I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 835 What a fart

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, no one will hear you if you shout out your throat tonight."


Suizi stood in front of the room speechless, looking at Yu Jingting who was a little shaky when he walked.

You've already drank like this, and you're still thinking about that?

Yu Jingting was really happy today, and had a few drinks with his brothers.

The main reason is that the brothers are envious and jealous of Jing Ting's good daughter-in-law, and they are determined to get him drunk.

Yu Jingting, who was supposed to be strong in his life, drank with each other one by one, and both sides were hurt after drinking.

Walking almost in a circle, the tongue is a big circle, that's it, still holding tassels, mouth full of running the train.

Suizi rolled her eyes and took the key from him.

The door has been open for almost five minutes, and it still hasn't opened.

It takes so much effort to open a lock, and I'm still full of "ambition"!

Of course, you can never talk back to a man who drinks too much and brags, so Suizi supported him with one hand, and agreed with him.

"Yes, yes, you are right!"

I really can't let this guy drink so much in the future, Suizi thought to himself, supporting him with one hand while opening the door with difficulty with the other.

This hotel was carefully selected by Yu Jingting, Suizi originally wanted to live in his unit's dormitory.

But Yu Jingting had a serious face and said that the dormitory was made of iron beds, which was not suitable for her to live in.

Suizi thought he loved her dearly, and was afraid of back pain when sleeping on the iron frame bed.

As a result, the guy's three sentences revealed his true nature, saying that the iron canopy bed did not explain, and the two of them fell apart after shaking a few times.

So I carefully selected and found a relatively large hotel in the local area.

"This sound insulation is great, daughter-in-law, praise me!" Yu Jingting immediately shook off the tassel as soon as he entered the room.

That's because the legs don't draw circles anymore, and the eyes also glow green, piercing with energy.

Suizi's heart is broken, did this guy drink too much?

I saw the man in front of me smiling maliciously with his hands on his hips.

"I observed, there are many foreigners in this place."


"So, the sound insulation must be very good! You man, I have traveled all over the years, and I have seen and seen it!" Yu Jingting said proudly.

Suizi felt powerless, man, hehe!

In order to prove his conclusion, Yu Jingting yelled with his hands on his hips: "Is there anyone next door?"


It was quiet, Yu Jingting was extremely satisfied, look, what did he say, the place he chose must be reliable!

"Let's go daughter-in-law, in order to celebrate the sound insulation of this room is so good, let's take a bath~"

Across the wall, Que Wuyu, who came out with instant noodles, looked puzzled.

Just now, did he hear some strange sound?

It seems like someone is yelling is there anyone?

I listened again with my ears pricked up, but there was no movement.

Que Wuyu shook his head.

Maybe he heard it wrong, after he saw Yu Jingting and his wife from the food stall, he felt a little dazed and absent-minded.

Lost the mood of tasting local delicacies, I went back to the hotel to eat instant noodles alone.

All misfortunes probably started with the phrase "Is there anyone next door?"

As soon as Que Wuyu finished soaking the noodles, he heard a strange sound from next door.

One sound after another.

Que Wuyu's face turned red and then turned pale, and he raised his hand to knock on the wall to remind the neighbors to pay attention.

"Yu Tiegen! You bastard!"

This sound made Que Wuyu's hand stop in the air, and his nails instantly dug into his flesh.

is her? !

"I can't take it lightly! I want to die!"

Yu Jingting's weak voice came through the wall, and Que Wuyu felt several thunderbolts struck down from the top of his head at the same time, making him burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

How bad is he? !

When eating, I just didn't want to see them getting bored together, so I hid in the hotel and ate instant noodles.

In the end, he lived next door to these two people!

Let him listen to the live broadcast!

Que Wuyu was trembling with anger, but the man next door who drank too much and tried his best to play drunk was still talking uncontrollably.

That sentence simply opened the door to Que Wuyu's new world.

Speaking of Yu Jingting, he looks like a dog on weekdays, and it is said that he is still a top student who graduated from Tsinghua University——but, after closing the door, that guy is full of obscenities, and his small mouth looks like he has wiped Kaiser .

It was even harder for Que Wuyu to imagine that a woman as gentle and quiet as Suizi could bear such a vulgar man?

The occasionally suppressed voice next door told him cruelly that she not only accepted it, but seemed to like it very much.

Que Wuyu was so angry that he stopped eating the instant noodles and buried his head in the pillow, trying to silence himself with the pillow.

"Don't worry, the sound insulation is very good, you can't hear anything~" Yu Jingting's flat voice came again, Que Wuyu couldn't bear it anymore, sat up and sank into his dantian.

He shouted loudly at a volume he had never experienced in his life:

“The sound insulation is so fart!!!”

After this voice shouted, the world was silent.

(100 words omitted here)

Suizi was so ashamed and indignant that she waved her fist and smashed it hard at Jingting.

Good sound insulation!

No one listened!

Shout hard!

! ! !

It didn't hurt for Yu Jingting to be beaten down by his wife's fists and legs, but he was very angry.

Because of that ignorant guy next door, causing him to perform abnormally, this can't be tolerated.

Standing up and facing the wall, he was about to kick, and the tassel that was about to smoke covered his mouth, but calm down, she really can't afford to be ashamed!

The only fortunate thing is that this is a foreign place, or a hotel, and no one recognizes her after going out, so she is not so ashamed that Jia Suizi decides that she will get up and check out before dawn tomorrow!

Taking advantage of no one, covered his face with a silk scarf, and ran out at a trot!

She must forget this dark history!

Yu Jingting was stopped by his wife, but he failed to scold him.

But sitting on the bed and looking at his watch, he felt that he was more than half awake from the wine.

"It's only half an hour too embarrassing, no, daughter-in-law, let's do it again! I must let the next door see my true strength!"

Suizi's eyes widened, she couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked him hard, but she should show some face and be more considerate!

Is this the time to show your desire to win?

Although Yu Jingting was very dissatisfied, his wife didn't cooperate and even threatened to kick him out, so he could only curse and silence, and went to take a bath again with his wife in his arms.

This side fell asleep happily, but Que Wuyu next door suffered from insomnia.

When he closed his eyes, Suizi's smile and frown filled his mind.

And the voice I just heard.

The image of the two of them embracing each other couldn't help appearing in her mind, if it wasn't Yu Jingting who accompanied her just now, but him—

Que Wuyu was shocked, what was he thinking? !

But her mind seemed to be under a spell, repeating a sentence over and over again, if he was with her

Suizi woke up early, but Yu Jingting was still asleep. He drank a little too much wine, so he slept deeper than usual.

Suizi wanted to check the time with the watch, but as soon as she sat up, she felt something was wrong.

There is a strange smell in the nose, and the eyes seem to be covered by something, and they can't see clearly.

Suizi subconsciously wanted to pull the desk lamp, but just as she pulled the cord of the desk lamp, she heard a loud noise.

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