I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 834 You might as well not explain

The matter was settled satisfactorily, and it is said that Suizi and his wife can return to Beijing.

Suizi rarely comes here, Yu Jingting wants to take her around here.

As the first batch of open pilot economic cities, after several years of development, we can already see the prototype of a modern scale. Of course, this is Suizi's perspective.

From the perspective of Jingting, this is a very prosperous city.

Not only does it have a large playground covering an area of ​​60,000 square meters, but it also has a sea world cruise ship that is said to have a leader mentioning it. These are good things he has never seen before, and he wants to share them with Suizi immediately.

The couple took a few days to concentrate on playing. Suizi missed the children at home, so she called back and asked, and confirmed that the two children were well under the care of the elders of her husband's family and did not miss her parents.

After everything was settled, Suizi dared to tell fourth master this near-miss incident on the phone.

The fourth master was also secretly surprised when he heard the words. He guessed that something was wrong with his son, but he didn't expect it to be such an urgent situation. He was very satisfied with Suizi's way of handling the crisis, so he simply waved his hand and asked Suizi to use the money he gave him before. Had a good few days there.

The tens of thousands of dollars given by the fourth master were considered as the couple's play expenses.

During the day, the two played roller coasters and rides on the Ferris wheel in the playground.

Suizi has been busy working to make money in her previous life, and has never played these rides, and neither has Yu Jingting, so she is very new to everything.

The courageous Yu Jingting grabbed the tassels and experienced all the fun things he thought.

At the end of the day, Suizi's legs were weak, and her voice was too hoarse to speak.

In the evening, the second child treats guests and chooses a seafood stall. Yu Jingting arrives late with tassels in his arms.

"I'm going, brother, how did you torture your sister-in-law?"

When the brothers saw Suizi's pitiful appearance, they accidentally lost their minds.

Yu Jingting asked the proprietress to serve ice soda, put the tassels in the habit, watched her suck like a kitten, and raised her eyebrows nonchalantly.

"This little girl has too little physical strength."

He only played more than half of the playground items, and she stopped playing them desperately.

In the end, he even hugged the pillar and hung on it like a koala, with tears in his big eyes, looking at him pitifully.

It was given to Yu Jingtingmeng, and the public became distorted, and almost made the whole bathroom stuffed with soy sauce.

"Don't talk nonsense." Seeing the infinite meaning in the eyes of the brothers, Suizi pushed Yu Jingting with a blushing face. His words would be misleading.

It was fine if she didn't speak, but when she spoke, her hoarse voice made everyone collectively say "oh" in understanding.

Suizi jumped into the river and couldn't wash it off, so he could only pinch Yu Jingting's back with his small hand, this bad guy, please explain quickly~

Yu Jingting put his arms around Suizi's shoulders, and explained according to his wife's request: "Don't think about it, it's not the tiredness you think, it's an evening project, I specially picked a room with a mattress that is said to be imported from abroad , the sound insulation is better—”

"!!!" Suizi wanted to dig a hole, she wanted to bury herself!

This is called an explanation? ! He might as well have said nothing.

Everyone laughed.

As expected of the boss, Niu.

While talking, the proprietress began to serve the dishes.

Local specialty seafood, so there are many seafood that cannot be seen in the north.

Originally, the second child wanted to invite the eldest couple to a hotel for a big meal, but it was Suizi who asked to switch to a roadside stall. He took the fresh fish and shrimp purchased from the market and let the stall owner process it, so it would be more casual to eat.

Facts have proved that Suizi's decision is correct. The seafood in this restaurant is very delicious, especially the seafood porridge. Suizi drank two bowls in a row.

Yu Jingting kept adding vegetables to the tassels. During the days of separation, his wife had lost so much weight that it made him feel distressed.

"This coconut chicken is very interesting, try it."

"En." Suizi rolled his eyes at Jingting, held the bowl in a gentle manner, and ate in small bites.

Going out to play today, Suizi is dressed very young, wearing a goose yellow suspender skirt and two braids, she looks like 1788, and she doesn't speak too loudly, sitting quietly beside Yu Jingting.

The brother chatted a few times, and she listened quietly, occasionally interjecting a word or two, and spent more time eating quietly, peeling shrimp and picking fish bones for Yu Jingting when he was full.

Anyone who looked at her looked like an obedient and virtuous little daughter-in-law.

It's just that these brothers have all seen the sister-in-law's ruthless appearance, and no one regards her as a gentle and harmless little white rabbit.

"Sister-in-law, how did you do it?" The third child couldn't help asking.

He will never forget the scene of Suizi coming out of the airport in a suit and high heels, and communicating sharply with him along the way. Looking at the gentle little girl in front of him, it is hard to believe that this is the same person.

"What?" Suizi handed the selected fish to Yu Jingting, looked up and smiled at the third child.

"We even think that the eldest brother married a pair of twins, and the contrast between you and the front is too big."

"Nonsense." Yu Jingting slapped the third child on the back of the head, "I'm not interested in the three of them—hey, why are you pinching me, daughter-in-law?"

He was quite wronged.

Suizi's cheeks were hot, and she pretended not to hear the laughter of the crowd, and raised the wine glass to his mouth, even if you drink, you won't be able to block your mouth!

"Government is benevolent in prosperous times, and heavy codes are used in troubled times. I can only say that with your elder brother and brothers like you who sacrificed their lives to accompany me, I am useless."

Suizi answered with a very high EQ, and she didn't forget to remove someone's dishonest paw under the table. This guy really let himself go, a walking geoduck!

As soon as he got out of danger, he started to be dishonest, and his mind was full of pretense!

Suizi and his wife sat with their backs to him, they didn't see a car parked by the side of the road, and the man sitting in the car looked at Suizi and his wife absentmindedly.

"Director Que, our most famous food stall is in front of you. Didn't you say that you really want to try the local specialties?"

Que Wuyu turned a deaf ear to it, and kept her eyes on the front.

Suizi and his wife's hand movements can't be seen by others, but he can see them.

Yu Jingting's hands are very big, especially against the thin legs of the tassels. Those hands, which in his opinion are the root of all evil, disappeared under the hem of her skirt.

It's not hard to imagine what that bastard was doing.

Que Wuyu felt a little lack of oxygen in the brain, a little pain in the head, and difficulty in breathing.

Suizi always felt that someone was watching her from behind, so she turned her head to look over.

Que Wuyu saw that she was facing the sky without makeup, she was youthful and attractive, with a thin blush on her face, thinking of her crying on the plane, her heart seemed to be stabbed hard by an invisible awl.

Seeing her crying so sadly on the plane, he really wanted her to smile.

But now she smiled, but his heart hurt even more.

Because of this laugh, not for him.

"Director Que?" The subordinate asked again without waiting for his reply.

"Suddenly lost my appetite, go back to the hotel."

There will be one more later. Today I suffered from heatstroke again, and it was Huoxiang Zhengqi who saved me. In this hot and humid day without the sun, the air is so humid and sticky that people hate it. Ah~~~~ Who said that seaside cities are warm in winter and summer in summer? cold? Let’s not talk about whether it’s cold or not, it’s just the damp feeling in the air, which makes people uncomfortable.

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