back my energy and want to celebrate the golden wedding with you. You haven't even finished one part of it, don't even think about running away."

Yu Jingting coaxed Suizi to sleep for a long time, but she couldn't sleep well, and she would wake up whenever he moved.

Both arms were firmly around his waist, lest he would disappear suddenly.

By the time she fell asleep completely, it was already the middle of the night.

Yu Jingting moved her hand away, tiptoed to the drawer, took out an Emerald Buddha from her jewelry box, and gently hung it around her neck.

He doesn't believe in Buddhism, but at this time, he would rather there are gods and Buddhas in the world who can protect his little tassel.

Seeing Suizi's sleeping face, Yu Jingting gently kissed her.

"It's like sticking to me. How dare you let me go against your conscience. You're an idiot."

But thinking of her crying like a pitiful child today, Yu Jingting's heart throbbed in pain.

Since she became a mother, she has rarely been so vulnerable in front of him.

In order to establish a reliable image in front of the children, she has always performed with ease, no matter how bad things are in her hands, she can easily solve them.

In Yu Jingting's heart, Suizi's personality is precipitous. When she was young, she was like a twisted and fragile little girl. After she got married, she became pregnant and gave birth to a child, and suddenly matured.

After skipping a period of transition, she is not stable like a person of her age, and there is almost no willfulness and temper tantrum in her.

Even when Suizi sat with Chen Lijun, Yu Jingting had the illusion that his daughter-in-law was more psychologically mature than his wayward mother-in-law.

The two lunatics who appeared this time broke Suizi's defenses. Yu Jingting felt sorry for Suizi when he saw Suizi who was not so steady.

A fugitive is already a headache, and here is another Fan Lili who escaped from the mental hospital.

Yu Jingting decided to mobilize the power of the masses and use money to help the police quickly solve the case.

Thousands of copies of Zhao Gong's portrait were printed, together with Fan Lili's portrait, and a reward was offered on the front.

Zhao Gong raised the reward amount to 10,000, Fan Lili 250+1 pot of spicy duck head.

Suizi was surprised by the amount of the reward.

"Since it is printed on the reverse side, why not write the same money? Why is there a spicy duck head?"

10,000 vs 250+ spicy duck head, isn't the gap a bit big?

"Fan Lili is mentally ill. To deal with a mentally ill, you can't use the logic of a normal person. You have to use the thinking of a lunatic. Think about it. If she sees this leaflet, can she not be angry? Maybe she will run out in a fit of anger. gone."

"She is mentally ill, not mentally retarded. Only a fool would be fooled if you do this?" Suizi felt that his "humiliating arrest" sounded unreliable.

However, Suizi felt that this way of disparity in the amount was also beneficial.

I don't know if it will attract the mentally ill Fan Lili to take the bait, but the people who got the leaflet must be deeply impressed.

When a normal person sees the opposite side, he must study it. Why is there a 10,000 and a 250? In contrast, the impression is deep.

In order to take care of the Fan family's dignity, Yu Jingting on Fan Lili's side only added a portrait without writing his name, so that even if someone thinks he looks like Fan Lili, he won't think too much about it.

Suizi made another suggestion, don't just distribute leaflets at the roller skating rink, but make full use of the masses, hire a few handout leaflets, and distribute leaflets one by one in alleys.

A reward of 10,000 was offered, which was higher than the reward given by the police station, and the grandpas and aunts were all excited.

Regardless of whether there are bonuses or not, punishing evil and promoting good are all traits engraved in the DNA. Now that there are such sky-high bonuses, the enthusiasm of the masses is even higher than ever.

The topic of discussing this suspect in the streets and alleys has even surpassed the hottest TV series nowadays.

The number of old men playing chess at the entrance of the alley suddenly increased, and the aunts moved the place of washing vegetables from the courtyard to the outside of the courtyard, and took a few glances when they had nothing to do.

Suizi became the family's protected animal.

Yu Jingting stopped all work, with an ax in his waist and a shotgun on his back, he followed Suizi every step of the way.

Fan Huang also sent a few people to live in Suizi's house, and the house suddenly became lively.

The suspect has not been caught yet, but the crowd with unprecedented enthusiasm for catching thieves has cracked several small cases.

The thief who stole the second aunt's flowery pants, and the gangster who robbed the child's pocket money, were all caught.

Fan Xi came to look for Yu Jingting, and when he saw two strong men playing mahjong in the yard, and Yu Jingting with an ax pinned to it, he was stunned.

"What are you doing?"

"They were all sent by my father to protect me." Suizi was quite speechless.

I don't know where my father transferred these people, they are especially edible.

It's only been three days, half a bag of rice has been made, and the nanny is almost crying.

Suizi gave the nanny a bonus to help cook together to reduce the burden, thinking that if she is not caught, her family may be poor.

Fan Xi couldn't help feeling emotional.

"Sister Suizi is overwhelmed by the country and the city, and even the psychopaths are attracted by you."

"...The glory of the country and the city is given to you, do you want it?" Suizi was powerless.

"Sister-in-law, Aunt Qian's phone number!" Jiao Jiao shouted from the door.

Suizi went to answer the phone, only to hear Liu Qian yelling curses on the other end of the phone.

"Chen Hansui! I treat you as a friend in vain, and you humiliate my daughter like this! What does 250 mean? You immediately change the leaflet and add 10,000 to me, otherwise I will make it impossible for you to eat spicy duck in Dongcheng for the rest of your life." head!"

"What are you talking about—hello?" Suizi felt something was wrong, and wanted to ask again, but the phone hung up.

She reacted suddenly.

"Fan Lili is with Liu Qian!"

This call was made by Liu Qian risking her life to remind Suizi in a roundabout way!

I have to make complaints about it. One day I searched for audio and found that someone was broadcasting my audio book. The introduction turned out to be that the aunt was reborn back in the 1980s and met an energetic little fresh meat. As an author, after reading it, I even felt in my heart. Shouted step, Jinglei fell into the Zijin hammer this day? !

Big mom, big mom, big mom? !

The mysterious flame of Zidian, the sword hanging from the nine heavens is shocking.

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