I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 756 We also have feelings, we also have love

Liu Qian has three houses, one was issued by her unit, one was given to her by her parents in Dongcheng, and the other is in the backyard of Suizi's house, which is temporarily rented to Xiaopang.

Suizi heard her shout hysterically on the phone, saying that she would not be able to eat the spicy duck head in Dongcheng for the rest of her life, and immediately guessed that Fan Lili went to find Liu Qian, and she was in Dongcheng.

"Liu Qian probably let her control it. When she called, her tone was very urgent. It is very likely that Fan Lili was by her side. But I don't understand why Fan Lili allowed her to make this call?"

Yu Jingting has already started shaking people, he wants to take people there to catch the crazy, he replied casually:

"Because 250."

Suizi was in a daze, could it be that Fan Lili was really so angry by Yu Jingting's extremely humiliating flyer that she showed up and forced Liu Qian to call and scold her?

"It seems that you really can't use normal people's thinking to deal with neuropathy, then the problem comes—"

Suizi actually wanted to ask, why does her husband know so much about psychopaths?

Yu Jingting squinted his eyes, and reached out to touch her frivolously: "Take back your guesses about me in your mind! If you dare to say that I am crazy, I will press you down, and the Fa will be executed on the spot!"

He went crazy, he was afraid of himself!

"Ahem, well, we didn't mean to disturb you on purpose, but are we going to leave?"

Several strong men looked at each other in blank dismay at the door, and they agreed that they were only here to protect the eldest lady, but no one told them that it depends on the love of the young couple! ~

Suizi was worried at home, lest Yu Jingting would go on a business trip.

She wanted to follow, but Yu Jingting was worried and insisted on letting her wait at home.

Suizi watched the hands of the clock on the wall move, every second was a torment.

The three children are playing with toys in the house. The house is on high alert these days, and the children are not allowed to leave the yard.

Having had enough toys at home, Luoluo ran over and acted like a spoiled child hugging the tassels.

"Mom, when can we go out to play? The sun is so good today."

Suizi looked worriedly at the blue sky outside, yes, the weather is really nice.

But such sunny weather, their family is not blessed.

Guiltily kissed the child's forehead.

"When the problem is solved, mom will take you to the beach to play, and you still have to bear it for now."

With a small face, for a lively and active child, not being allowed to go out is really a huge torment.

But the little girl's depression only lasted for a few seconds, she raised her head and gave Suizi a big smile.

"I'm fine, and it's fun at home."

"Yeah." Bobo, who was reading quietly, raised his head and echoed his sister.

Suizi's eyes were hot from being touched by these two little angels, the children are really sensible.

Just doing this and waiting was really tormenting, so Suizi simply put on an apron and started making snacks with the three children.

At this time, Yu Jingting had already arrived outside Liu Qian's house in Dongcheng.

A group of people spread out and ambushed around the house to ensure that no one would slip through the net when they were caught.

Before Yu Jingting broke through the door, he was distracted by the too dazzling sun.

He seemed to hear Suizi's pleasant voice in his ear, and he subconsciously said it.

"The shade of the trees is thick and the days are long in summer." This is the poem she taught the children last night.

"What?" The helper next to Yu Jingting didn't hear clearly.

"Tell the brothers to cheer up and catch the crazy woman. I will reward you a lot."

That Fan Lili, she spreads her wings like a duck, what kind of bird is she? Just relying on her, is she worthy of delaying Suizi's romantic time?

Yu Jingting restrained his mind and concentrated on arresting him.

Suizi's cookies are ready, and Yu Jingting is back.


"How can I say I caught it, but I didn't catch it completely."

Yu Jingting's expression was complicated. The arrest of Fan Lili this time was both reasonable and somewhat unexpected.

When he rushed in with people, Fan Lili was lighting white candles in the room, saying that she was going to have a candlelight dinner.

In the corner, Liu Qian was terrified by her being tied up with a rope.

Fortunately, Liu Qian's child was sent to her natal family, otherwise the child would probably have a psychological shadow seeing this scene.

"I haven't seen her for a few years. She has become even more crazy. I have reason to suspect that the mental hospital has not treated her properly."

When Fan Lili was outside, she was just a little extreme when she was not sick, but she still had the thinking of a normal person. After staying in for a few years, her mind seemed to be in a daze.

"When she saw me, she rushed over and wanted to hug me, but I kicked her away, and then Da Zhuang and the others rushed up and tied her up."

"It's that simple?"

Suizi thought there would be big scenes like fighting and hostage-taking, but Fan Lili unexpectedly threw himself into the net of Jing Ting.

"If it was that simple, I wouldn't have this expression. She also has an accomplice who ran away."


"Liu Qian's eyes were blindfolded by her, but Liu Qian said that she heard a man's voice. The voice was very nice. When we rushed in, there was still a pot of spicy duck head on the stove."

"It's no wonder you have a good smell of marinade - isn't it a little unnecessary for them to cover Liu Qian's eyes? As far as Liu Qian's face blindness is concerned, even if you let her see it, she can't remember it."

"Shouldn't your focus be on who is the man who ran away?"

"That's right, didn't she just come back from other places, where did you get help?"

"It's quite mysterious and complicated to say the least. That man is a patient who escaped from the mental hospital with her. She has always regarded that man as me."


Suizi raised a question mark, his words contained too much information, she had to digest it.

"When I went to the neighbor's house to block her before, I found the used condom. I didn't expect that she really had a companion."

"I just watched Marquez's "Love in the Time of Cholera" a few days ago, she can write a book "Love in a Mental Asylum"!"

There is only one sentence left in Suizi's mind: Mental illness also has love, and mental illness also has love!

A mental illness was caught, and another mental illness escaped, so Yu Jingting said with such a complicated expression, "I caught it, but I didn't catch it completely."

"There is even more disturbing news. The man who ran away practiced martial arts since he was a child. Do you know why he was arrested and sent to a mental hospital? It was because he sneaked into the zoo in the middle of the night and killed a tiger with his bare hands."

"!!! How did you do it?!" Suizi was so frightened that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. What did the tiger do wrong?

"Liu Qian heard it with her own ears, saying that he called himself Wu Song."

"The tiger is miserable. But didn't Fan Lili think of him as you?"

"Well, Fan Lili regards him as me, he regards himself as Wu Song, and Fan Lili as Jinlian."

"Good guy, all I can say is, good guy."

Suizi was startled from ear to ear by the rigorous logic of these psychopaths.

"Why is there no Wu Dalang?" Bobo, who had been quietly watching, suddenly raised his head.

The expressions of Suizi and Yu Jingting changed at the same time.

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