I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 827: Humiliated

The second child can also understand some Cantonese, even if he can't understand, he can understand the other party's extremely dirty eyes.

He clenched his fists and filled his mind with the image of beating up this brat after taking the money.

Suozi whispered to him in time to suppress his anger.

"No matter what I do for a while, you and the fifth child must suppress your emotions, and you must not conflict with each other."

Hearing this sentence, although the second child didn't understand what she was going to do, he still nodded.

Most of the anger in his eyes has faded.

"Mr. Frank, this is Chen Hansui, the second boss of our company, she is responsible for the final payment of the contract—"

Before the second child could finish speaking, this frank rushed over at a brisk pace, stretched out his hand to the tassel, held it very greasy, and would not let go of it once he held it.

"It really surprises me that there are such stunning beauties in this poor place of yours."

Suizi pulled out her hand cleverly, resisting the urge to wipe it with a wet towel, and dealt with it.

In the future, she will be in a hurry with anyone who says that Yu Jingting was a bastard when he was young.

Compared with the dog man in front of her, her man was a gentleman when he was young.

"Mr. Frank, I brought the contract. According to the contract, you should pay us the final payment yesterday. Today I am talking to you on behalf of the company."

Suizi spoke fluent English as soon as she spoke, Frank was a little surprised.

This pronunciation is even more standard than the translation, beyond his stereotype of these inland people.

"It's that muscular man who signed the contract with me. Call him out, and the final payment will be given to you immediately, or... would you like to have a 'private' chat with me?"

Frank licked his lips leeringly at Suizi.

Lao Wu's hand slapped on the table, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

This is too bullying, molesting my sister-in-law in public? !

Suizi glanced at the second child, and the second child immediately kicked the fifth child, who gritted his teeth and stared at the shameless opposite.

Suozi pretended not to understand the other party's hint, and said:

"It is true that you have added a special agreement in the contract between our two companies. You, as Party A, have the right to postpone the investigation before paying the final payment if you have not seen the legal person of the company."

Frank didn't pay attention to what Suizi said at all, all his blood ran down, his whole body was hot, and the big flowered pants on his body were unspeakably ugly.

At this time, with the high profile of a superior, he stared at Suizi with the eyes of a prey, as if she was already in his hands.

Perhaps his intentions were too obvious, even his subordinates felt that it was a little too much, pushed him, and repeated Suizi's words in a low voice in his ear.

Only then did Frank come back to his senses, and smiled at Suizi and said, "I can't see that you are an expert in beauty, we do have the right to refuse to pay the final payment until that muscular man appears."

Suizi lowered her eyes and sighed inwardly.

This guy yelled one muscular man at a time, probably madly jealous of Yu Jingting in his heart?

Look at him, he is not as tall as himself, he is considered short among Asians, and he is probably more discriminated against in Western places where tall people are generally tall.

That's why this fellow speaks so cheaply about Yu Jingting.

It's a pity that in Suizi's heart, this guy is not even worthy to carry shoes for Yu Jingting, no, it should be said, he is not qualified to lick the toilet for Yu Jingting.

Suizi was outputting crazily in her heart, but her face still had a standard social expression, smiling and dealing with her.

"We do have some difficulties here. Can Mr. Frank make it easier for us to pay half of the final payment first?"

Suoko said as she took off her sunglasses.

The slender fingers flicked lightly, the sunglasses were slipped on the neckline smoothly, and the delicate collarbone almost didn't reveal Frank's soul, and everyone heard the sound of him swallowing.

This is Suizi's first time to take off her sunglasses after getting off the plane. Her eyelids have been swollen, and the red eye sockets are hard to see under the moving eyes.

Frank was already fascinated by wearing sunglasses. After taking off the sunglasses, the bookish top charm instantly made Frank's big flower pants tighter. He had to adjust his sitting posture, and his eyes almost didn't fall off. .

The beauty of tassels emanates from the inside, and it just grows on Frank's aesthetic point.

Everyone could see what this dog man wanted now, and the second and fifth children turned black at the same time.

Even the calm second child couldn't sit still, watching Suizi's charm unleashed on that big thorn with displeasure.

He thought that the sister-in-law would have some surprising way to negotiate with the other party, but in the end, that's all?

If the brothers already need to rely on their sister-in-law to sell their looks to keep the company running, then this business doesn't matter.

Thinking of what Suizi had just said to him in a low voice, the second child could only suppress his dissatisfaction and continue to wait and see.

"Beauty, you are making it difficult for me. The contract is written in black and white. If you say anything casually with your pretty little mouth, I will take half of the final payment. I am at a loss."

As he spoke, he stretched out his greasy salty pig's hand to touch Suizi's face.

People around him are no strangers to his behavior.

Some people had already smiled knowingly, Suizi observed the expressions of these people in her eyes, but she became more determined in her heart.

If, when she entered the door, she only had 50% hope that Jing Ting would survive, now judging from the reactions of these people, Suizi is 60% sure.

She used the action of taking the contract to avoid the salty pig's hand, and continued to hook Frank with her eyes.

"It's only half a day early. Our big boss will be back tomorrow."

Frank, who was all focused on the flowery pants, said without thinking:

"How could he come back tomorrow? Impossible—"

Ma Zai behind him pushed him quickly, and Frank realized that he had said something wrong, so he immediately shut up. Seeing that the beautiful woman in front of him was still smiling coquettishly like a flower, he only blamed Ma Zai for interrupting.

She's just a woman, so why be so vigilant?

The curve of the corner of Suizi's mouth became more and more brilliant. From the outsiders' eyes, it seemed that she was deliberately exchanging her beauty for resources.

No one knew the excitement in her heart at this time. The 60% certainty just now has become 90% at this moment.

"Anyway, we haven't seen the boss here, so we will never pay the final payment, in black and white." Following Frank's subordinates, seeing that the boss was already delirious and addicted to women, they stood up and spoke.

"So there's no need to continue talking?" Suizi asked.

Seeing that she seemed to be leaving, frank stared anxiously at the meddling subordinate, didn't he see him picking up girls?

"It's still necessary to talk, but there are so many people talking here, I can't tell for a while, why don't I invite the beautiful women to dinner, and we can talk in detail after dinner?" Frank stood up and stretched out his hand to shake Suizi's hand.

The tassels that had achieved the purpose of the temptation did not move.

Lao Wu stood up and shook hands instead of Suizi. He had endured it for so long, and wanted to break this guy's claws, but there was something hard in his palm. This is——? !

"Grass—" Lao Wu's cursing voice disappeared into Suizi's hand gestures, Suizi smiled and made a boo gesture.

And this move made Frank think that this woman had acquiesced to his unspoken rules.

"I won't treat you badly, wait for you~"

Frank felt itchy in his heart. He just felt that this beautiful woman was too good at it. She led her away with a wicked smile, and the extremely arrogant "I'll wait for you" echoed in the corridor.

The fifth child threw the key in the palm of his hand on the ground and stomped on his foot. This is a man who can't stand it. Who is this humiliating?

Putting the hotel key directly into his hand, is this asking the sister-in-law to use her body to exchange for the payment?

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