I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 829 Take him home

Suizi's heart is far less calm than it appears.

After hearing the exact news from Yu Jingting, the stone hanging in his heart fell down, his hands trembled slightly, and his nose felt sour.

She had to clenched her fists to suppress her excitement.

He didn't dare to speak right away, for fear that what he heard was just a dream.

"How do we know what you said is true?" The second child was also excited, and put a gun to Frank's head.

Frank babbled a lot in a hurry, Hong Kong mixed with English, he was really in a hurry, and he couldn't speak well.

The speed of the speech was so fast that the second class didn't understand what he said.

"He said he could take us to look for it. If we can't find it, we can do whatever we want. Get up immediately." Suizi stood up, she wanted to see Yu Jingting now.

"Let my people come, we have a boat!" Frank is really afraid of these people now, especially Suizi.

Although she didn't do anything during the whole process, the way she looked at him made him feel chills in his bones. Although he was the least talented in the family, he had seen many scenes with his father. It's the eyes of this woman.

Desperate, fearless, unconcerned, and merciless when he strikes.

At this time, Frank was extremely regretful, regretting that he was attracted by her charming performance and did not see her true face clearly.

The best hunters often appear in the form of prey, this is an unforgettable lesson Chen Hansui taught him.

"Your boat? What kind of boat?" Suizi got up, came to Frank, and looked at the man like an ant with disdain, "Broad road, long treasure boat?"

"What is that?" Frank felt scared when he saw Suizi now, and his mind was shadowed.

"Oh, my sister-in-law said she would send you to the southwest."

Lao Wu will be in a good mood now, and he will do some popular science.

"You abcs who grew up overseas, don't you understand this bit of common sense? Send you to the southwest, the wide road and the long treasure ship - the translation is, let you die."

Frank rolled his eyes, fainted from fright, and there was still a puddle of water on the ground.

Suizi didn't even touch him with a single finger, she just frightened people out of her wits. It can be said that her debut was the pinnacle, and her ruthless methods and quick response ability made her a god in one battle.

"Take a picture of his cowardly appearance, wash 100 copies, and send it to country E, not to his father, but directly to his second uncle, understand?" Suizi looked at the counselor on the ground, he shouldn't touch her man.

"Why did you give it to his second uncle?" the third child asked.

"Family business, do you really believe in brothers and sisters? Handling, the power left to an opponent is far greater than that given to his father, and we can always believe in one sentence, the enemy of the enemy is a friend."

Suozi raised the corners of her mouth, and said something chilling in a gentle and harmless voice.

"Your eldest brother is not here, so I'll make some appetizers for him, that's all."

Everyone in Yu Jingting's temper room knew about it.

This matter must not be forgotten after Yu Jingting passed away, and there will definitely be troubles in the future. Suizi Yu Jingting had already predicted his thoughts before he came back, leaving behind several years of foreshadowing, and all of this, she did. It's so smooth and smooth.

"You have already arranged all this?" the second child asked.

"I was on the plane, and I made five plans, which just happened to be used. It's just luck." Suizi said very modestly.

She is not a woman with only tears, she still has brains.

Listening people, no one thinks that she got to where she is now by luck.

This woman's mind is as big as the global economic situation, as small as local prices, as high as Frank's family environment, and as low as the personalities of everyone in Yu Jingting's cronies.

She is the number one adviser.

"Suddenly I envy my eldest brother and sister-in-law. Do you have any sisters? I don't think she has the same brains as you. Half of yours is enough."

"Everyone has their own destiny, and your future will be better than mine." Suizi tugged at the corner of her mouth, looked out of the window, and the moon obscured by the clouds appeared faintly.

"Let's go, pick your elder brother back."

Leigong Island is an undeveloped island near the Special Economic Zone. The aborigines mainly fish. The population on the island is not large, only a few dozen households.

On weekdays, you can only enter the island by boat, and it takes several days for the boat to leave, so it is very inconvenient to get in and out.

There is no boat today, but thanks to Suizi's banknote ability, he still rented a small wooden boat.

This small wooden boat is used by local fishermen for offshore fishing, and its speed is also very slow.

"Can't you hurry up? At this speed, when will we be able to drive to the island?" the anxious fifth urged.

"Be content. This is already the best boat we can rent. In the early years, we were sailing boats, relying on the wind to go out to sea. Now it's good to have horsepower and not need you to row." The second child is also anxious.

It has been several days since Yu Jingting disappeared.

Everyone wanted to see him soon.

According to what Frank said, their people took Yu Jingting to Leigong Island for the purpose of dragging him for a few days.

In addition to the economic problems analyzed by Suizi, there is another reason for everyone's anger.

"This bastard turned out to be jealous, it's really not a fun thing." The fifth kicked Frank who was tied up.

They took Frank with them, and if they couldn't find Yu Jingting, they would push him down to feed the sharks—this is Suizi's original words.

Frank's family business is very big, the business he is doing now is just a drop in the bucket for them, if it is just because they want to make some profits, there is absolutely no need to calculate Yu Jingting like this.

It was Frank, a dude who, seeing the tall and handsome Yu Jingting, had evil thoughts in his heart for no reason.

Obviously Yu Jingting didn't provoke him, he just saw that Yu Jingting was uncomfortable, so he wanted to mess with him.

This is like walking on the road and there is a beautiful flower blooming on the side of the road. If you look at it, you have to pick it off, even if you don’t need the vase at home.

It's just plain cheap, that's all.

Because of his height, frank has repeatedly hit the wall in overseas circles, and his own family members also look down on his behavior of being a gangster who engages in relationships with men and women everywhere, and they all exclude him.

This caused his psychological distortion. After coming to the mainland, he always felt that he was a "superior person". When he saw a perfect mainland man like Yu Jingting, he wanted to make fun of him.

Which one kicked the iron plate this time, which alarmed Suizi to go out in person. Many years later, Frank recalled his death behavior when he was young, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

If he had been able to predict and know that Yu Jingting and his wife were such ruthless characters back then, he would definitely not have provoked them and caused endless troubles for the rest of his life.

At this time, Suizi can't wait to grow a pair of wings and fly to the island quickly.

But the house leak happened to be raining all night, and the more anxious the more mistakes were made. Halfway to Leigong Island, the boat suddenly clicked and made a loud noise.

"Damn it! Motor burnt?"

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