I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 828 The Trial of Astoria Sui, the Goddess of Justice (Thanks to Shu Yueer + more)

"Sister-in-law, what do you mean? If you want to use this method to get out of the siege, you might as well go bankrupt. What face do you give us to see Big Brother?" The fifth questioned.

"You don't really want to go, do you?" The second child couldn't help asking.

He had just endured the whole situation, seeing that Suizi mesmerized him with just a few glances.

If Suizi is not a sister-in-law, but a female publicist hired by the company, this may not be a problem, but if she does such a thing in her identity, if the eldest brother comes back, will she be so angry that she will smoke?

The top of this head is no longer green, it is a green grassland.

As for Yu Jingting's temper, no matter how much money is given to him, he will not suffer this humiliation.

The second child and the fifth child did not believe that this woman who grew up in Jingting's heart would not know the boss' temper.

"Go, why don't you go? Not only me, you guys have to go too." Suizi's last sentence was very low.

Except for the two people close to her, make sure that no third person will hear it.

The two brothers were excited, what did she mean?

"The car said, now, it's time for you to quarrel with me." Suizi glanced outside, indicating that the partition wall has ears.

The second child pushed and pushed the fifth child. The fifth child had a straightforward temper, but his mind turned quickly. Although he didn't know what the sister-in-law was going to do, he raised his voice and shouted immediately.

"What do you mean? Do you feel sorry for Big Brother? We don't need to exchange Big Brother's cuckold for money!"

Outside the door, Frank's subordinates were very satisfied and ran to report the situation to Frank.

Suizi and the two brothers made a scene, let the fifth brother run out first, and made sure that everyone on the other side had left without leaving any eyeliner, so Suizi got into the car with the second brother to meet the fifth.

"Sister-in-law, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?"

"Your elder brother is not dead, he was imprisoned by that bastard frank." Suizi said Wang Zhan the moment he opened his mouth.


"I just tested Frank, and he subconsciously replied that your elder brother will never come back tomorrow. If it wasn't for his fault, he couldn't have reacted like this."

Suizi's beauty trick is not at all to get the final payment, she wants to test Yu Jingting's whereabouts.

The plan was a little smoother than she imagined, and she didn't expect Frank to take a fancy to her, but this variable allowed her to make good use of it, and successfully formulated the answer she wanted.

"Then what should we do now, how can we get him to let the boss go?" the fifth child asked urgently.

"Didn't he give me the key to the hotel? Do me a favor tonight, let's teach this bastard who has forgotten his origin."

"Immortal dance?" The second child raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, this is the true face of the sister-in-law. This kind of temperament, which looks innocent and innocent, is really the type that the boss likes.

"We are highly educated. It's too ugly for the fairy to jump out. I prefer to call it the trial of the goddess of justice, Astria, who uses the light of the socialist righteous way to wash those dirty souls."

"." Do you dare to repeat your long name?

Frank took a shower excitedly, and his considerate staff delivered a small blue pill, he took it early, and waited for the medicine to take effect for a while to relieve him.

"I didn't expect there to be such a top quality among mainland girls. I really—" Frank was gearing up, and almost jumped up when he heard the knock on the door.

His younger brother and bodyguard opened the door, and his eyes lit up when he saw that it was Suizi who had changed into a dress.

No wonder the boss is fascinated, this woman is simply a girl in front of her, she looks like a goddess of war when she wears formal clothes, but with a dress and hair, she has another style.

But such a delicate flower in the world is about to fall into the clutches of the boss. Thinking of this, the bodyguard's eyes were full of sympathy.

"Is there anyone else visiting?" Suizi raised her eyebrows, and glanced at the bodyguard and another person in the room.

She noticed that these two people were inseparable during the negotiation, and they should have been sent by Frank's family to protect him. This guy has done a lot of evil, and the family is probably afraid that he will be thrown into the river in a sack one day.

"Where did they get this blessing? You all go to the next door and wait!" Frank wished he could swallow the beautiful life now.

Suizi raised her long fingers and tapped on the wall lightly, as if pointing: "Is the sound insulation good?"

This sentence almost brought out Frank's nosebleed, and the implication is too obvious. Doesn't it mean that all mainland girls are conservative?

"I don't like places with poor sound insulation, let's go another day." Suizi made a gesture to leave.

Frank rushed over and threw the car keys to the bodyguard.

"Aaron and Ahu, take your brothers out for supper, don't come back before dawn!"

"But Uncle Jiu asked us to protect you every step of the way."

"Don't embarrass the servant, just forget it." Suizi said with the corner of her mouth curled up.

Frank felt disgraced, these damned bastards made him lose face in front of the little beauty, so he flew into a rage.

"How can he be older than me as a housekeeper? Get out of here!"

The boss had already spoken, and these people didn't dare not listen. Seeing that Suizi was alone and a weak woman with a thin waist that seemed to be broken with a pinch, they felt that there was no danger, so they withdrew in desperation.

"Little beauty, here I come~" Frank rushed over.

Suizi reached out to hold him.

"Do you want to play a game?"

"What are you playing?!" Frank swallowed excitedly, she is so good at it!

"How about playing a blindfolded game where I run and you chase, if you can catch up with me, I will let you"

Halfway through the speech, the space left for people's reverie is unlimited. Frank nodded his head, pulled his clothes up to cover his mind, and randomly moved the roc to spread its wings and pounce on the tassel.

"Little beauty, where are you going?"

It is said that the head is covered, but the shadow of the figure can be seen faintly through the light. Frank ran to hug the figure, and his mind was full of the small waist of the tassel.

As soon as I hugged it up, I felt that the waist was a bit too thick, and it still felt bouncy.?

Frank pulled off the clothes on the top of his head, and when he looked up, he saw the disgusted face of the fourth child, and his hands were wrapped around the beer belly of the fourth child, otherwise it would have such a Q-bouncing feel.


"The game is over, is it fun?" Suizi stood up, and there were three people standing behind her, all of them came.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Come on—oh!" Frank realized that he had been cheated, and opened his mouth to call someone, but the fourth child took out a handkerchief from his pocket and blocked his mouth.

The remaining brothers rushed up and tied him up with ropes.

The fifth child was already full of admiration for Sui Zi, and pulled away the chair, Sui Zi sat down like a queen, folded her legs gracefully, and brushed her loose long hair with her hands.

"Tell me, where is my husband?"

Frank shook his head desperately, the second child behind Suizi took out a gun from his pocket and pointed it at Frank's head.


Suizi made a comparison with her chin, and the second child took out the cloth from Frank's mouth.

"He was sent to Leigong Island by us. We really didn't want to kill him because he was a good man!"

Thanks to Shu Yueer for the reward of 10,000 coins, the title and more will be sent

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